the newest version of this theme is 2.7.12
but in the page , it’s still 2.0.7 published 3 years ago.
]]>I am currently attempting to upgrade my site to this theme and I like the results so far minus something that is driving me nuts. I don’t like the way this theme automatically indents paragraphs and for some reason anytime you have a ‘ in your sentence it adds a space after it so a conjunction ends up looking like that’ s instead of that’s. Any ideas how to fix these two issues? Any help would be appreciated.
]]>Hi! Your theme is currently carrying the ‘accessibility-ready’ tag. However, it missed the accessibility review that is required to accompany that tag.
Speaking as a member of the WordPress accessibility P2 group, it would be greatly appreciated if you would submit a new version of your theme for the purposes of going through that review process, or a new version without the accessibility-ready tag.
We’re happy to help you meet the requirements for the accessibility-ready tag, but it’s very important to us as a group that any theme with this tag has been tested and meets these new standards.
This is a new requirement in the Theme Review guidelines, so it’s been occasionally missed in theme update reviews, but we’re trying to follow up and make sure that we’ve caught all of the themes that it effects while we can keep track of them!