AAAJILI Casino,Online casino games for money real money.Recharge Every day and Get Bonus up-to 50%! Sat, 23 Nov 2024 11:05:24 +0000 en-US <![CDATA[Custom CSS Problem]]> Mon, 25 Jul 2022 21:02:23 +0000 christoph1971 Replies: 0

When I try to center or justify the caption, the information for the figcaption area is ignored. Does anyone have the same problem and an idea how I can solve this.
Thank you very much for your support.


]]> <![CDATA[Ist eine Weiterentwicklung von Leeway geplant?]]> Tue, 15 Mar 2022 13:14:39 +0000 dobby14 Replies: 3

Lieber Thomas Weichselbaumer,
ich hatte bereits vor einem Jahr gefragt, aber leider keine Antwort erhalten, ob es in absehbarer Zeit eine Weiterentwicklung des Leeway-Themes geben wird. Oder soll das Theme doch nicht Ende des Jahres aufgegeben werden? Es wird ja immer noch zum Download angeboten. Ich pers?nlich f?nde es gut, weiter mit dem Theme arbeiten zu k?nnen.
Viele Grü?e
Helmut Schütz

]]> <![CDATA[Alternativ-Theme für Leeway]]> Sat, 16 Jan 2021 09:16:07 +0000 dobby14 Replies: 0

Lieber Thomas,
schade, dass Leeway genau zu meinem 70. Geburtstag nicht mehr weiter unterstützt wird. Aber OK, man kann ja auch mal wieder neue Wege gehen. Allerdings würde ich nicht so gerne meine recht statische Seite mit fast 2000 Beitr?gen komplett neu gestalten wollen.

An Leeway finde ich besonders gut, dass oben an der Seite zwei gro?e Menü-Bl?cke integriert sind.

Nun meine Fragen:

1. Du erw?gst, neue Themes zu entwickeln, die den bisherigen ?hnlich sind. Wann k?nnte ein Leeway-?hnliches Theme verfügbar sein? Lohnt es sich also, mit dem Umstieg zu warten?

2. Welche neuen Themes gibt es bereits jetzt, bei denen ein Umstieg ohne viel Aufwand m?glich ist und die zum Beispiel auch zwei Menü-Zeilen oben vorgesehen haben?

Viele Grü?e

]]> <![CDATA[Change of Sort on startsite]]> Mon, 11 Jan 2021 08:54:49 +0000 markuswedl Replies: 0

Hello together,
hope you can help me. Have downloaded the Theme Leeway free Version and its great.

My Question is: you see “Unsere Produktkategorien”

There i want to change the sort, that it is sorted by “a-z” – not its just the latest entry.

Where can i change that ?

Thanks and kind regards Markus

]]> <![CDATA[<span id="1gwpiim" class="resolved" aria-label="Resolved" title="Topic is resolved."></span>?nderung der Aufforderung, einen Kommentar einzugeben]]> Sat, 17 Oct 2020 15:37:11 +0000 dobby14 Replies: 2

Hallo Leeway-Experten,

ich würde gerne die Aufforderung, einen Kommentar einzugeben, etwas ab?ndern, und zwar entweder die Worte “Schreibe einen Kommentar” durch die Klammer “(und genehmige damit seine Ver?ffentlichung)” erg?nzen oder in der Zeile darunter vor den Satz
“Deine E-Mail-Adresse wird nicht ver?ffentlicht. Erforderliche Felder sind mit * markiert.” den Satz vorschalten: “Mit dem Absenden des Kommentars stimmst du seiner Ver?ffentlichung zu (siehe Datenschutzerkl?rung).”

Irgendwo las ich, dass man dazu einfach den entsprechenden Eintrag in der Datei “de_DE.po” im Ordner wp-content/languages ?ndern muss. Das habe ich versucht, führt aber nicht zum Erfolg.

Was kann ich stattdessen tun?

Liebe Grü?e

]]> <![CDATA[Erstellen eines Subtitels]]> Fri, 25 Sep 2020 19:26:47 +0000 orakel70 Replies: 1

Hallo liebe Freunde und Fans dieses tollen Themes!

Ich würde gerne einen Subtitel anstatt eines Textauszuges vom Artikel auf der Startseite anzeigen lassen.

Hier ein Bild dazu was ich meine:

Das linke Bild zeigt das Artikelbild plus die definierte Anzahl an Worten aus dem Artikel.
Das rechte Bild zeigt meinen Wunsch wie es aussehen sollte.
Der Titel, ein Subtitel und sonst nichts.

Ist das irgendwie realisierbar? Wenn ja, kann mir jemand einen Tipp dazu geben?
Falls es um CSS geht bin ich leider noch ein ziemlicher Noob und würde mich auch dahingehend sehr um eure Unterstützung freuen.

Ganz liebe Grü?e

]]> <![CDATA[<span id="1gwpiim" class="resolved" aria-label="Resolved" title="Topic is resolved."></span>Bildgr??e]]> Fri, 04 Sep 2020 07:29:13 +0000 orakel70 Replies: 6

Hallo Freunde

Vielleicht haben einige von euch auch dieses kleine Problem. Meine Bilder werden in den verschiedenen Widgets horizontal abgeschnitten. Meine Beitragsbilder enthalten auf dem Bild selbst noch einen Text darunter (wie eine Newsline).
In der Artikelansicht selbst, wird das Bild aber horizontal abgeschnitten, so dass beim Text auf dem Bild der erste Buchstabe fehlt.
K?nnt ihr mir sagen, welche Bildgr??e optimal w?re um es auf allen Widgets und im Artikel ann?hernd vollst?ndig anzuzeigen?
Die korrekte Darstellung w?re für mich sehr wichtig, bevor ich auf Pro umsteige.
Was ich genau meine, sieht man auf meiner Webseite.

LG Orakel

]]> <![CDATA[Harte Kursiv-Formatierung in nicht-kursivem Zitat]]> Thu, 05 Mar 2020 17:03:15 +0000 dobby14 Replies: 2

Lieber Thomas,
vor einiger Zeit hast du mir mal geholfen, die Zitatformatierung im Theme Leeway nach einem Update wieder in Normalschrift (statt kursiv) darzustellen, wie es zuvor gewesen war:
Nun habe ich aber das Problem, dass ich innerhalb von Zitaten überhaupt keine einzelnen W?rter mehr (sozusagen “hart”) kursiv formatieren kann (also die Eingabe von “em” vor und “/em” nach einem Wort (jeweils in brackets) ergibt keine Reaktion, w?hrend das im normalen Flie?text klappt.
Gibt es eine M?glichkeit, dieses Problem zu l?sen?
Herzliche Grü?e

  • This topic was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by dobby14.
  • This topic was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by dobby14.
  • This topic was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by dobby14.
]]> <![CDATA[<span id="1gwpiim" class="resolved" aria-label="Resolved" title="Topic is resolved."></span>Angabe der Bildquelle für Beitragstitel]]> Thu, 07 Nov 2019 11:05:01 +0000 dobby14 Replies: 4

Im Zusammenhang mit der DSGVO frage ich mich, ob nicht auch unter Beitragsbildern die Bildquelle angegeben sein muss. Thomas Weichselbaumer hat vor zwei Jahren einmal das Plugin “Featured Image Caption” für diesen Zweck empfohlen, aber das ist inzwischen wohl nicht für die neuesten WordPress-Versionen weiterentwickelt worden. Ich frage mich vor allem, ob es eine m?glichst einfache M?glichkeit gibt, die Angabe der Bildquelle auch für schon hochgeladene und mit einem Beitrag verknüpfte Beitragsbilder einzufügen.
Für Ideen und Vorschl?ge ist dankbar

]]> <![CDATA[<span id="1gwpiim" class="resolved" aria-label="Resolved" title="Topic is resolved."></span>No Pages with category in Frontpage Widegts]]> Sun, 18 Aug 2019 22:32:38 +0000 Thomas Kujawa Replies: 3

Although we currently have 23 pages in the “Tours” category, they are not displayed in the widget on the home page.

With posts this works without problems.

]]> <![CDATA[<span id="1gwpiim" class="resolved" aria-label="Resolved" title="Topic is resolved."></span>Number of posts on Front Page]]> Mon, 27 May 2019 18:57:14 +0000 blctech Replies: 1

Hi. The Front Page of the site shows every post. We only need or want to show one post. I set the parameter in WP options to display only one post. Leeway theme seems to be overriding that parameter and I see no option in the theme to set the number of posts on the Front (blog) page. Am I missing something


]]> <![CDATA[Using custom fonts via CSS]]> Sat, 12 Jan 2019 07:14:03 +0000 pbwpwork Replies: 0


I can change the colour of a title fine but having difficultly changing the font face so it can use all the different type of fonts (i.e .eot, .svg, .tff, .woff and .woff2).

All my font files are saved on the web server:


and so I have put the following in the file in the style.css: (\httpdocs\wp-content\themes\leeway\style.css)

#logo .site-title {
	font-family: 'fofbb', Tahoma, Verdana, Arial;
       src: url('../httpdocs/wp-content/themes/leeway/css/fofbb/fofbb_reg-webfont.eot') format("embedded-opentype"), 
         url('../httpdocs/wp-content/themes/leeway/css/fofbb/fofbb_reg-webfont.woff') format("woff"), 
         url('../httpdocs/wp-content/themes/leeway/css/fofbb/fofbb_reg-webfont.ttf') format("truetype"), 
         url('../httpdocs/wp-content/themes/leeway/css/fofbb/fofbb_reg-webfont.svg') format("svg");
	display: inline-block;
	padding: 0.15em 0;
	font-size: 2.7em;
	color: #92f442;

#logo .site-title a:link,
#logo .site-title a:visited {
	font-family: 'fofbb', Tahoma, Verdana, Arial;
       src: url('../httpdocs/wp-content/themes/leeway/css/fofbb/fofbb_reg-webfont.eot') format("embedded-opentype"), 
         url('../httpdocs/wp-content/themes/leeway/css/fofbb/fofbb_reg-webfont.woff') format("woff"), 
         url('../httpdocs/wp-content/themes/leeway/css/fofbb/fofbb_reg-webfont.ttf') format("truetype"), 
         url('../httpdocs/wp-content/themes/leeway/css/fofbb/fofbb_reg-webfont.svg') format("svg");
	display: inline-block;
	padding: 0.15em 0;
	color: #92f442;
#logo .site-title a:hover,
#logo .site-title a:active {
	font-family: 'fofbb', Tahoma, Verdana, Arial;
       src: url('../httpdocs/wp-content/themes/leeway/css/fofbb/fofbb_reg-webfont.eot') format("embedded-opentype"), 
         url('../httpdocs/wp-content/themes/leeway/css/fofbb/fofbb_reg-webfont.woff') format("woff"), 
         url('../httpdocs/wp-content/themes/leeway/css/fofbb/fofbb_reg-webfont.ttf') format("truetype"), 
         url('../httpdocs/wp-content/themes/leeway/css/fofbb/fofbb_reg-webfont.svg') format("svg");
	display: inline-block;
	padding: 0.15em 0;
	color: #92f442;
	text-decoration: none;

I know that I am definitely changing the correct element as when I change it’s colour that changes OK.

Can anyone let me know what is wrong with my code and why my new font not showing?



  • This topic was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by pbwpwork.
]]> <![CDATA[Problem with link text in footer]]> Wed, 05 Dec 2018 14:55:43 +0000 pbwpwork Replies: 0


If you have a look on my footer (same on each page) I am a string of text on the far left as well as far right:

Website by PB IT Solutions – Left
Powered by WordPress and Leeway. – Right

The one on the right I typed in using an option in the dashboard. However, because the option for the left text in the dashboard made a link out of the whole line (instead of just ‘PB IT Solutions’ I actually hand coded this line within footer.php:

<nav id="footernav" class="clearfix" role="navigation">
	Website by <a class="pblink" href="">PB IT 
<?php	// Get Navigation out of Theme Options

And I styled it within my edit-syle.css:

a.pblink:link {
	text-decoration-line: underline !important;
a.pblink:hover {
    text-decoration-line: none !important;
a.pblink:active {
    text-decoration-line: underline !important;

The problem I have is that I can’t get the “PB IT Solutions” link to behave in the same way as the right hand link. As you can see above I have styled the link using the CSS style “PB Link” which should make the link underline (apart from on hover where it is not underlined) this is to match the text on the left.

I am using the – !important – statement, so I don’t understand why this line of code is been ignored? More confusingly, I have use the same CSS styling, in the page content area, of the same page and it works!!!

Has it got something to with it been in the footer?

  • This topic was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by pbwpwork.
  • This topic was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by pbwpwork.
]]> <![CDATA[Error causing code not to render on Ipads]]> Wed, 28 Nov 2018 08:31:56 +0000 pbwpwork Replies: 1


There is a problem when looking at the table (of pies) on the page mentioned, but only when looking using a normal ipad in landscape mode. I have created this table using TablePress (I have already put this question direct to the plugin’s (Tablepress) author and he does not know the answer. I think it may lie in the CSS rather than the plugin)

As you can see if you look at the page on a normal ipad in landscape mode the whole table appears to be pushed to the right, this is obvious when looking at the right-hand side on the blue bar (Beef & Onion). Could you let me know what is causing this?

If useful the CSS code that I am using is:

@media (max-width: 768px) {

	.tablepress-id-2 th {

	.tablepress-id-2 .row-1 .column-2 {
		vertical-align: middle;
		text-align: center;

	.tablepress-id-2 td {
		font-size: 10px;
		line-height: 13px;

	.tablepress-id-2 img {
		min-width: 50px;
		max-width: 100%;
		vertical-align: middle;


@media only screen and (min-device-width: 768px) and (max-device-width: 1024px) and (orientation: landscape) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1) {

	table.tablepress-id-2 {
		width: 400px;
		margin: 0 auto 1em;

	.tablepress-id-2 .row-1 .column-1 {
		background-color: #33FFB2;

.tablepress-id-2 .row-1 .column-2 {
	vertical-align: middle;
	text-align: center;

.tablepress-id-2 .row-1 .column-1 {
	background-color: #05affd;

.tablepress-id-2 .row-3 .column-2 {
	background-color: #05affd;

Has anybody else found this? It there a coding solution?

The problem can be seen here Ipad issue


  • This topic was modified 5 years, 12 months ago by pbwpwork.
  • This topic was modified 5 years, 12 months ago by pbwpwork.
]]> <![CDATA[<span id="1gwpiim" class="resolved" aria-label="Resolved" title="Topic is resolved."></span>Updating footer text]]> Tue, 27 Nov 2018 08:49:03 +0000 pbwpwork Replies: 5


I’m having difficultly adding copyright details to my footer. At the moment it says:

Powered by WordPress and Leeway.

I would like to add my company details and change it to:

Website designed by xzy Company Inc. Powered by WordPress and Leeway.

Please can you let me know how this can be done?



]]> <![CDATA[Vertically centring my title]]> Sun, 25 Nov 2018 04:43:26 +0000 pbwpwork Replies: 0


I’m trying to vertically centre my title in the header. However I don’t want to use float because it will throw my view out for phones. It is possible to position ‘Barnyz Pimp My Pie’ in the vertical centre using CSS for the desktop and Ipad, within ruining the look on phones?

Many Thanks,


]]> <![CDATA[<span id="1gwpiim" class="resolved" aria-label="Resolved" title="Topic is resolved."></span>Error in Child theme causing WordPress to crash]]> Wed, 21 Nov 2018 17:44:23 +0000 pbwpwork Replies: 1


I am using a child theme of Leeway. I appear to have made a mistake when doing some tweaks to my theme this has cause my whole website (including the admin side) to crash.

I have just had an idea, and I just wanted to run it by (people who know more than me) to see if it may work?

I can still access the site through an FTP client (FileZilla). Using FTP if I rename the child-theme folder (for Leeway), this means that WordPress will not be able to find and use the folder. So therefore the error that is causing the system to crash will not be read so the Admin side of WordPress should work. Then all I have to do is to go into admin – activate a different theme, go back into FileZilla change the child-theme name back to the original name. By doing this it will show back up again in WordPress (but not longer be activate), then I can delete it. I can then create a fresh child theme and get it right this time!!!!

I have come up with this as this is exactly the same method I used when I was have issues with a plugin (but in that case I changed the name of the plugin folder rather than the theme).

Any thoughts would be appreciated,


]]> <![CDATA[<span id="1gwpiim" class="resolved" aria-label="Resolved" title="Topic is resolved."></span>Height of the header]]> Tue, 20 Nov 2018 10:21:30 +0000 pbwpwork Replies: 2


Just done some customisation to the theme. It looks OK, but the header needs to be thinner. Is anyone about to tell me how to reduce the height of the header?

Many Thanks,


]]> <![CDATA[<span id="1gwpiim" class="resolved" aria-label="Resolved" title="Topic is resolved."></span>Schriftver?nderung nach letztem Theme-Update]]> Mon, 12 Nov 2018 15:19:15 +0000 dobby14 Replies: 2

Hallo Thomas,
nach dem letzten Update des Themes Leeway hat sich automatisch bei allen “blockquotes” die Schrift ver?ndert. Sie ist gr??er und kursiv geworden, hellgrau statt schwarz.

Besonders Letzteres ist für mich unangenehm, da ich in vielen meiner Zitatfelder einzelne Bereiche in schwarz – blau – rot voneinander absetze, aber jetzt sind zwar die blau und rot markierten W?rter nach wie vor blau und rot, aber die bisher in fett-schwarz hervorgehobenen Bereiche bleiben hellgrau verblasst. Das ist bei allen meinen übersichts-Seiten für Gottesdienstthemen der Fall, z. B. hier:

Ist es m?glich, das wieder auf den vorherigen Stand zu bringen? Bisher war die Zitatschrift ganz einfach wie jede andere Schrift, das war für mich optimal.

Oder kann ich es durch Befehle in meinem Leeway-Child-Theme ?ndern? Wenn ja, wo finde ich diese Befehle?

Viele Grü?e
Helmut Schütz

]]> <![CDATA[Tags on the front page]]> Wed, 18 Oct 2017 10:36:02 +0000 ankekvb Replies: 0

I would like to know if there is a possiblity to add tags beneath the photos in the 3 grid of the front page?
At the moment you see 3 articles in one line, beneath each photo the title and the date and the author. We would like to add beneath the date and the author also some tags (which we add to each article anyway beacuse they form the word cloud) so that the reader knows what the text is about.
How could we do that?
Thank you very much for your help!
Best regards

]]> <![CDATA[<span id="1gwpiim" class="resolved" aria-label="Resolved" title="Topic is resolved."></span>Changing red color]]> Fri, 14 Jul 2017 16:15:20 +0000 nancedelia Replies: 1

Hello folks. I’m updating a customer’s site. I had built the site with Leeway. They would like to change the red of headings to a light blue or light green color. The site is Any guidance will be appreciated.

]]> <![CDATA[Change “read more” message]]> Wed, 17 May 2017 07:55:51 +0000 maribechepeche Replies: 5


I’m new here so excuse me in advance if I’m doing it wrong.

I’d like to change the message on the “read more” button. Does anyone know how to do it? I’ve been struggling with it for a longtime…

Thank you!

]]> <![CDATA[<span id="1gwpiim" class="resolved" aria-label="Resolved" title="Topic is resolved."></span>Leeway Pro Theme updates]]> Sat, 06 May 2017 15:47:05 +0000 jaimewilliams2013 Replies: 1


I am contracted to refactor the The Friends of Coeur d’Alene Park site and the parent theme Leeway Pro is not updating. The site is stuck on version 1.0.8

Current Leeway-pro presentation

My problem is the previous site administrator did not document the Themezee login information. Is there anyway I can use the key they purchased to authenticate or recover access to the clients account?

Your time, efforts and attention to this matter will be appreciated.

Jaime Williams

  • This topic was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by jaimewilliams2013. Reason: grammatical error
  • This topic was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by jaimewilliams2013. Reason: grammatical error
]]> <![CDATA[<span id="1gwpiim" class="resolved" aria-label="Resolved" title="Topic is resolved."></span>PRO Version of Leeway]]> Sat, 22 Apr 2017 18:52:19 +0000 CEOBABA Replies: 2

Where do I download the Leeway Pro plugin? I have searched it on website but cannot find it.

]]> <![CDATA[<span id="1gwpiim" class="resolved" aria-label="Resolved" title="Topic is resolved."></span>On blog page showing both magazine and blog post view]]> Sat, 25 Feb 2017 14:02:34 +0000 Vipasha Replies: 3

Hello! Leeway Team,

I previously also post about this problem, but your person without solving my problem mark that post resolved and also no one is now replying there to solve my problem. So, I am again posting my problem in fresh post. Following is the URL of my previous post about same problem:

Again, on my website blog post page I am facing pa problem of viewing both magazine and blog post view. You can see it on this link

Your team person saying change your page Template, but these is no option in blog post page to do it and all this happen after theme last update.

Please help me, I love your theme and do not want to change it.

Thanks in advance!!!


]]> <![CDATA[<span id="1gwpiim" class="resolved" aria-label="Resolved" title="Topic is resolved."></span>Ob blog page also view magazine view and blog post view]]> Mon, 13 Feb 2017 12:56:25 +0000 Vipasha Replies: 4

Hi! Leeway Team,

After recent theme update I see that on my blog page I am viewing both magazine view and blog view. Please help me to resolve this issue.


Thanks in advance!!!


]]> <![CDATA[<span id="1gwpiim" class="resolved" aria-label="Resolved" title="Topic is resolved."></span>Setting up Category Boxed for more than four blog posts…]]> Sat, 28 Jan 2017 18:18:48 +0000 cat Replies: 1

Hi, is it possible to set up Leeway with the Category Boxed Version with either:

1, first post full length and then three boxes underneath and then a listing somehow of a number of posts without photos –

2, first post large (excerpt or full length) and then three boxes underneath and then two columns of posts perhaps five by five side by side …

Thank you!


]]> <![CDATA[<span id="1gwpiim" class="resolved" aria-label="Resolved" title="Topic is resolved."></span>Add new content before footer]]> Fri, 25 Nov 2016 20:04:55 +0000 carlosalbertott Replies: 2

Hi all!
I am trying to add some content before the footer; how can I achieve so with this:
<?php do_action(‘leeway_before_footer’);?>
Any help will be greately appreciated!

]]> <![CDATA[<span id="1gwpiim" class="resolved" aria-label="Resolved" title="Topic is resolved."></span>search not appear in top of website.]]> Mon, 14 Nov 2016 15:52:47 +0000 Vipasha Replies: 2

Hi! Theme developer team,

I am using leeway theme for one of my website. It is quite good and have all features what I want. Only 1 thing I need to change is search box. I don’t want in sidebar, I want it on top right of theme. Please help me to do it because in mobile mode search goes on down and its not good for website.

Thanks in advance!!!


]]> <![CDATA[<span id="1gwpiim" class="resolved" aria-label="Resolved" title="Topic is resolved."></span>How To Set My Site Logo Above Header Menu.?]]> Fri, 23 Sep 2016 14:50:04 +0000 mhpublisher Replies: 1

Admin I dont Want Logo In Header Menu..
I want Make Different..
My mean i want First Logo And After Header Menu..

Means I wil trying to Make Logo Above Header Menu but cant do it.. help me

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