How can the theme be made full width ?
I’d really appreciate it if someone could urgently help. My website https://ctgsupershop.com/ is built with wpbakery page builder and the greenmart theme. In the mobile preview mode the website is completely fine but in the live mobile view there are margins on all sides that compress the widgets. I don’t know what is causing this problem. I’ve attached some pictures so show you the problem. Please tell me what is causing this issue and how I can fix it.
because in the theme there is the sidebar-footer.php file that is identical to that of sg-window
The mobile optimization is not working for mobile portrait view. I’ve posted this question more than one. I NEED to speak with someone in regards to fixing this error.
Our website is still a demo site, so I am not sure if you’re able to view it. Please have the theme author or developer contact me.
Anyway, the issue I am having is on the homepage alone. I downloaded a template from Visual Composer- WPBakery Page Builder and issue itself is caused by the theme. I’ve contacted WPBakery support and they verified that the issue is the theme. It is adding padding to the top of the page content, as well as, height to menu. It is also adding padding on the bottom, which is causing space.
I need to know how to override the padding on the homepage only so the homepage displays correctly. This is the only delay in going live.
Thank you,
]]>Layout Builder is not working! I’m trying to add some text and images on the footer, using Editor SiteOrigin or Visual Editor, but I can’t save changes, and I can′t use the Visual mode, just the text mode. He is having an erratic behavior. A few months ago it was working OK.
]]>Broken Themes
The following themes are installed but incomplete.
Name Description
Layout Builder The parent theme is missing. Please install the “sg-window” parent theme.
The sg-window theme is installed and can be made active.
sg-window version 1.2.1
Layout Builder version 1.9
Word Press Version 4.7.3
Server OS Ubuntu 16.04 64-bit
[email removed]
WordPress 4.7 with Layout-Builder theme
I would like to use the plugin WP-PageNavi but in their installation instructions is following:
In your theme, you need to find calls to next_posts_link() and previous_posts_link() and replace them.
These lines cannot be found in the layoutbuilder/sg-window theme. Would you know how to integrate WP-PageNavi in your theme?
Alternatively, would you have any suggestions how to set up page links on static pages using function wp_link_pages() and getting following options:
first | previous | 1 | 2 | … | 6 | next | last
I tried the plugin Page Links Plus which does exactly that, but PLP only has Page Links hooked to the bottom of the content. I need the links at the top (just above content) as well. This in particular to avoid that users have to scroll down the page first to be able to select, for example, the last page
]]>I am using two sidebar template. Is there a way to show left sidebar only to desktop users and in landscape mode?
]]>The theme don’t display 4 of the newest posts. Just showing posts after this in home page. May be is just settings. But I don’t know what I change. This is the site https://braillefm.com.
I want to convert to WordPress this site. But my friend said it has to be the SAME layout with the same menu images. Is this possible with Layout Builder?
Thanks a lot for your answer.
]]>I’m having trouble with the responsive version of the nav menu in this theme. If the menu is longer than the phone screen, when you try to scroll to see other items the whole thing disappears before you can click on an option.
This is definitely a theme issue, because the same thing happens with the demo site.
I’ve tried menu plugins that are responsive, but then I have 2 copies of the menu in the mobile size, because the theme doesn’t let the original button just disappear.
My site is https://www.pmi-global.net
]]>I am trying to get Right Sidebar and the Before Footer Sidebar on a two column layout.
Is this possible?
…never mind. One should put a widget in the sidebar before wondering why it can’t be seen ??
I am using the Layout builder theme and have the SG pro plugin but I want to change the height of the header. I have tried uploading a thinner image but it just adjusts the size to fill the 600px height. I do not see where I can change it in the CSS file. I also want to make the before footer sidebar the same width as the left sidebar and main content area combined.
Any help is welcomed!!
]]>As it says in the heading, I want to have a search box on header image as well as a custom hyperlink. How can it be done, thanks.
]]>With the latest WP and Layout Builder (Simple) release, I’d like to know if there is an easy way to style the top and footer menus the same way. I have different menu items in both areas but I’d like consistent styling. Right now there is a huge difference beteen .top-menu and #footer-navigation. I spent some time to apply the same classes to both, and then to style based on class rather than ID, but there is a lot of default code to change and I wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing something obvious.
]]>Does this theme have the ability to produce forms?
]]>I have installed your theme Layout Builder but I cannot get rid of your company logo (the one that looks like a recycling logo). I put my own in and it shows up in the address bar but not in the header.
]]>Hi ??
I would like to be able to add a second menu as described for SG Windows. Is it possible for me to cut and paste some code from SG Windows to SG Layout for the menu script? Or would you consider releasing a version with the ability as described in the documentation for SG Windows?
Richard ??
]]>I am trying to make a few small edits to the style of the layout:
1) I want to center my logo in the center of the top navigation bar
2) I want to change the background color of the content post to black
Anyone have any idea on how to accomplish this via custom css?