Hello. Thank you for your theme development.
I was really interested in utilizing this theme. However, upon checking the theme with ThemeCheck.org, this theme breaks the site with this error message repeated.
I’ll wait until this is figured out before proceeding.
Error 8 : Uninitialized string offset: 1575
In /home/www/themecheck/themecheck/include/Checks/I18NCheck.php line 29
Error 8 : Uninitialized string offset: 1576
In /home/www/themecheck/themecheck/include/Checks/I18NCheck.php line 29
Error 8 : Uninitialized string offset: 1577
In /home/www/themecheck/themecheck/include/Checks/I18NCheck.php line 29
Error 8 : Uninitialized string offset: 1578
In /home/www/themecheck/themecheck/include/Checks/I18NCheck.php line 29
Error 8 : Uninitialized string offset: 1579