On the theme options page, in the ‘sections’ area, section content block, the ‘text’ tab is selected by default when I access the page. It does show the section content in html form. clicking the ‘visual’ tab shows a blank box with no edit controls. returning to the ‘text’ tab then also shows a blank box. clicking ‘visual’ again results in the total collapse of both boxes. But the content remains on the front end of the site. I can only edit the content by repeatedly accessing the page and using the ‘text’ tab, which is not acceptable. Is anyone else seeing this? I’ve tried both safari and firefox, both on Mac and both updated. theme is also updated. see screen grabs here:
]]>Hi, i’ve just installed Advanced Floating Content plugin and the homepage slider is not showing anymore: any known problem?
This is the website: https://www.ases-ong.org/
i am using the i-am-one theme in which your template invokes prettyPhoto for the gallery featurette. like here: https://sktthemesdemo.net/iamonepro/#section14
i am able to use photos, vimeo and youtube, but can not use quicktime mov, nor swf, not to mention mp4, flv. the first two is natively supported by prettyphoto but i can not get your implementation to play it.
this is my galery section for image – this Works (also vimeo and youtube):
<div class="photobooth cf">
<div class="gallery">
<ul class="clean" id="portfolio">
<li class="images"><strong>TEXT</strong><em><span>OTHER TEXT</span></em><a href="https://localhost/website/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/picture.jpg" rel="prettyPhoto[pp_gal]"><img src="https://localhost/website/wp-content/themes/i-am-one/i-am-one/timthumb.php?src=https://localhost/website/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/picture.jpg&w=312&h=207&zc=1" /></a></li>
but this never Works anyway for me:
<li class="images"><strong>TEXT</strong><em><span>OTHER TEXT</span></em><a href="https://localhost/website/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/movie.swf" rel="prettyPhoto[pp_gal]"><img src="https://localhost/website/wp-content/themes/i-am-one/i-am-one/timthumb.php?src=https://localhost/website/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/picture.jpg&w=312&h=207&zc=1" /></a></li>
so this one is killing me. can you kindly help and let me know what is wrong, what should i enter to make i-am-one and prettyPhoto display a local video? any formát is ok for me but would prefer quicktime.
many thanks
Hi good afternoon as I change the menu uppercase to lowercase
]]>Hi there. I would like to know if it’s possible to disable the ‘stickiness’ of the header.
]]>Dear designers, I hope there is still some support for this wonderful theme.
I’m using the free version and everything works just fine. Except the sidebar in the blogpage. It doens’t show on the side but at the bottom of the post. I have left the widget “search” in the sidebar so you can see what I mean.
My site is https://www.anjavanginneken.nl
Is this normal? Part of the limitations of the free version of the theme? Did I do something wrong? I’d love to know.
]]>I recently downloaded the free version of the I Am One template. I cannot determine how to update the “Our Team” or the “Testimonials” sections. Do I need to install the pro version of the template in order to access these areas?
]]>In the URL it doesn’t show the section title but rather the section number. How do I change that please?
I would like to make the blog page full width please. Can you tell me how to do that please?
Also still waiting for an answer on a question I send 4 days ago.
Thank you for this theme. I am struggling to figure out how to load portfolio images? As it mentions in the description that is is good for portfolios I assume it is not a manual process of adding one photo at a time to the section?
My site is finished, ready to publish, but the Social Settings don’t show, so I clicked “Restore Default” to see the original Social Settings addresses to maybe adapt them, but the WHOLE SITE has returned to default!
How do I undo that to get back my three months’ work?
]]>For support email us directly: [email protected] since we are more active on our website and don’t actively check WordPress support forums.
]]>When I update the theme my custom background photos (our-team-banner), icons (icon-step1) and fonts revert to default ones. All customisation is lost.
I’m running iamone on a fully patched WP install. I’m getting jscript errors when viewing any sub-page on the site as follows:
Uncaught TypeError: jQuery.supersized is not a function(anonymous function)
@ (index):75m.Callbacks.j
@ jquery.js?ver=1.11.3:2m.Callbacks.k.fireWith
@ jquery.js?ver=1.11.3:2m.extend.ready
@ jquery.js?ver=1.11.3:2J
@ jquery.js?ver=1.11.3:2
This works fine on the main screen, but not on any subpage on the site (and as such breaks other jscript such as gcal embeds, etc). Looks like this comes from functions.php – is there a way to fix this?
]]>Hi. I am having an odd issue with the i am one template. My slider image loads most of the time, but occasionally (2 in 10 times) it loads with the imaged squashed down behind the header and just a black background. I have attached a screenshot via tinypic showing two versions side by side. The one on the right is obviously the correct one.
My website is https://www.shortfilmstuff.com
*Edit* At the moment I have only 1 image in the slider, but the same thing happens with multiple slider images.
Thanks for any help you can give.
unsure about posting a new error as the previous has not received any support comment but i have an error with sections
i have created the sections, front page template is up but as it seems when i click on my menu item it does not link to the actual section. so i click and nothing happens. it stays on the top of the screen instead of sliding down to the actual section.
this is my menu:
‘<div class=”menu”>
</div><!– nav –><div class=”clear”></div>’
and i have relevant sections like this:
‘<section id=”section2″ class=”menu_page top-grey-box-bg”>
<div class=”top-grey-box middle-align”>
<h1>About Us</h1>
<p>this is where the content is</p>
</div><!– middle-align –>
<div class=”clear”></div>
</section><div class=”clear”></div>
<div class=”bottom-shape”></div>’
this is even more strange on mobile as there the theme loads up a drop down menu which takes me then nowhere.
please kindly help
i am using your theme and i think it is great. i have customized it to my needs, site is done but there is one thing i can not make work since hours – don’t know why.
last section is contacts by default, and it has the “social-icons” part.
i have created the code for displaying the social icons, they appear, they hover, but they do not work as link.
neither if i enter the exact link with ‘href=””‘ nor if i merely enter #facebook and the fill the social settings page with proper links.
why is that?
this is the code i use:
‘<p><div class=”social-icons”><div class=”icon-fb”></div><div class=”icon-twitt”></div><div class=”icon-ytube”></div><div class=”icon-rss”></div><div class=”icon-in”></div><div class=”clear”></div></div>
where #facebook shall call the filled data from social settings.
what can i do?
I can’t get the menu colours to change, there doesn’t seem to be a nav class in the stylesheet
and changing the header code in the stylesheet has no effect.
.header .header-inner .logo a{ color:#808080;}
I haven’t had any other problems with changing colours, creating new classes etc… but I can’t find where to change the nav menu at the top
does anyone know where to start?
]]>website: https://www.narkismakeupartist.com/
When I resize the browser for under 956 pixels the menu items suddenly disappear, and when it’s under 939 pixels the ‘3 lines menu’ appears instead.
I don’t like that ‘3 lines menu’ and would rather keep the regular one.
Tried to do so by editing style.css, mobile.css and mobile_hz.css – but didn’t succeed.
Help would be very appreciated.
website: https://www.narkismakeupartist.com/
The menu inner-page links (#section1, #section2 etc.) work fine in IE, but don’t work at all in Firefox and the weirdest is Chrome where at first they don’t work, but after I shrink the window and then maximize it back its ok.
I inspected the HTML and it seems OK, no problem there, so I guess the problem is with some javascript.
I also looked closely at header.php and didn’t find anything wrong.
Thanks for your help and of course for the GREAT THEME!
]]>I’m having trouble validating the RSS of my website. As far as I can tell the only remaining errors are in the theme code. Arkansasrunnermom is my site. W3 schools rss validator is what I used to check the rss here’s the link.
]]>I noticed that when the screen size was between 920px and 940px that the menu disappears completely. I thought that it may have been something to do with my custom css but I found that the glitch existed on the I Am One sample page as well. I’ve tried changing a few lines in the responsive css but nothing I’ve done so far has fixed the issues.
This glitch only seems to occur on computer screens.
]]>I am trying to center the logo and nav bar on the header. I tried adding the class aligncenter like so:
<div class="logo aligncenter">
<a href="<?php echo esc_url( home_url('/')); ?><?php if(is_home() || is_front_page()){ ?>#top<?php }?>">
But it seemed to have no effect on the page, either positive or negative.
I also tried adding css I found on another support page to the .header .header-inner .logo Again this had no effect.
/* EDITED BY CLAY: display: block; float: none; margin: auto !important; */
.header .header-inner .logo{margin:0; padding:0;
display: block;
float: none;
margin: auto !important;
Any help is greatly appreciated! Website is Arkansas Runner Mom
/Edit I noticed that margin was in the css twice and removed margin:0 still no effect.
please see the Instructors/Trainers portion of the home page. the layout is right briefly, but then when I check again the profiles and title jump to the next line. I tried to shorten the title but it’s not centered and looks bad and doesn’t stop the profile layout from getting messed up.
]]>Dumb question I’m sure, but how can I have the slider on every post and page on the site?
]]>I set up all my sections wonderfully, then created some supporting pages and got into the menus but don’t remember what I did, now I’ve seem to have lost the sections on the home page. SOS pretty please.
Hi, how to change the name of the section on Russian? When a change is happening is this: https://i.piccy.info/i9/291e6771efcc3daddc4daa3bcb5eac51/1424893460/281389/875827/hec.jpg
]]>Hello, how to swap section? let me 8 section 3 need to deliver! How to do it?
]]>I have a website I’ve been working on with another developer. The client wanted a new landing page that looked like starlanevineyard.com
So I hired a developer to do that and she used the ‘I am one’ template. Once it was done I realized it wasn’t responsive and the client is having a meltdown. The developer I hired said this is beyond the scope of our agreement. Can anyone help me today to make this responsive?
The site is emeraldcreekwinery.com
Please let me know what you would charge. Thanks, Andrea
I have the i am one theme set up on my multisite wordpress website. I did some basic customization for my needs. I looked at it today and it had: Go to theme options and restore defaults. I did that, and now I can no longer see the theme options. They just don’t show up anymore.
The page is visible and the theme options appear for a moment, then they disappear.