I have been having a problem with the jumpy slider. Width wise it’s ok, but length wise it’s always adjusting to the post?size instead of the post adjusting to the?
slider size. This pushes the home page grid down every time it adjust to?the post and pulls it back up when it normalizes. I have the basic “Hello World” post that comes with all WordPress as a guide line, (will be deleted when I publish the website), and one recipe post. The “Hello World” post is a small post. Smaller then the slider display. I take it that this is the minimum size for the slider which is fine. I want the maximum size to be the same as the minimum size. This means that the post output to the slider will probable have to adjust it’s size, (I don’t know if that’s true, I just figure that it would). This makes the whole?page jumpy and does not look good on any page. Especially on a home?page. I’m sure that others have noticed this problem and quite frankly I’m surprised that nobody address this issue yet. I know that nobody wants a jumpy slider. It’s not a stander practice in web-design, not from what I’ve seen anyway. How do I fix this?
Is there a way tho make the search icon on the right corner of the primary menu bar bold?
]]>I am changing the theme in Additional CSS in WordPress built-in theme editor. I am doing good with it. I am having problems with menu and menu bar alignment. I ame using a two sidebar layout. sidebar 1 is on the right of the page since it is smaller, and sidebar 2 is on the left of the page.
Primary Menu: The menu items are fine on the left for the primary menu, but I don’t want the menu bar to go all the way across. I want it centered and the bar itself to go from the left side of the left sidebar to the right side of the right sidebar. How can I write this in the Additional CSS in WordPress built-in theme editor?
Secondary Menu: For the secondary menu, I want the bar lind up with the right side of the right sidebar which means menu items is to the right. and I want the menu bar to auto expand left with the adding of menu items. How can I also write this in the Additional CSS in WordPress built-in theme editor?
Thank You
How do I remove or change the color of the search icon on the right corner of the primary menu bar? Here’s a screenshot link. My Website
]]>I am using Mex Mega Menu to edit the theme. In Mex Mega Menu, it only lets me put shadows under menu items only. And HotWP theme only lets me add shadows to the header and footer at the same time. It doesn’t allow me to choose which one and the shadow runs the full width of the website. I don’t want ether of those. I just want a shadow about 1 to 2 px running under the full length of the menu bar. How could I do this? Here’s a link to a screenshot. My Webpage
]]>The text for the main menus is centered, but the text for sub menus are aligned left. How do I center the sub menu text? Here is a link to a screenshot. My Webpage
]]>I am using Max Mega Menu to help a little with the HotWP theme. It allows me to add a hover event for boards on the main menus, but only regular boards for sub menus.
No hover events. I have my main menu boarders at the bottom of each menu set at 1px and a really light grey rgb(221, 221, 221) for the color. I want the same hover event, location, size, and color for the sub menus. What would I edit and where would I go to fix this? Here a link to a screenshot. My Webpage
How can I get the title backgrounds for the sidebars to match the primary menu bar. I am using the fade range dark red rgb(139, 0, 0) to black rgb(0, 0, 0) for my menu bar. Here’s an image.My webpage
]]>I know I asked this before, I uploaded my logo and selected to show the title and tagline and it just shows the logo. How do I get the title and the tagline to show up next to and on the right side of the logo? Here’s the screenshot of the page.My Webpage
]]>I just bought hotWP Pro and have hard time applying grid style on a page content. I want to apply style similar to the “Recent Posts” secion here shttps://demo.themesdna.com/hotwp-pro/
And how do I apply the spinner similar to the one below the menu on the demo page?
In the menus, I can see that the menus are linked to pages, can I edit the pages to use more in-depth external WordPress plugins? What language format is the script in? (PHP, HTML, Java, etc). And how hard is it to edit script to add special formats that would require direct script editing? These is the most important questions I need right now. If I need any more, I’ll contact you.
I am using HotWP and i would like to use the Co Authors Plus plugin, but when i went searching for template tags, I couldn’t find them neither in single.php, content.php or anywhere else. Basically this is what i need to add there:
if ( function_exists( ‘coauthors_posts_links’ ) ) {
} else {
Where and how do i put it in?
Thanks for the help
How to enable infinite scroll with this theme? the jetpack code added to functions.php is ineffective.
I don’t like that pages & posts (full width) titles are centered, can you help me to have them on the left?
And I would like to have an icon before them to clearly distinguish them from titles in the content, is it possible?