I use your fantastic theme and I have an error I can’t solve…
“Notice: La méthode du constructeur appelée pour WP_Widget dans hightide_homepage_default est obsolète depuis la version 4.3.0 ! Utilisez
à la place. in /home/officeblkx/www/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3767”
I can’t understand where I have to modify data…
Thanks for your help !
I uploaded a logo file for the header. Is there a way to link this photo to another webpage?
Is there a way to make the caption show on a photo gallery?
]]>Giving this theme a try on a new site I have in dev…I seem to be doing something wrong though. I can’t get the custom menu to appear – the menu bar just continually only shows “Home” even though there’s 3 pages on the custom menu – and there’s only 1 custom menu, and it’s assigned to the only place there is to assign a menu to.
Also, is there a trick to posting an image (on the home page at least) that’s full-width like in the thumbnail? I seem to get mine framed inside the content window…
Also, the comments widget is assigned to that homepage area, but isn’t showing up either. This is a clean install – only this theme and the breadcrumbs thing is installed.
]]>Hi, I have installed your theme and I like it a lot.
I only have a small problem I cannot solve: I’ve disabled comments on all pages, but I cannot in any way to disable the comments on the page that I associate to the homepage.
How do I disable comments also on the homepage?
I look forward to your early reply, thank you.