How do I stop the webpage from repeating itself when scrolling down the page in desktop and android mobile versions?
Once you scroll to the bottom of the page, it starts over again and repeats the homepage again, from top to bottom.
Please advise how to turn off this repeat scroll feature.
I’m trying out your free trial version of
and notice that when adding text in to the email body, the text colour is white and so too is the background colour.
The message sends okay, and includes the text as normal, i.e black text.
I went to your above url and tried your online demo, and that is also white body text on a white background.
Could you advise me please how to rectify this error?
Kind regards
David Starkey
Buenas Tardes, tuve que retaurar desde cero mi sitio web y hace aproximadamente un a?o compre la licencia ilimitada del tema Education Business PROVersión: 2.3, pero no logro encontrar como activar nuevamente la licencia, me podrìan ayudar por favor o decirme donde entrar para hacerlo??