My website’s Slider Section on the Home Page is not showing properly on mobile browsers. Only half of each image shows and the other half is the slider.
The slider works properly on desktop browsers. I have tried Chrome & Safari, and the problem is the same in both.
On every new page I create (besides posts) using the HashOne theme, I am finding this line “Edit Edit with Visual Composer.” I cannot figure out where it’s coming from. I have tried to adjust the theme, and can’t get rid of it.
in the homepage blog section it is just possible to select the amount of posts to display (2-10) but unfortunately there is no way to add a link to a archive page where ALL blog posts will be displayed, this is rather crucial, please add this functionality!
nice theme, thx for that, but it would be great and timely to allow html tags in the custom fields as well, please consider this for one of your future updates ??
or is there any way to activate this right now?
is it possible to add more social media icons like instagram? do you have any quick hack to change eg the pinterest icon to instagram?
Hi team,
i need urgent help. My website becoming slower and slower day by day with new updates. Please someone look into it and help me. Loading time is too much. And home page slider loads very late.. it hangs a lot.
Please help.
I installed Autoptimize plugin to improve the performance of my Webpage. Autoptimize has a option which is lazy loading feature. If an user not scroll over a section page, the images won’t be loaded.
I enabled this option but I realised that the theme didn’t work when it loaded the first time. Concretely, the problem is gallery section and the Isotope library.The images were overlaped each other.
The solution is here
I can fix it in my child theme but I think the problem should be fixed in the parent theme.
Thanks for your support.
My child theme had errors when I updated the new version 1.2.7. I cannot update it a cause of my child theme will be unavailable.
I cannot upload images here so I copied the error from Developer Tools Chrome. If you would need to check it online, I could enable an alternative link with the error at a certain time.
The problem is owl.carousel.js
`Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘replace’ of undefined
at Owl.setup (owl.carousel.js?ver=1.3.3:582)
at new Owl (owl.carousel.js?ver=1.3.3:178)
at HTMLDivElement.<anonymous> (owl.carousel.js?ver=1.3.3:1726)
at Function.each (jquery.js:2)
at n.fn.init.each (jquery.js:2)
at n.fn.init.$.fn.owlCarousel (owl.carousel.js?ver=1.3.3:1721)
at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (hashone-custom.js?ver=20150903:12)
at i (jquery.js:2)
at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery.js:2)
at Function.ready (jquery.js:2)
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘autoHeight’ of null
at owl.carousel.js?ver=1.3.3:2078
at dispatch (jquery.js:3)
at r.handle (jquery.js:3)
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘autoplayHoverPause’ of null
at Autoplay.<anonymous> (owl.carousel.js?ver=1.3.3:2693)
at HTMLDivElement.d (jquery.js:2)
at HTMLDivElement.handle (jquery.js:3)
at HTMLDivElement.dispatch (jquery.js:3)
at HTMLDivElement.r.handle (jquery.js:3)
Could you fix it? Thanks for your support!
Google published an article where they told that was going to deprecate 6 April of 2020 . Since this time, each Website would have to use
, otherwhise SEO will be affecting.
Google sent a warning to Google Search Console too.
This is the article -> . Here, they explained how fixing it too.
I have been checking the code of theme and I noticed that the cause of warning is in breadcumb.php
global $post;
$home_link = esc_url(home_url('/'));
$link_before = '<span itemscope itemtype="">';
$link_after = '</span>';
$link_attr = ' itemprop="url"';
$link_in_before = '<span itemprop="title">';
$link_in_after = '</span>';
$link = $link_before . '<a>' . $link_in_before . '%2$s' . $link_in_after . '</a>' . $link_after;
$frontpage_id = get_option('page_on_front');
$parent_id = $post ? $post->post_parent:'';
$sep = ' ' . $sep_before . $sep . $sep_after . ' ';
Could you fix it? Thanks
]]>There is JS error in console when I fresh activate the theme.
on the main page the menu bar is static, but on the sub-sites the menu bar is no static. is that how it is thought?
I want hide my menu on scrool down.
Help me please
when i create a new “page” and insert a shortcode from a plugin and then i choose this page in a one of the “home page sections”, then is always on the website only the link to the desired thing. But i will the “thing” direct on the website, without the link.
Thank you
]]>if(window.location.hash) {
$(‘html, body’).animate({
scrollTop: $(window.location.hash).offset().top – 82
}, 1000 );
The following block is responsible for the smooth scroll on load and does it well. However it doesn’t take account of false html-node ids. Which would lead to an exception here: $(window.location.hash).offset() since $(window.location.hash) would return [undefined].
My fix since (the previous version) would be to wrap a try/catch around the block.
if(window.location.hash) try {
$(‘html, body’).animate({
scrollTop: $(window.location.hash).offset().top – 82
}, 1000 );
Greetings Patrick M.
]]>There appears to be a conflict between the nivo lightbox that comes with HashOne and the plugin Collapsing category list. When one clicks on the ‘+’ next to a category with sub categories, a box pops up that says “The requested content cannot be loaded.
Please try again later.” Is there a way to make the lightbox NOT attache to every image on a page?
Love your theme, BTW!
We are getting a security warning for the documentation page for hashone :
Can we get this fixed.
]]>I was able to change the theme highlight color from to my own but now I cannot seem to find where to do that in the Appearance > Customize > Colors. Where can I do this? Want to change out all the red highlight color to my own. Thanks.
]]>A visitor to my web site can view the page. (You must navigate to it from the main menu) I cannot update it. When I attempt to edit the page by navigating to it as administrator, I get a completely blank page. Even the WordPress menu, sidebar, everything is just not there. I am panicing after weeks of trying to find an answer. I do not ever make changes to the code. I use the WP editor.
I can’t even give you the direct page address because it is in that blank page. I have tried HashOne. I deactivated all plug-ins except for the theme itself. The page was still uneditable/blank. It was the only page like that. I added back plug-ins one by one but nothing changed with the blank page.
I’m using the most recent update of WordPress and of Hashone. I am so desparate that I consider getting another theme and startign over. You can see from the web site that I have put in a lot of my life in the past year getting the web site to where it is now.
That page is the only one that cannot be updated – of course it is the most important page for updates. I’ve done nothing differently from what I have done with the other pages. The only difference is that this one is a bigger file than the other pages.
]]>When I a running the page template through a mobile phone the navigation for the dropdown navigation does not work. If I run from the homepage it works just fine, its just when I navigate to a page that I receive the error. Any thoughts?
]]>I’m in the process of building a site which presently has two items in the top nav bar: Home and one other. The other has 8 items in a drop-down. However, when on the homepage, the second nav item is invisible until mouseover. Likewise, when on any other page, the Home nav item is invisible until mouseover.
I’m seeing this behavior on Chrome, Firefox, Edge and IE browsers.
This is using the HashOne theme, with a child theme (so far, the only modification in the child theme is the copyright statement in the footer).
I tried deactivating all plugins and the problem persists, so it doesn’t seem to be a plugin conflict. Any idea why this might be happening?
I installed HashOne theme at my new website
I tried to play with other themes as well by installing them. Suddenly when I switched back to hashone theme I noticed that all my settings for home are missing.
For instance, in place of progress bar I selected Contact Form
I have kept only two sections live- Feature and Contact Details on homepage.
This time, the content of static page is also taking more space as compare to before.
I tried to do it by uninstalling/re-installing the theme. It didnt work.
But now none of them are working. Can you please tell me the problem what might have gone wrong and how to fix it? Earlier it was all working fine.
Sumit Gupta
I would like to find out if theres a chance to change the font color in PORTFOLIO section?
And how to achieve it?
For example Counter Section has white coloured font,
same as Contacy Us section,
how can I change the font color for other sections, please?
Help will be very much appreciated.
In the section: Home page sections/contact section/social icons
Appears pinterest, how can I change this social network for another as instagram?
Hi all,
Has someone created a website in multiple languages using the Hashone theme. I don’t mean that by using Google translate.
I’d like to give an option on the home page to select the language and keep the navigation separate.
Thanks for any tips.
How can I add pictures in my portfolio? There is no any button to choose pictures or page in “Portfolio Section”.
how i can to show more text under the icons under “featured section?
and how i can set, that the sub title text is on the left side under “service section”?
Featured Section:
how i can insert a normal text instead of the hyperlink of the “pages” or to show the content of the “page” instead the hyperlink?
thank you
]]>Hi, I want to see the whole comment of a client and now I can only see a part of it. What css code do I have to use?
]]>Hi, I′d like to remove the link to posts that the portfolio′s images have. I only want to see the images and disable the option to post a comment.
How can I do this?
Hi, I have a very strange issue with icons.
I have two domains pointed at my website. In one domain the icons (i.e. bell, angle-up) are properly displayed and in the other one they are broken.
How can I fix this?