In the previous version of the theme, the images on the homepage have a fixed, predefined size. The edges are cut to give a fixed standard predefinite size for all images in homepage. After the update, the images no longer have this fixed size. Each image replicates the original aspect ratio. I tryed to clear all caches, servers, browsers, cloudflare but it doesn’t work. If I only update the hardnews child theme, everything is fine, but if I update the covernews parent theme afterwards, the images lose their format. The problem seems to be in the parent theme. There is an additional CSS I can put in the child theme?
Thank you
after last update I can’t get rid of that gray line that covers the images in Insight posts.
What I’ve to do?
]]>I want to make few changes to compact primary sidebar widgets. I need Search Category items to be in two columns like that of the search tags.
]]>Can’t center the Headline Title , either its logo, can you help?
]]>I would like to have my header image’s size increased.
]]>The Preloader loads looping
The Display of the site, size etc went crazy too..
Can you fix ?
Mi pagina de portada (el inicio de mi blog) se ve demasiado cargada. Necesito eliminar una de las columnas del banner, que en el tema se llama “selección del editor”. Cómo la elimino?
Y la segunda pregunta es: cómo cambio de color el botón de “articulos de ultima hora”, que es naranja por defecto. Como cambio el color?
Hi! I’m just wondering if there is a way for us to add author names to our articles?
]]>Здравствуйте! Проблема с атрибутом alt в картинках в теме hardnews. Прописываю атрибуты в картинках alt и title на главной странице или в статье, но в теме отображается атрибут alt картинки последней написанной статьи. В чем дело? Как сделать чтобы в каждой картинке отображался только свой атрибут alt и title , а не другой картинки , в статьях или на главной странице? Помогите please, help!
]]>Hello. Where could I find category template file in HardNews?
I need to make couple changes in my posts displaying in category view.
]]>Hi there, I love the theme, but there is one thing I would like removing please. Could you please tell me how would I remove the post tags/categories and stop them being displayed on the images on the homepage, as well as on the posts themselves?
I need to translate strings on front like f.e. PREVIOUS, TAGS
Where could I do that?
]]>I’ve tried so many things and resized the images to death and have had no luck. How can I adjust this theme to allow insert images to span the full width of the text?
]]>Hello, i’m using Hard News and it’s wonderful. But there is one problem: the search function right next to the main menu doesn’t work on IPHONE. There is no reaction when touching the magnifying glass symbol.
On Android smartphones everything works fine.
Can you help me?
And if not: how can i disable the search function in this theme?
Tried all the options for this theme and disabled all plugins that could interfere with the correct display of the grid images
but there’s nothing to do to make them work apparently..
can you help please?
]]>Dear sir,
this is my website and i’m also using this theme.
Now i want to customize colors of this theme.
in this section how can i change the color?
<script async src=”//” charset=”utf-8″></script>
can you help me to this?
and another question of can i remove loading circle for my site?
I need assistance for my website that uses the “HardNews” Theme.
Whenever I click on any post or page (Other than my homepage), the title of the post/ page is displayed in the top left corner (Above the header and logo).
I tried using another theme and it has not got this issue.
Kind Regards,