This theme from 2011 looks already nice today, but there are some code issues printing the comments down below a page. The comments counter shows comments but the theme don’ t list them any more.
Replace following lines in /DCROOT/wp-content/themes/gray-opaque/comments.php
‘type’ => ‘comment’,
‘callback’ => ‘greyopaque_comment’
‘type’ => ‘comment’,
// ‘callback’ => ‘greyopaque_comment’
‘avatar_size’ => 60,
‘style’ => ‘ol’,
‘short_ping’ => true,
Correct comment date position:
replace the following lines in /DCROOT/wp-content/themes/gray-opaque/styles.css
.comment-meta {font-size:12px; float:right;}
.comment-meta {font-size:12px;position:absolute;top:20px;right:0px;}
.comment-meta {font-size:12px;}
I have the grey opaque theme
Is it still posible to delete the whole left bar with facebook,google, etc? The site is
I hope so because i really dont like it. The rest of the theme is great!
]]>I just installed the CAPTCHA plugin, but the form is not displaying for Comments. When I try to enter a comment, I get an error message saying that the CAPTCHA has not been filled in. The form is not even visible.
How do I make that form visible for the Grey Opaque theme? Thank you!
]]>Notice: wp_enqueue_script kallades felaktigt. Skript och stilmallar b?r inte registreras eller laddade f?rr?n hooksen wp_enqueue_scripts, admin_enqueue_scripts, eller login_enqueue_scripts. Se Fels?kning i WordPress f?r mer information. (Detta meddelande lades till i version 3.3.) in /storage/content/44/119944/ on line 3245
This is showing both in admin and on the online site, whats wrong and what can i do to fix it?
]]>Hi folks,
I want to remove the stock header image in Grey Opaque and replace it with an image slider. I’m using the Meta Slider plugin. I know I have to go to Editor and insert the slider code, but I’m having trouble discerning what code represents the image.
Anyone know what line of code I need to delete and replace?
Thanks much.
]]>anyone know how to move the widget bar to the left of the page rather then the right. I use this theme because of the massive customizability and it would be nice to be able to decide which side of the page I want my widgets on.
]]>There is not ‘Continue reading’ link in my category view.
My blog posts do display links from the excepts to the full pages.
Am I missing an option, or is this by design?
]]>Hi , I got this after an upgrade :
Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in /home/*****/public_html/*****2/wordpress/wp-content/themes/grey-opaque/functions.php on line 2536 and defined in /home/******/public_html/*****2/wordpress/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 990
Could it have to do with the Theme ?
Thanks for any help .
]]>I’m experimenting with your theme which I like very much. I have a test blog page as my initial landing page and I have also added two additional pages with their respective menu links added. I note that when the site is sitting on the default index page (blog page) that the menu item for that page is not highlighted (there is no background behind the name of the blog on the menu bar.) However, when I have selected and gone to one of the other two pages there is a transparent background behind each respective page name on the menu bar to let the viewer know which page he has landed on. I would like the same thing background highlighter behind the menu name on the initial page, but it isn’t appearing.
At first I thought it might be something that I had tinkered with, but really I didn’t touch the menu section of the style.css file. Is there something else I should check to make this work?
Thank you for a beautiful theme.
Len B
]]>Hi “Odin”!
First of all, great looking theme! Congrats!
My question is, is there a way to add a custom header image for each page?
I tried to create a custom field, and adding the value of an image url. But .. I don’t know how to insert the custom field into the code! I’m not that of a programming expert ??
I hope you can help me on this!
Thank you very much!
After the WordPress 3.4 upgrade, it killed my background (gave me the white background and nothing in the settings would fix it). Here is how to fix that issue:
Open up functions.php inside of the grey-opaque theme folder
Search for this code:
if(function_exists('get_background_image') && (get_background_image() || get_background_color())) {
This is for ne Navigation
} else {
Comment out everything except for add_custom_background();. So when you’re done, you should have this:
//if(function_exists('get_background_image') && (get_background_image() || get_background_color())) {
// This is for ne Navigation
// add_custom_background('greyopaque_navigation_background_edited');
// } else {
// add_custom_background('greyopaque_background');
// }
basically, just leave add_custom_background(); and get rid of everything else involving the background for now.
Hope this helps some of you! I was in a panic this morning and figured someone else had to be having the same issues as me!
]]>Thank you for cool theme, i just resolved all problems, but the last one i can not resolve – when i use tags, calendar or archive view mode (like this or my photos or pics is hiden, i see only text before “more” tag, but no photo.
How can i change this?
in common view, and in “paged” view i see photos normaly, everything is good.
Hi, first excuse my english I’ll do my best.
Just would like to erase the header picture “clouds.jpg”, so I try to find this line to erase it :
<img src=”” width=”960″ height=”200″ alt=””>
I don’t find this line on every files of the theme, does anyone know where it is ?
Thanks if you can help me ! ??
]]>Is it possible to remove the Infobar when using the 1 column layout? I’m trying to load an Iframe on only 1 page and it would fit without horizontal scrolling if I remove the Infobar. I would like to keep the infobar everywhere else though.
]]>I had just installed WordPress 3.1.3, and tried to activate the theme “Grey Opaque” 1.2.0 by H.-Peter Pfeufer and lost all functions of the blog, twice. All any blog address returned was a blank white page.
I erased the directory and uploaded the files and re-installed. Installing “Grey Opaque” seemed OK, but activating it made all pages blank white. I like the theme, is there a fix for that? Chip Bennett said to turn on “wp-debug” in the “wp-config.pgp” file and contact you.
Before trying it again, though, is there a set of directories or files I can save a copy of, so I only need to restore those to return the blog to functionality? I don’t want to completely re-install if possible. I’ve done a little work with another theme, uploading a masthead image, defining categories and entering a couple posts.
]]>Hello. First off, great clean theme! Thanks!
Is there any way to remove (or replace) the small left hand menu with its Share/Permalink/Trackback/Date/Time/Edit??
I’d like to put some photos or text in there….
I really like this theme but when I try change the header image through “Appearence->Settings->Theme Options->Show Headerimage->You can select or upload a new headerimage here.”, I get a very annoying error:
“You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.” leaving me unable to set the header image.
I really hope anybody is able to help me out here…