I am having trouble with loading times and this is impacting my SEO. In this example i used debugbear to check where things were slowing down. It identified the images in the next and last post at the bottom of the post page. My jetpack image optimizer tells me those images are too large – but on the linked posts themselves they are fine. While I am trying my best to go through and reduce each image – it seems peculiar that the link at the bottom bogs everything down. Is there any way to remove the images from the next and last links? Is there are recommended size for these images if not?
(I have no tech skills for coding) Thanks for any help! I don’t want to have to change my theme!
]]>Greetings! We need to change font colors and sizes in the Gazette theme, specifically those on the home page using the free version of Content Views. We want to distinguish the category text from the title text. We’ve tried CSS but color won’t change. We tried text size and decorations and they work. We notice the Colors option under Appearance is blank. Is there a way to change font colors in Gazette? Thanks!
]]>Hi, I’m currently on the free plan and was wondering if there’s a way to remove the sidebar on my homepage without having to upgrade to a Creator plan for custom CSS. And if so, if I do decide to upgrade, can someone help me out with a custom CSS code to remove the sidebar on my home page?
]]>I have been trying to add numerical pagination to my website. The following guide seems to be pretty straightforward: https://www.thehkonline.com/how-to-add-wordpress-pagination/
However, I was unable to locate the lines referenced in the article as a requirement within the PHP files of the theme. Is there an alternative method for me to add numerical pagination to my website? Thanks in advance!
]]>I created a “display ads” unit on Google Adsense and then added an Advanced Ads widget containing the information of this unit to the sidebar of my website to show ads. A blue rectangle showed up under the widget title “Google Adsense” in the sidebar. However, no ads were being displayed. Is there anything else I need to do to display ads? Thanks!
p.s. Someone told me that the blue color is coming from my theme, which is Gazette.
]]>I have been creating and editing posts using my home computer, which is connected to a 20-inch monitor. Yesterday, I opened my website on a different computer that’s connected to a 23-inch monitor and found that the website did not lay out properly. The social media buttons, which is underneath the articles on my 20-inch screen were pushed to the left side of the 23-inch screen and the text area became very narrow. Is there anything I could do to fix this problem? Thanks!
]]>The height of the footer section of my website containing the “Terms and Conditions” is too high. Is there any way I could reduce the height? Thanks!
]]>I have got the same problem as described in this post:
The moment i click a link it disappears. After clicking anywhere else it shows up again.
I tried changing a:active{color} and a:focus{color} to another value but no succes.
Any help would be appreciated.
]]>The gazette theme shows a long paragraph of the articles under the article titles on the main page. Is there any way I could delete the contents of the articles or limit them to 2-3 lines? Thanks!
I’ve just did the update to WordPress 6 and my logo is not visible anymore (www.manoeuvre.be). I’m using the Gazette theme.
In site-identity the site title appears, but when I upload the logo this is not visible.
Any help please?
]]>I have a blog post that includes a block “Blog articles”. It’s basically a recap of those 3 posts, including the links.
If I don’t include a feature image, no issue. Once I add the feature image, the three links show up in the middle of the feature image (pc) or below the image (phone) as duplicates of the blog articles block.
I tried several things, none worked. Any idea why is that so?
Theme: Gazette
]]>Hi there,
Any ideas why the Gazette theme isn’t showing images in the ‘featured’ posts at the top? Our site should look like the screenshot on the theme page (https://wordpress.com/theme/gazette) but we see the posts and accompanying text – just no image/video.
I notice that the path to the image in the generated code is undefined:
<a class="post-thumbnail" href="https://ada.scot/2020/08/08/glasgow-women-in-computing-science/" style="background-image: url("undefined");"></a>
]]>Hi, I’d like to require everyone who comments on posts to enter a name and email address. I’ve seen this in other themes, but the fields are not showing in the Comments section for Gazette. I’ve checked the box in settings to require these. Is this possible? Thanks!
When switching from PC to mobile, the right sidebar gets shifted to the bottom of the page. I’m wondering if there’s a simple CSS code I could add that would move the location of the sidebar from the bottom to the top, preferably under the main title/heading.
(I would still like the sidebar to default to a collapsed toggle, I just want to change its position.)
I’d share a link to the page, but unfortunately it’s part of a private network that requires an account for access. I’m hoping this is a straightforward enough inquiry that it’s unnecessary. I can share screenshots if there are specific questions.
]]>I’m not sure if this is a theme issue or a Woocommerce one… on my shop page, if I have sale items, the secondary text color is currently showing white on grey background and is nearly impossible to see.
How can I change this to something more legible?
On the Gazette theme, is it possible to change the number of featured images on the front page from 6 to 8? (I’d like to have 4 columns x 2 rows.)
I’m working on a university account and am somewhat limited in my access to changing PhP/etc. on the site, but can access custom CSS settings (if that helps).
]]>Hey, I was wondering whether anyone has the css lines to move the menu above the featured content for the Gazette theme. This css code would be inserted into the theme customisation space provided on the site.
]]>I tried adding the code that Mailchimp provided me to the HTML widget on Customizer. The pop-up page worked, but the system said that the tag <script wasn’t allowed. Also, that tag issue is not allowing me to connect my site to Mailchimp. What should I do?
Is there a way to display Jetpack breadcrumbs on top of posts (or in a sidebar widget)?
Kind regards
]]>Hi, I’ve tried almost every guide I could find to remove the sibebar from my website, that uses Gazette theme.
Only thing that worked was a full width widget, but it loses a video in top of the page, so I cannot use that. Maybe somebody can tell me a solution for my issue?
I am trying to create a Full-Width Page for a child theme based on Gazette.
I can’t seem to remove the padding on the right-hand side (where the sidebar should be).
I know it’s a simple padding issue but seen to have drawn a blank.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for this wonderful theme!
I have these things to do –
Kindly check the screenshot – https://ibb.co/qFYnbDh
1) I need to remove/reduce the spacing under menu and above post grids
2) I want to hide text saying Leave a Comment/number of the comment above the post feature image
3) Remove the extra space between post title link and excerpts
]]>Good morning. I have just built this website and looking to delete the search bar area AND the white area above it to condense space and ALSO add our logo to the top black bar area, specifically on the left hand side before the menu options.
Can anyone help me with this? I’ve researched and cannot find the correct CSS coding to make this happen. THANK YOU in advance!
On a smartphone, the site adds extra white space to the right. Can someone here please advise on how to make the posts fit the width perfectly on a mobile device?
PS: This does not happen on pages. Only on posts.
Kind regards,
]]>I am finding it difficult to do simpler things like-
1. Changing font style and size
2. Removing sidebar
3. Removing static content from the footer etc
Usually in other themes this options are available customising tab but not in this one.
Is their some docs available somewhere I can follow to work with it.
How to create a Gazette full-width static homepage in Gutenberg?
I tried once (earlier this year) by setting a static homepage in WordPress settings but could not get rid of the sidebar.
Does Gutenberg change things? Or would creating a static homepage in WP version 5.0 still require 1) creating a full-width template and 2) application of extensive CSS styling?
Kind regards,
]]>I am calling a Portfolio from a page using the PF code (Bracket Portfolio). I have 5 columns and up to 10 hits. In fact there is 5. Featured image does not display. Can I get the image? and how.
Setting the “thumbnail” size is important.
Thx ??
Is the Gazette Theme ready for Gutenberg or are there any changes needed to run Gazette with the Gutenberg version of WordPress?
Also, will the Gazette Theme be fully supported (this forum) in the forthcoming Gutenberg era?
Kind regards,
Using the following code, I am trying to remove Google Web Fonts (gazette-lora and gazette-lato-inconsolata) and default to Web Safe Fonts.
function gazette_dequeue_googlefonts()
wp_dequeue_style( 'gazette-lora' );
wp_dequeue_style( 'gazette-lato-inconsolata' );
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'gazette_dequeue_googlefonts', 100 );
However, these two just don’t seem to budge! I use a Chrome extension called WhatFont and a Firefox extension What Font – OLI to verify these fonts continue to exist.
Is it possible? If so, could you please advice how to?
PS: I use a plugin to disable google fonts. I do not see http requests going to fonts.googleapis.com anymore. But Lato and Lora continue show in WhatFont browser extension tools.
Kind regards,
Is there any simple copy and paste code to make the header on the homepage of the Gazette theme full-width just the same as the photos on the posts pages?