That greenish popup banner in each slide.
How do I change the color?
Did not find it in css.
Did find something in a js-file.
camera.js: loaderBgColor: ‘#000000’,
Still would not change the color…
Is it only in the Pro-versjon?
Hello. I want my main widget areas (under the slider) to look like on the ftourism example on their website (image, text, ‘read more’ button.
It seems easy, but I can’t figure out which widgets to use to make it look exactly like on their website.
How can I do this?
How do I add more than 3 slides to the slider?
]]>I am going through the theme and I just need help finding out a few things.
1. what is the best size for the slider images
2. how do I hide the categories and archives from the left side of the site
3. Is there an easier way to change the color of the theme
4. How to set the number of posts per page. I think that there should be a max of 10 per page but it displays WAY more.