Good afternoon,
After auto-updating to the latest WordPress, my site is no longer working properly. When I visit any page using any browser (chrome or edge) the site will load properly, but when I attempt to click on any link within the site a gray overlay appears that won’t allow me to click out of it or use the site in any way. I’ve deactivated and reactivated all my plugins, contacted my domain host, and even reverted back to an earlier back up of the site and it still is has the overlay after attempting to click on a link. I have copied the error code that appears when I visit the site and click on any links. Any advice to remedy the issue is appreciated in advance.
DevTools failed to load SourceMap: Could not load content for HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE
I have installed this very nice little theme on my multisite and from there I activated flydoctor on all 3! But my! Where has gone the announced right sidebar? I can’t find any way to get one although it’s announced in the description.
Thanks for your kind help and thanks for your work.
Best regards,
(WordPress newbie here – I am using the FlyDoctor Version 1.0.11 theme by andronic90, WordPress v 5.3.2)
I am trying to get rid of:
1) ” written by admin 02/02/2020 ” (at the top)
2) “Categories”, “Previous Story”, “Next Story (at the bottom)
Could you please point me in the right direction ?
(I am unfamiliar with WordPress Themes files structure but can edit whichever files need to be edited, I just don’t know which ones.)
Thank you for your time and your help.