I uploaded an header image, which includes a site title and description within the image but when I click under site identity to unchecked “display site title and tagline” the header image disappears. How can I keep the image from disappearing and still have site title and tagline appear in the title bar of the browser? Thanks. Please provide me with detailed instructions as unfortunately I’m not a technical wizard.
Hello, i’m using a child theme with flat bootstrap. Since the site upgraded to 4.8 there have been errors on the edit screens. A flash of styled text appears as it should then gets removed and the following appears.
“Failed to load content css: ‘domain.com’/wp-content/themes/flat-bootstrap-child/css/editor-style.css”
From what i can gather themes can’t use @import on stylesheets any more and Flat Bootstrap seems to use it a lot to include the theme styles into the back end.
I’m having no luck fixing it so far even by invading the parent theme.
Is an update to flat bootstrap due soon?
check this in chrome and firefox at chrome banner is showing correctly but firebox it not showing correctly . i tried with display block. if i change that it will affect banner tittle. i want the same layout of banner in both browser. how to solve?
Is there some way to replace the general usage of green in Flat Bootstrap on a global basis? I am talking about this color…
I love how this thing works and I have committed hard to it, but the green is just not compatible with my website theme.
Not that it would make a difference, but the current url of the site is http:\\wp2.thecoolwater.com.
thanks in advance!
Can anyone suggest to me how I can get a banner with text overlay similar to the “section-image” class? What I need different is I want to be able to have the image full size in the original aspect ratio and not cropped the the thin banner it provides. I want the image to stretch or shrink if need be to be full width and I want the height react accordingly.
It would also be cool if I could set the height of a banner.
The documentation says I can use the normal mechanisms to add a full-size image. However my experience is that this can have margins on the sides if the viewport is too wide. I did make sure that the image was not added into some kind of container.
thanks in advance,
.pat styles
I’ve set the featured image but its not responsive in mobile view.i’ve used default template
check this featured image in given link in mobile view
First – thank you for a great theme – easy to style via the child – except: I have an image gallery on my site at https://www.janeforrester.com/hand-printed-fabric/
It is assigned 3 columns. When viewing on mobile devices I would like the gallery to have 2 columns so the images do not scale down quite as much. I’m assuming I need to add some css in the child for @media (max-width: 640px) and have used Firebug to try and determine what should be changed, not having much success and I’d appreciate it if you could help me solve this. Thanks!
I can’t figure out how to edit and customize the < title > tag in the head on each page/post. I checked functions.php and it’s not there. Any idea where it’s located?
]]>I’m adding a text to footer widget and it does not convert special characters (latin) to html.Could you tell me why and how to solve?
]]>Hi Tim,
I created a child theme with the Flat Bootstrap 3 and since updating to the latest version of the theme, my header has disappeared. Do you have any ideas about how I can get it back?
Here’s what it originally looked like: https://web.archive.org/web/20160119182311/https://www.bowwowmeowllc.com/
Please let me know if you have any questions!
Thank you,
How do I remove sidebar from Flat Bootstrap theme?
]]>A dark transparent screen covers my whole wp page. There is an x and a darker strip in the center. If I click the x, it disappears, but if I refresh or go to a new page there it is again. I’ve deactivated all plug-ins and switched themes to try to isolate the problem. This dark overlay is only present when my flat bootstrap theme is active. What is this? I have used this theme many times before and have never encountered this.
I need to add a button in a content header with a link to an internal page. I add the code on the area: Additional Post / Page Options under: Extra (displays under the Subtitle in the content header).
I use this code:
but the link invokes an internal 404 error. The link address is repeating the name of the page I am placing the button on and then after that the page I specified. I have tried different ways of formatting the link but it does not work.
The code works fine on a regular page but not in the content header.
How do I need to write the code?
Thanks a lot!
I am using Flat Bootstrap Child Theme version 1.4 and the WPBakery Visual Composer version 4.3.5 that came with the theme has stopped working. I bought a licence and am now about to update the Visual Composer but was asked by the Visual Composer support theme to first check with the theme author if it was safe do make this update or if there were any changes made to the core plugin files that could get lost during an update. Could someone please inform me about this?
Thanks a lot!
Thank you for the great theme!
I have a problem customizing it. I would like to use “Post – No Sidebar” (no full width, but max-width) template by default whem making a new post, but there’s no such option (just “Display post full-width (no sidebar)?”). There’s such option when making a new page (“Page – No Sidebar”). Can you tell me how to do it?
PS! I’m familiar with PHP, but there’re quite a many PHP-files in your theme and i couldn’t find any documentation about them, so it’s pretty much “guessing and trying”.
]]>Hi Tim,
We’re continuing to like using your theme. Great work, particularly on the last update.
We’re currently testing out WP Job Manager (plugin) and it works great. However, on the page where the job listings are posted, the sidebar is underneath the content instead of to the right side. I’ve looked to see if it’s a </div> tag issue and it doesn’t seem like it. The job listing doesn’t go under the job listing for other themes, like with Twenty Thirty, Twenty Fifteen and Twenty Sixteen. Would you be able to help?
Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_the_archive_description() in \wp-content\themes\flat-bootstrap\content-header.php on line 107
when clicking either Categories on the sidebar after first installed
is there extra steps to set?
also, this is what i see when clicking Portfolio
[zee_portfolio column=”4″]
only codes. is this supposed to be like that?
or again, extra settings required?
I am using the full width post template and it appears not to have a previous and next post menu. I am using Flat Bootstrap Child Theme but I have not made any amendments apart from CSS.
Am I missing something?
A post on my test site to look at is https://zoeneguswebsolutions.com/lbsg4/2013/01/18/letter-boxes-the-red-heart-of-the-british-streetscape/
Many thanks
]]>Now that we’ve completed our “spring cleaning” with Flat Bootstrap v1.9, we’d like to get feedback from all of you as to what our priorities should be moving forward as well as specific requests for features and enhancements.
Of course, I have ideas and will share some here, but would like to understand what is most important to our community. Should we focus on releasing new themes, enhancing the ones we already have, making it easier to load up “demo site” content, or making it easier to add cool content? Of course we want to do all of those things, but am looking for help in prioritizing them and for specific suggestions that are important to you.
You can read more about our ideas and specific requests for feedback on our article, Where Should We Go From Here With Our WordPress Themes?.
Feel free to post here or on that article.
]]>Just updated my parent theme to Version 1.8.
In my child theme, I’ve got a custom loop for one of my page templates that displays all posts in a certain Category.
<?php if ( is_page( 'white-collar-healthcare-pharmaceutical' )) {
if ( $healthcare_query->have_posts() ) : while ( $healthcare_query->have_posts() ) : $healthcare_query->the_post(); ?>
<h3><a id="notable-<?php the_ID(); ?>"></a><?php the_title(); ?></h3>
<?php if ( has_tag( 'explanation-notables' )) { ?>
<div class="explanation">
<?php the_content(); ?>
<?php } else {
} ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php wp_reset_postdata();
else : ?>
<?php get_template_part( 'no-results' ) ?>
<?php endif; // end the loop
}?><!-- is_page -->
Since the update, empty containers are added between the posts. They have no height, so they’re invisible on the page, except between the 2nd and 3rd posts, where there’s a big gap now. Here’s a screenshot of my page where you can see the resulting gap in the posts:
Or a link to the development site, where you can see it in action:
It seems that this is coming from functions in the theme-functions.php: xsbf_add_container and xsbf_end_container.
Do you think I can safely delete these functions in the parent theme? Or even better, turn them off somehow in the functions.php of my child theme?
Thanks so much.
]]>you pushed Flat Bootstrap v1.7 to production without any release note / version info. Can you publish some info?
]]>In my child theme, what is the exact function I use to disable the editor styles?
It is currently being defined using the add_editor_style function within the parent theme global xsbf_theme_options variable.
thanks for a great theme. I am trying to use widget logic plugin, but it doesn’t seem to work with theme version 1.6 .
does anyone else have this problem? or knows a fix to code the needed logic into child theme?
]]>I know this topic has been addressed before, but it is now marked as closed, so I’m opening a new one.
In the previous topic that addressed header responsiveness, the following was given as a possible solution:
.custom-header-image {
background-position: top;
background-size: 100%;
However, that leaves a large gap between the header image and the nav bar. I was able to force the theme to display the header as desired by modifying header.php in my child theme, but now I lose support from the Theme Options. Please take a look at this link to see how my header currently displays: dev.sturbridgetimes.com.
Is there a fix that will keep the responsiveness that you see in the link while restoring support from the Theme Options?
]]>We like the Flat Bootstrap theme and are very happy with the ease of customization… except for the default colors. We struggle with how to override them.
I would like to override the default green highlight in the nav menu. I found an earlier post with code to override the highlight color using CSS, but that was for the top-level pages only, and I need to override only the drop-down pages. The top-level pages are fine.
The site: https://joannemcsorleyphotography.com/newborn/
The top-level page “Portfolio” has a drop-down. Currently, the selected page on the drop-down will highlight with the default green. We would like to change this to the same grey used to highlight a top-level page.
Thank you
]]>Lovely theme. Thanks guys. One problem though.
I use polylang for this site using the image of the language flag as the menu language selector.
The menu link for the language selector is: <a title="<img src="" title="Ελληνικ?" alt="Ελληνικ?" />" href="https://filos-restaurant.com/el/archiki/" hreflang="el"><img src="" title="Ελληνικ?" alt="Ελληνικ?"></a>
The title attribute has major issues!!!
Any ideas anybody?
]]>Hi Tim,
I’ve got a strange problem with Polish translation files. Files downloaded directly from www.remarpro.com.
So, problem is when I upload .mo file into my site, all sidebar widgets disapear and default default content is displayed! As soon as you delete this file from server, you’ve got perfectly working site! What’s wrong, what could cause this strange behavior? I’ll be grateful for any clues.
I am wondering if it’s possible to make the top nav bar responsive. It looks great on desktop, but on a tablet, the menu is no longer centered. Any ideas?
]]>Hello there
I would like to change the Font used on the size, I want to use the font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;.
How can I incorporate that?
]]>Hi there
There’s a “WELCOME” on my home page, sort of a banner area in navy blue (not quite sure), however I’d like to remove it completely. Alternatively put a 1000×150 banner in that space, is that do-able?