I’ve been using this theme on KyleMcCarley.com since… I don’t know, some time back when it was still being updated, I guess. It’s been working fine with all versions of WordPress for years in spite of the fact that it hasn’t been updated. But, unfortunately, 3.7.1 seems to have killed the blog page. check out https://KyleMcCarley.com/blog and see for yourself.
Based on how little activity there is here, I’d be surprised if I get a response from anybody. But on the off chance that somebody who knows how to fix it sees this… Help?
]]>I have a Blix template plus domain name –
Want to complete website and set-up a Blog on Blix template
Can I verify and reset my (forgotten) username and password?
Is Blix (WordPress 2.8.2) still functional or are updates to the system required to get website and blog up and running?
Google:- Ageinspired.com – to View unfinished Blix site.
Thanks, Christene