I wonder if it’s possible to hide a page’s title ? Not on every page, but at least the launding page (seeing “launding page” is a little bit ugly).
Is it doable ?
Thanks in advance
The website I’m developing is using embedly for most of its content, how can I create articles that will have the article image in the link provided serve as featured images as publishing default? It works for other themes I’m using with WP.
Thank you very much for your help!
]]>Hey Alexander,
first – thanks for your great theme!
I use the Enspire theme with the featured post carousel enabled. As you can also see in your demo with pagespeed insights, the content shifts a bit after the carousel is loaded.
Would it be possible to have a placeholder there until the carousel gets loaded with JS? This would fix the Cumulative Layout Shift completely. Thanks!
For further help please see this GIF where you can see the layout shift (the news boxes go down after the carousel is here).
]]>How can I add padding to the top of my page titles? I’ve tried:
.page-title h2 { padding-top: 15px !important;}
But it also applies to the home page, where padding above the title is not needed. I just need this to apply to page titles.
I’ve been using Enspire for several years and have been extremely pleased with its visual design and functionality. I recently upgraded from 1.0 to 1.2.2 and my featured image sizes and ratios seem to be broken or changed. I was using a 720x340px featured image size (which I believe I set in Enspire’s settings/customizations), but now many posts are showing different sizes and ratios. I can’t tell where these images are being pulled from. Is there a way to force this size and ratio for all existing posts? Or is this something that I will need a plugin to do? The featured image size/ratio was different from WordPress’s standard thumbnail, medium and large image sizes.
Thank you!
]]>Hi! Please tell us why social icons in header are displayed only on the main page? Is it possible to make the panel with them displayed everywhere?
]]>Hey there,
Thanks for the theme, it has been great and we have been using it for a while now.
Unfortunately, I’ve just updated WordPress to 5.5.0 and it seems that the header is now broken. Have you encountered this issue so far?
I’ve reverted back to 5.4.2 for now. Here’s the screenshot
Hi there,
Love the theme but I find the thumbnails in the slider take up too much space, is there any way to remove the slider?
]]>I’m trying to decide whether to use this theme or possibly the premium ones. But am still running into more roadblocks.
I added a custom html widget and can’t it to display bullets with this basic html:
Do I need to do something to enable it in CSS or what may be the problem? thanks.
]]>I’m able to add a footer by picking Theme Options/Default Page and adding a footer sidebar.
I then go to Widgets and can add my axl post widget in Footer 1. That works but…
1. I can’t find a way to change the post view to what’s in the demo (small thumbnail with text to the right)
2. If I remote the footer from Default Page in Theme options the widgets still show Footer 1. Not a huge deal but seems like it should remove that from widgets or there’s no way to clear those.
]]>The demo page (https://demo.alx.media/x/?theme=Enspire) shows the widget with axl extensions showing Excerpts.
After installing and setting up similar structure with all required plug ins I can’t get the Excerpt to display (even after changing excerpt length to many different settings). I’ve got it set to display blog and Front Top 1 has the Axl Extension in it.
It seems like something’s wrong with the extension. After I modified some php settings I can get a page to show the excerpt in a different view, so I know the theme is working.
Has something changed in the plug in or is there possibly a bug?
]]>Is it possible to setup the view in the demo page: https://demo.alx.media/x/?theme=Enspire?
I’d like to add posts that the Primary or Frontpage Top 1 widgets. The Demo seems to show posts that are different than what’s in the other sections. Is there a way to show only certain posts in one of the widgets?
O tema Enspire alcan?a uma boa pontua??o no deskyop, porém no dispositivo móvel n?o tem velocidade. https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/?url=https://www.temqueve.com.br
Ele n?o atinge mais de 26 pontos no dispositivo móvel.
é um ótimo tema, se n?o foce por isso, ele me atenderia muito bem, consigo usar a capacidade do Google site kit nele, pena que n?o tem velocidade mesmo depois de usar um plugin para: CSS Minify , JS Minify, HTML Minify.
O fundo também n?o é claro.
]]>For some reason I’m not capable of finding how to add simple text inside the Ad areas. I have managed to put a sample Ad from Amazon but I have named the widget with a title which doesn’t appear. My intention is to clearly state that it is advertising and that the links will open in another window.
Thank you in advance for the help
how to change menu bar style become square or box ?
How to have social link like in sidebar like typecore ?
]]>Hi Alex! first of all, thanks for your awesome theme, I really enjoy it, but I’m having some problems with a lot of plugins crashing my site when going to the customize tab, it doesn’t load and just shows a message in a white box saying that this site is having technical issues.
I honestly don’t find any correlation between the plugins have problems with this theme, but for example, I have problems with the GDPR Cookie Consent and the WP User Fronted
I love your theme and I don’t want to change it, please give me a hotfix or a wordaround at least
PD: I have tested the incompatibility in 2 different sites and both had the same problem, also try to install yoast seo to have the same set-up has me
On my website’s homepage main area remains empty and I don’t how to display posts there. Can you please help me in doing this?
I’m using the latest version of this theme along with jetpack. When I activate infinite scroll and then scroll down to the end of the first page I see a little wheel spinning like normal but then it disappears and no more content is loaded. Is there a way to make it work?
]]>I am using the shortcodes ultimate plugin and would like the shortcodes to appear on the blog page. They appear on the individual posts just fine. Is there are way to do that? At the same time, is there a way to have the mashshare buttons appear?
]]>I’m trying to delete the Share icons in the CSS file. When I delete them or comment them out and click upload file. It doesn’t work and says that I might have to upload using the FTP? Anyone else having or have this issue before?
I want to use Footer widget just like it shows different sections content in the demo of Enspire Theme, but I don’t know how to configure that. Please help me through this.
I have a question. We now use the Enspire theme. We only want the sidebar to move down to the Tablet version. Tablet must be the same as the smartphone version.
How can we adjust this? Via CSS? Can you help us?
]]>I really love this theme, but I felt that the colors that came with it were rather dull. So I am sharing my CSS tweaks. The finished product will look like this, but feel free to mix and match.
Note to Alex: You are free to incorporate any portion thereof in the actual theme (if you like it).
/*Editing to Stylesheet to replace #1db954 green with #1c7a1e green. */
::selection {
background: #1c7a1e;
::-moz-selection {
background: #1c7a1e;
a {
color: #1c7a1e;
.themeform label .required {
color: #1c7a1e;
.themeform button[type="submit"] {
background: #1c7a1e;
.sidebar-toggle {
background: #1c7a1e;
.page-title .meta-single li.comments a {
background: #1c7a1e;
.page-title .meta-single li.comments a:before {
content: '';
border-right: #1c7a1e;
border-top: #1c7a1e;
.square-icon:hover .square-icon-inner {
background: #1c7a1e;
.site-title a {
background: #1c7a1e;
.toggle-search.active {
background: #1c7a1e;
.search-expand {
display: none;
z-index: 101;
background: #1c7a1e;
@media only screen and (min-width: 720px) {
#nav-topbar .nav > li.current-post-parent > a {
background: #1c7a1e;
#nav-topbar .nav li.current-post-parent > a {
color: #1c7a1e;
.post-hover:hover .post-title a {
color: #1c7a1e;
.post-comments {
background: #1c7a1e;
.post-comments > span:before {
content: '';
border-right: #1c7a1e;
border-top: #1c7a1e4;
.post-title a:hover {
color: #1c7a1e;
.post-tags a:hover {
background-color: #1c7a1e;
.author-bio .bio-avatar:after {
background: #1c7a1e;
.post-nav li a:hover i {
color: #1c7a1e;
.widget > h3 > span {
border-bottom: #1c7a1e;
color: #ffffff;
.widget_rss ul li a {
color: #1c7a1e;
.widget_calendar a {
color: #1c7a1e;
.widget_calendar caption {
background: #1c7a1e;
.alx-tabs-nav li.active a {
color: #1c7a1e;
border-bottom-color: #1c7a1e;
.alx-posts li:hover .post-item-title a {
color: #1c7a1e;
.comment-tabs li.active a {
color: #1c7a1e;
border-bottom-color: #1c7a1e;
.comment-awaiting-moderation {
color: #1c7a1e;
.commentlist li.comment-author-admin > .comment-body:after {
background: #1c7a1e;
.child-menu a:hover {
color: #1c7a1e;
.child-menu .current_page_item > a {
color: #1c7a1e;
.wp-pagenavi a {
color: #1c7a1e;
.wp-pagenavi span.current {
background: #1c7a1e;
/* Finish Editing to Stylesheet to replace #1db954 green with #1c7a1e green. */
#header .pad {
background-color: #eb5201;
/* header : nav topbar
/* ------------------------------------ */
#nav-topbar .nav-toggle {
background: transparent;
color: #ffffff;
#nav-topbar .nav-text {
color: #ffffff;
@media only screen and (min-width: 720px) {
/* common */
#nav-topbar .nav li a {
color: #ffffff;
font-weight: 300;
#nav-topbar .nav li a:hover {
color: #1c7a1e;
/* level 1 */
#nav-topbar .nav > li:hover > a {
background: transparent;
color: #1c7a1e;
border-color: #eee;
#nav-topbar .nav > li.current-post-parent > a {
background: #ff991a;
color: #fff!important;
#nav-topbar .nav li.current-post-parent > a {
color: #ff991a;
/* level 2 & 3 */
@media only screen and (max-width: 719px) {
/* common */
#nav-topbar .nav li a {
color: #ffffff;
border-top: 1px solid #eee;
/* level 1 */
#nav-topbar .nav li.current-post-parent > a {
background: rgba(0,0,0,0.06);
color: #1c7a1e;
/* End of Navigation menu Colors */
.page-title h2 {
color: #ff991a;
.page-title span {
color: #eb5201;
/* End of BLOG HEADING */
/* The main background color */
.pad.group {
background-color: #fceebf;
/* Preventing the footer from acquiring the main background color. This overrides the setting */
/* in the theme customization */
#footer-bottom .pad {
background-color: #eb5201;
/* Getting rid of white gaps in the corner of the header */
#header {
background: #eb5201;
/* Sidebar background colour */
.sidebar.s1 {
background-color: #ff991a;
/* Adding color to another portion of the homepage and post body generated because of a long sidebar */
.main-inner.group {
background-color: #fceebf;
/* Carousel Items background color and text color (If you use the carousel */
.owl-item .post {
background: #9dd946;
.owl-item .post-title {
color: #eb5201;
.square-icon {
background-color: #9dd946;
#commentform.comment-form {
background-color: #ff991a;
.post-grid .square-icon {
background-color: #fceebf;
.single .post-title {
color: #eb5201;
.post-title a {
color: #eb5201;
#subheader .pad {
background-color: #fea66c;
.widget_text .textwidget p {
color: #ffffff;
/* Front ad widget size change from 50% to 100% so that single widget can take entire screen space...good for a slider. Note that you will not be able to display the other widget next to it */
.front-widget-col {
width: 100%;
float: left;
/* Making annoying dividing line above front ad widget disappear */
#header-ads {
opacity: 0;
The featured images have disappeared, and there doesn’t even seem to be code for them in the page.
It’s working fine on the dev site, https://bloggingcomics.malibulist.com
I’ve copied themes from both. Any ideas?
]]>In the header with the featured posts, there is too much white space under the thumbnails. Is there some way to minimize this?
Would appreciate help
Many thanks
As per title, Google+ is no longer supported.
Could you please help to remove the icon place holder from the posts?
Many thanks
I’m using the Enspire theme and like to know if and how I can change to spanish some texts. I don’t want to change the backend, dahsboard content, etc… just what the visitors see. Specifically the following sentence:
YOU MAY ALSO LIKE… as in the linked page above near the bottom. I think it’s part of the Single related posts.
If I change it directly in the code, when/if the theme is updated would the change be lost?
Thanks for any help.
]]>I’m trying to turn off the excerpts and show the full blog posts, setting it to zero just removes everything. Any ideas?
]]>Is it possible to add something into the Additional CSS to remove the Comment Counter (that shows on the front page as well as the post page)? I don’t want the counter anywhere. Thanks for the great theme!