can you please tell me whats wrong on this functions.php?
I cant make my childtheme work with your theme.
Tried in several versions, but none worked:
function my_theme_enqueue_styles() {
$parent_style = 'encounters-style';
wp_enqueue_style( $parent_style, get_template_directory_uri() . '/style.css' );
wp_enqueue_style( 'child-style',
get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/style.css',
array( $parent_style ),
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'my_theme_enqueue_styles' );
Version 2:
* Child theme stylesheet einbinden in Abh?ngigkeit vom Original-Stylesheet
function child_theme_styles() {
wp_enqueue_style( 'parent-style', get_template_directory_uri() . '/style.css' );
wp_enqueue_style( 'child-theme-css', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() .'/style.css' , array('parent-style'));
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'child_theme_styles' );?>"
Here is the CSS header:
Theme Name: encounters-lite-child
Description: Childtheme
Author: Max Mustermann
Author URI: https://example.com
Template: encounters-lite
Version: 1.0
Text Domain: encounters-lite-child
The folders name is “encounters-lite-child”
So it seems as everything were correct.
How do I make my footer look like your demo?
I can’t seem to get the font to be the same as the header.
You can see where it says “Helping Raise Child Abuse One Digital At A Time’ it’s all scrunched. I want to make that into two lines and change the font style.
What’s the font size of “Your Name On It” I’ve tried replicating it on my footer and other areas but I have no luck
]]>I want to change the font size, and the font type when I’m using the text box (not sure of the name)
As well as..
I’m trying to add text under a photo on one particular page, however, when I do it it looks like this and I’ve tried everything and finally removed it…
Photo goes here
Abuse is not being fed. Don’t look for bruises just on the outside as they may be on the inside.
So, I want this to look more like this..
Photo goes here
Don’t look for bruises just on the outside
as they may be on the inside.
I’m trying to remove the side bars from wordpress theme Encounters Lite
I hope someone can help me.
Also, how do I get the nice images on my page? Mine don’t look this nice, especially with my text. The font is too small.
Thank you
]]>I am using encounter lite. My top navigation is sitting within the header graphic. In the customise functions under colours there does not see to be a colour selection function for the header nav links whereas there is one for the footer nav links. Can you direct me to how I can change the colour of the header nav links. Thanks
]]>I have made my WordPress site live in Chrome and it looks fine. But when I’ve checked it in Internet Explorer the formatting of some text boxes and images are a bit out of line. How can I fix this?
]]>Hi I’ve added contact details into the ‘Bottom 2’ footer and it’s currently sitting left-aligned and I’d like it to be center aligned. I have gone into the Style.css and attempted to add ‘text-align: center;’ but that doesn’t work.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
]]>I have an image in the header which was Center aligned but now for some reason it’s aligned to the left. I need it center aligned. What is the best way to go about this?
I’m new to WordPress so dumbing down the process would be much appreciated.
]]>How to remove Title in home page?
even after selecting the front page template it still apears., I tried editing the template but there is no function calling the header title.
Please help
]]>Created a child them from encounters-Lite Theme and customized it. All has been working fine. I used the duplicator plugin to upload my localhost installation to a subdomain on the live server. Noticed there was a broken link in the header so clicked on “customize” option in the WordPress installation and received this error:
Class ‘encounters_lite_note’ not found in /home2/vhoasatx/public_html/vhoatest/wp-content/themes/encounters-lite/includes/theme-customizer.php on line 645
Checked my localhost installation and it too is now displaying the same error when it did not the last time I worked on the site. I checked the encounters-lite theme and it too has the same error now when it did not when I created my child theme. Have not done any modification for a week and all was working fine before I attempted to upload the site. Cannot do any customization to correct a couple of errors in the header etc and need to have this function. I checked the Theme-customizer.php file and the “encounters_Lite_Note” is referenced on Line 645. No idea what the error is telling me or how to fix it.
Any ideas from anyone would be greatly appreciated.
]]>Hello, Please i would like to move the post navigation on posts page below comments. THanks
i have set my search button and my custom div (About Advertise and Contact)where i want them with negative margin, but i cant click on them. Please what should i do to keep them in place and clickable.
Here is the link to my site
Also it does not look good at all when viewed on a tab or smart phone
Thank you in advance
Please how do i remove the showcase area when in mobile view. im using the encounters-lite theme. Thanks
Hi there
Where do I go to hide my right sidebar? I have no widgets in the sidebar, but it’s still showing on my pages. I’m using the lite version 2.5.2
I just updated my blog to the newest version of Encounters Lite and my widgets don’t display on the main page or the post pages anymore (the display was all fine before the update). They still display on the other pages (eg About Me, Copyright etc). The widgets are still all there and as far as I can tell, they should be showing but they’re not. I’ve checked the display on other platforms so I know it’s not my computer causing the issue. Help please?
Please let me know if you need any further information from me to assist in resolving the issue.
I have been trying Encounters Lite and Celestial Lite. Only a 7 out of 14 work on Encounters. Specifically, none of the top widgets work, nor the call to action widget. Footers work, showcase header and page right work.
On Celestial Lite, more work but the ones I really need–page right or left don’t work.
Can you fix this or tell me what setting might be off?
Since Encounters has most of what I need, I could go with that if I could get a fix for the tops IF they can be controlled for visibility–on some pages but not others.
Also, if I use Encounters I would like to reduce the height of the header and change the font of the site title. If I can get all this to work with the premium version I can go there.
]]>I am using IssueM plugin to create magazine articles. Their suggested code addition to functions.php breaks themes. While waiting for them to offer a different suggestion, can you help me on how to do this? I am using a static home page. For the blog page I want to search not for posts but for articles. Do you know how this can be done?
Here’s what they suggested. Maybe it would work if placed in the proper place. Yes, I realize a child theme would be the way to do this so as to preserve the modification after theme updates.
‘function add_articles_to_homepage( $query ) {
if ( !is_admin() && is_home() && $query->is_main_query() ) {
$query->set( ‘post_type’, array( ‘post’, ‘article’) );
return $query;
add_action( ‘pre_get_posts’, ‘add_articles_to_homepage’ );’
I am trying to use both right and left sidebars on my blog. Is this not possible?
]]>beautiful theme but I can’t get the “Continue Reading” button to show up – it just shows the full article. Tried doing this though WP settings (i.e. “summery”) but still doesn’t work…?
]]>I’m running into a problem with featured images on posts. If I select a featured image it shows up fine in category view but not at all when viewing the actual post.
If I insert the same image in the post as well as selecting it as a featured image it displays twice in category view.
I can’t just insert the image and not select a featured image because I’m using recent posts plus in my sidebar, which requires featured images.
I hope you can help with this. thanks
]]>I am using Encounters-Lite WordPress theme and just ran into an issue where all of a sudden the “Blog Right Column Demo” is showing up twice at the top of my pages. The widget is not being used (blank) and I haven’t touched the php code so I can’t figure out what is calling this widget to the top of my pages and how to remove.
I really appreciate any advice you can give me.
Blog Right Column Demo
This is default content to showcase the blog’s right sidebar column. Once you publish your first widget to this position, this sample content will be replaced by your widget.
Blog Right Column Demo
This is default content to showcase the blog’s right sidebar column. Once you publish your first widget to this position, this sample content will be replaced by your widget.
How can I force the size of my logo in the header to display in a smaller size, for example 150 x 150? Also where is the theme pulling this image from? I would like to try setting it to a smaller image but I can’t even find an option to load/change the logo.
]]>The Encounters Lite theme has 4 “Blog Right Column Demo” areas on the front page. I am using child themes and attempting to get rid of these as I am not using the template for a blog. Cannot find an area to shut off in widgets and have “Inspected Elements to find the code with no luck. Does anyone know how to modify this theme to turn this blog right sidebar off?
site is: https://vhoasatx.com/
]]>Hello. I insert a photo in my post and choose the horizontal position. Then when I click on SEE POST the same image appears vertically. What is going on? This has never happened before.
Thank You.
P.S. I have not published the post that is experiencing this error. I will expect the solution. I can not publish the photo in the wrong position!
]]>Good Morning.
I was writing my post and when I clicked to change the text color on the arrow of the colors options nothing happened! It doesn’t open to me to choose the color. I am unable to change the color and the type of letter! I do not know what to do! My theme is the Encounters lite and the blog is blogdaana.com.br
Thank you!
Hi. How can I force excerpts to appear on the home page instead of the full text? Other than that issues, I’m very pleased with this them.
My site is: https://www.letsgetsickening.com
]]>I just updated the theme to the latest, and I noticed that some function names in the parent theme were changed. This caused some temporary errors on a client site. An example: encounters_content_nav() has been changed to encounters_lite_content_nav(). I’m happy that I was only making reference to that one function call so it was a quick fix, but this has happened in the past where something in the parent theme is changed, that could affect child themes. You make the skeleton of a child theme available because you want people to use them, but when a change to the parent theme messes up the child theme, it all seems a bit unproductive.
As in another post in this forum, you’ve added default demo content for empty widget areas that will adversely affect pages already using those templates without widgets. The ‘Blog Right Sidebar’ one must be a bug, because they show up when I’m using the ‘front-page-full-width-widgets-only.php’ and ‘page-full-width.php’ templates. That demo content should not even show up there. I added those templates to my child theme and deleted those sidebar calls.
Another thing is that you’ve got calls to sidebars that don’t exist in the free version, but are likely in the pro version – sidebar-content-top.php, sidebar-inset-top.php, sidebar-inset-bottom.php, and sidebar-content-bottom.php.
Encounters Lite was the first theme I’ve used from Styled Themes, back when Andre was the author, and everything was great. What’s happened?
You must think of us developers using child themes. Please.
Hi I’ve had this theme for a couple years. I can’t seem to change it now to display the most recent posts first. It just hangs when I select this option. Is there a fix for this?
]]>I am trying to enable the Header Image on ALL pages. Is this possible? At present it only appears on the Home Page.
Regards… s
]]>I’m using Encounters Lite to create a new section for the internal website for a local company. I have a header menu with links at the top of the page. That part was a breeze. I want to make a footer similar to the one on the dark gray bar at the bottom of the Encounters Lite demo page, but I can only find an option to make a footer with links, the same as the header. Is the gray bar on the demo page a footer? If so, is it only on the premium version? If it’s available in the Lite version where can I find it? If it’s not a footer, what is it?
I’d send a link but it’s a private company’s internal website.