I use the theme Elegant Grunge since many months. But I have one problem: If I use a caption below my pictures, the complete picture is out of range. It not centerd in the text, it is completly disorientated. Regardless setting the picture to center, leftside, “none” or rightside. If I delete the caption, evrything looks fine.
Has anyone an idea how to fix that?
Some of my blog posts with images for YouTube videos end up extending over into the right sidebar over the sidebar text. Normally I only type the share link in plain text without any code and it’s working. Now, all my images for Youtube videos in all posts are extendings in the sidebar.
Can anyone told me how to resolve this things whitout having to edit all my posts.
Website : https://www.invitedemarc.com
Thanks in advance.
]]>I can’t get it to even upload to my WP.org site…
]]>At the moment there exists four templates:
Is it possible to add a sidbar on the left and right?
– No Sidebar
– One Sidebar right
– One Sidebar left
– Two Sidebars right
Is it possible to add a template for
– One Sidebar on the left and one on the right?
For some reason, the image for the background is not displaying on my blog.
Is there a place I can access the default CSS code for this theme so I can compare what is different in my CSS style sheet?
Also, I was having formatting issues with the bottom of my sidebar. My blog was formatting the bottom of my sidebar like it was a blog post and not the sidebar. The sidebar widgets weren’t lined up, they had images going across the whole page etc. I deleted the strangely formatted widgets in the sidebar and that’s when my background went missing.
]]>I’m trying to change the link colors so that my links are blue when they haven’t been clicked and dark grey when they have been clicked. I inserted this code into the style sheet and it’s not changing the colors.
a:link {color:#736AFF!important;} /* unvisited link */
a:visited {color:#737CA1;} /* visited link */
I’m not sure what is over-riding it. I searched the style sheet for other a code or link codes and couldn’t find anything.
Here’s my blog URL
I’m using the Elegant grunge theme.
]]>I just upgarded to version 1.1 to correct a problem with the primary Nav bar and how my header does not display. Also, other problems include:
The sidebar does not appear although I have the default template selected
The Home page nave bar is misaligned with the Home displaying one row higher than the other menu items.
Please help! I had converted from WordPress.com to self hosted so now the theme is not working as it is under WordPress.com
]]>Hey guys,
I’m trying to get my custom header image to link back to my default home page. I’m assuming it has to do with this chunk of text but I can’t get anything working, thanks!
`<div id=”header”>
<?php if ( is_front_page() || is_archive() || is_category() || is_tag() ) { ?>
<h1><a href=”<?php echo home_url( ‘/’ ); ?>” title=”<?php echo esc_attr( get_bloginfo( ‘name’, ‘display’ ) ); ?>” rel=”home”><?php bloginfo( ‘name’ ); ?></a></h1>
<?php } else { ?>
<h2><a href=”<?php echo home_url( ‘/’ ); ?>” title=”<?php echo esc_attr( get_bloginfo( ‘name’, ‘display’ ) ); ?>” rel=”home”><?php bloginfo( ‘name’ ); ?></a></h2>
<?php } ?>
<p id=”blog-description”><?php bloginfo( ‘description’ ); ?></p>
Hi everybody. I recently got a logo done for my site and i successfully put it up on the site. I was hoping to have it link back to the home page when you click on it. I put up the logo through the elegant grunge’s options under appearance.
i was thinking maybe it can be done through here:
<?php if ( get_option(‘header_image’) ) : ?>
<style type=”text/css”>
#header div {
background: url(<?php echo get_option(‘header_image’) ?>) no-repeat center top;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
display: block;
Check it out if you’d like. the banner and logo i did separately.
i’ve been googling it for hours and came up with nothing successful….please help.
I want to update to wordpress 3.1.2, is it true that Elegant Grunge 1.0.3 doesn’t work with the newest wp version? I made a TON of changes to the style.css file and did not make it a child theme. But in the dashboard it doesn’t say that EG has an update available. So I’m kinda confused
Can I just replace 1.1 version style.css file with the 1.0.3 one I’ve edited, or is it completely different?
Not sure what to do here.