and thank you very much for the beautiful Eksell Theme!
I have a multilingual blog (german/english) and try to have a translation for the “Intro Text” shown on top of the archive page. I have to admit, that i am not very deep into wordpress…
With some help of google I tried it with a extension (TTfP) for the Polylang plugin. Unfortunately i was not able to find the Intro Text in the translation section of Polylang.
Is there a way to have the Intro Text shown in seperate languages?
Thanks for any help ??
I know Eksell is an outdated theme , yet the build is simple nd effective…
HOWEVER I wanted to find out what code is being used to create a child theme as nothing seems to be working for me?
Is this accurate?
function eksell_child_enqueue_styles() {
wp_enqueue_style('eksell-parent-style', get_template_directory_uri() . '/style.css');
wp_enqueue_style('eksell-child-style', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/style.css', array('eksell-parent-style'));
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'eksell_child_enqueue_styles');
I noticed that in mobile version (iPhone 12, Safari) my website load a column of bleed on the right.
It is weird because while scrolling screen oddly slip right.
Is there a way to solve this issue?
Many thanks,
Theres a few styling issues that conflicts on either mobile or desktop.
I am trying to figure out which wp clock css covers the padding for the media and text content. By default on desktop, the text is too far positioned to the right if the images is on the left. How can I make them equal?
A workaround I tried, adding group but the changes only appear in a background colour – however it can work, the padding to a group background on mobile is too narrow, taking up tons of white space and looks awful for readability. Im assuming its WP styling conflicting with eksell.
Does the quote block have any styling to reflect the width on mobile (sites inner padding) its appears full width and out of view.
Overall Theres some issues with the blocks styles not working, need updates
]]>Since Eksell allows block access, Is there a way to apply Custom padding, or margins to a navigation link?
The link texts cannot be addressed to be added within a group block. (normal width) The links are full width without padding whether aligned left or right
Is there a workaround to apply custom code in how navigation menu is displayed?
]]>Hello Anders,
I have wrote a blog post, that I had to pre-date because it should have been published at the launch of a campaign that begun even before we had a website. But the campaign is still ongoing, and I checked the “Stick to the top of the blog”.
Nethertheless, on the linked page (which is our hompage), where I inserted a “recent blog posts” block, the sticky post does not appear.
Is there something I should set differently in the theme ?
Hello Anders,
First of all, many thanks for your beautiful Eksell theme, which I used for a website I’m setting up for a small non-profit I’m a member of.
And also, thanks for your mostly clear and out-of-the-box functional answers to other questions in the forum : I have been able to refine several things that were annoying me thanks to your additionnal CSS hints.
Now, I have a question ??
In a forum thread, I saw you answered someone he could use the “Excerpt” field to make a subtitle that is displayed before/beyond the featured image displayed in the article. But then I saw that this is also the text displayed as a summary / excerpt of the article in the list of articles.
Is there a way to have both elements :
– excerpt in list of articles
– subtitle in the article, displayed beyond the featured image
but with differing contents ?
I have managed to move the aside to the right – However I cant seem to figure 2 things.
What would be the best practice to apply the fade in animation to different parts in a page upon view? How about applying MW- widths as WordPress width is too width or too narrow for a group block.
Before I forget, to style the menu on mobile differently from on desktop is that possible or I have to register a new menu – I would think that would make sense as I would like a different menu for mobile.
Thank you so much!
]]>Hi there,
Is it possible to have all the posts listed on the front page by title, alphabetically? Thanks!
Thank you for your awesome WP themes, I love them ??
How can I make text in Page and Single Post exactly 600 pixels wide please?
Hi, when I added a gif file on a post, it’s not being animated. How to fix this..?
]]>Hi Anders,
I wonder if there is a way to show the category description on the archive page or, alternatively, to force the category open in a new tab/new window?
The second option would obviously go against the idea of avoiding a hard reload though. However, I’d really love the descriptions to show up at a click.
]]>Where can I find the correct code to move aside from the left to the right?
I think the file in the header handle this but I’m not sure the exact code to look for
]]>Hi Anders,
I’m so glad I’ve found Eksell to build my site with. I slight glitch I bumped into is the Social Menu does not seem to show an icon for my Rumble link. Can you please include one?
]]>I notice a strange behavior with youtube embed video on Safari MAC or iPad.
When clicking on fullscreen on the YT video, the full page is switching to fullscreen and freeze instead of the video going to fullscreen.
This problem doesn’t appear with Chrome, Firefox nor iPhone Safari.
I have remove all plugin as illustrated in the web link.
I enjoy the structure of Eksell (not fully block theme) however I like your latest theme Abisko patterns! Beautiful exactly what I’ve been looking for.
Can one easily move preferences patterns to Eksell? Should we deregister some of Eksell patterns to decrease loading time)
I haven’t really looked at the codes of the fully blocked theme to understand the direction so I thought I could ask first.
Thanks so much Anders for your work! learning so much through your theme development and WordPress!
]]>Hello, I use your nice theme. For Woocommerce, my main product catalog page is my product category page. For the moment I have three categories of products, but my three images are displayed in a row, glued against each other. They are grouped together and form a single image. I would like my product category images to display distinctly, at the same dimensions as the blog images. How to do please? Thank you.
]]>With woo single-product page, it’s using the defaulr singular php / content.php files, what’s a quick and simple way to remove the header title and excerpt without copying the files over and rebuilding?
Do one use conditional statements for single-product page? I realize it also affects the archive for product categories
thank you.
Since one of the latest Eksell updates I noticed that the “Menu” text in mobile view is now split on two lines on iPhone X :
Line1 : “Men”
Line2 : “u”
Best regards
]]>Firstly thanks for all those great themes. I’ve used several over the years. I ran into a problem when using Eksell. The logo I use is 400×50 pix. It looks good on a desktop and tablet. But on a mobile phone the logo does not scale. It remains large, so that it falls over the menu and is only half visible. What can I do about it?
]]>I like to use the excerpt since Google uses this to show in Google Search. But in the Eksell this excerpt (intro-text in css) is show as first thing below the title. Is there a way to disable this?
]]>Hi Anders, thank you so much for sharing this great theme. I’d like to change the width of the title text box in the archive page. Is it possible? Thank you!
]]>I’m wondering what code can be applied to make a group (small, medium) full-width on mobile?
Which code is being used to style how group is displayed on mobile and what would be the best practice to remove the margins on selected groups to make it display like a regular full-width block?
]]>Hi @anlino,
For all of the image galleries that I use on my site, in the Gallery Block panel, I always select “Image size: Large”.
But when I publish and inspect these images by opening in a new tab, they still appear to be the full-size versions. Any idea what’s going on here?
For info, I also have the smush plugin to try to optimise and speed up the loading of my site, but I’m still getting lag on loading of all images. I think this is because Smush will optimise “Large” but not “Full size” images as standard, so I’m wondering what I’m doing wrong here with the theme?
I’d appreciate any insights, thanks for your wonderful theme!
]]>I know Eksell is not a shop theme. Can Eksell be customized to use Woocommerce default structure on the single-product page? There’s several ways to “edit” as Its using singular.php and the content layout which moves the title above along with excerpt.
What would be the best way – without too much modification (just want to structure the layout better from thin to medium , added padding, background colors *sullivan Theme is a perfect example if a clean layout.
]]>On mobile, for example, an anchor link doesn’t work – is there a working code that allows it to jump to different parts of a page?
a regular link to a page on the site works fine. This brings the assumption the link code js script needs adjustment to allow anchors to function like it normally would if it wasn’t in the mobile menu view ?
]]>Hi Anders, amazing work! I was wondering how to display social media icons in the same way they’re displayed on your demo page? https://andersnoren.se/themes/eksell/
Thank you!
]]>Absolutely love this theme for a portfolio site!
Is it possible to get some input on how you would best change the pagination code so that the most recent post (“/girls-girls-girls”) would show both the “next post” (the second latest post) as well “the previous post” (which would be the earliest post). It currently only shows the “Next Post”
Eskell’s pagination code:
// The pagination links also work as a no-js fallback, so they always need to be output.
$prev_link = get_previous_posts_link( ‘<span class=”arrow stroke-cc”>’ . eksell_get_theme_svg( ‘ui’, ‘arrow-left’, 96, 49 ) . ‘</span><span class=”screen-reader-text”>’ . esc_html__( ‘Previous Page’, ‘eksell’ ) . ‘</span></span>’, $query_args[‘max_num_pages’] );
$next_link = get_next_posts_link( ‘<span class=”screen-reader-text”>’ . esc_html__( ‘Next Page’, ‘eksell’ ) . ‘</span></span><span class=”arrow stroke-cc”>’ . eksell_get_theme_svg( ‘ui’, ‘arrow-right’, 96, 49 ) . ‘</span>’, $query_args[‘max_num_pages’] );
if ( $prev_link || $next_link ) :
$pagination_class = ! $prev_link ? ‘ only-next’ : ( ! $next_link ? ‘ only-previous’ : ” );
<nav class=”link-pagination<?php echo esc_attr( $pagination_class ); ?>”>
<?php if ( $prev_link ) : ?>
<div class=”previous-wrapper”>
<?php echo $prev_link; ?>
</div><!– .previous-wrapper –>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ( $next_link ) : ?>
<div class=”next-wrapper”>
<?php echo $next_link; ?>
</div><!– .next-wrapper –>
First of all, thanks for this great wordpress theme, I really like it.
So my little problem is that when I click on a post category (on archive page), instead of filtering them on the current page, the filter redirects to this category page, which is not what I expect, nor how the theme should react.
I don’t know if I enabled an option at some point to do this, but I can’t figure out where the problem is coming from, and can’ t fix it either, even by restoring backups.
Thanks in advance for your help ??
]]>Hi, I have just installed the Polylang plugin and it doesn’t seem to work with Eksell. Whenever I try to add a new language I get the message that it could not be added. Is the theme language ready? If not, do you have any plans to make it language ready anytime soon? Thank you!