Hi, not sure this theme is still maintained (https://foxnet-themes.fi/ show a 404 page) but here’s my problem anyway, in case someone has a clue…
My blog shows no “Leave a comment” button or whatever it is in english. See here https://lepassepartout.fr/blog/2015/05/578/ for instance.
When I switch to another theme such as Twenty Ten, I get the button back.
When I take a look at the HTML code of the page (eino theme), I see no “<p class=”form-submit”><input name=”submit” type=”submit” id=”submit” class=”submit” …” line
I tried to deactivate the other extensions, in case they would interfere, with no difference at all.
It’s been working a few month ago, since people did post comments.
Any suggestion/help would be appreciated.
How i can delete switching menu in mobile. I dont need that effect for mobile devices. I tried delete all @media, but no result.
]]>Hi, I’m found of this theme and I thank you for it.
I was wondering if there was a (clean) way to use different type of fonts than the ones listed, whether they’re from google or, my wish, from my own repository.
]]>And while I’m asking questions: I don’t understand how to use/modify/suppress the “Browse: Home” area that shows up across the front page. I don’t need it, would just as soon make it {hidden}, but don’t know where to make that happen…
]]>I wanted to include semi-transparent background in a custom color scheme. Right now, only preset color scheme 7 has transparent background, and I like it but want different color fonts.
I created a child theme (wp/wp-content/themes/eino-child/style.css).
I have tried dropping snippets of css copied and altered from the parent theme to create an RGBa background like this:
/* CSS Document */
Theme Name: eino child
Theme URI: https://roulezcycles.com/wp
Description: Eino Child Theme
Author: Jay Borden
Author URI: https://roulezcycles.com
Template: eino
Version: 1.0.0
Text Domain: eino-child
/* =Theme customization starts here
#sidebar-primary .widget,
#sidebar-secondary .widget,
#sidebar-front-page .widget-inside,
.loop-nav a,
.pagination .page-numbers,
.page-links a,
a.more-link {
background: #000;
background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);
But it seems to have no effect on the presentation of the theme.
Can you offer any help?
]]>I’m trying to split up a long blog post into pages, but <!–nextpage–> doesn’t work and I can find no information as to why not with Eino
]]>Hi, I’m found of the eino theme, but I wonder what I should do to get a post views counter, for example at the end of the entry-header line.
Thanks for any tip.
Hey! Great theme. I just wondered if there was a ‘read more’ tag or something, for post summaries? The excerpts for posts cut off at about 250~ characters and using the Read More button in the wordpress editor only stops further text being displayed, it doesn’t add any kind of indication that there is more content in the post.
]]>I love this theme but is there a way to get full posts on the frontpage instead of just the excerpts ?
]]>Not sure where I’ve gone wrong but the sidebar doesn’t show on my site when I use theme Eino.
Nothing changes when I test other visibility options in the widget section, and the sidebar does show when I use other themes.
Any ideas as to what I could be missing?
Site is https://cvbell.me
Any help would be appreciated!
]]>I want to know if I can put css code in to make each page’s sidebars display unique images different from the home page and from each other? My pages have different themes and so making them all match just the home page theme defeats the point of having a website on varying topics.
If I can insert code, please tell me what code and where exactly [I need very specific markers since I’m learning CSS still]I should insert the code, if there needs to be spaces etc etc.
]]>Is it possible to change the format of the blockquote in the blog format page of Eino?
I have made format choices based on what works best in terms of background and readability for the rest of the site, but the blog page leaves a lot to be desired. The typeface font is very large and spaced far apart making it hard to read. Also the color is very light against a light background. The ‘quoting’ effect doesn’t really convey it’s a quote at all. Can any of these format choices be changed only on the blog page?
I mean can it be done easily? I don’t know anything about CSS or formatting.
]]>Hi Sami
i try to use Eino with Woo Commerce
But i have a problem with two colum left
Here in the catalog page(woo commerce) i cant get side bar
Here(no woocommerce page) i get the side bar with woo category widget
its seems to be a recurent problem
i find this
But i dont no how use it and and if it works with your theme
My site… https://036daf1.netsolhost.com/s47a/
First, I am not as code literate as most but I am working on my second site so I’m getting better. I choose the Eino theme because it is extremely flexible in its style options. But a couple elements I would like to further customize.
Desired outcome:
1. To make breadcrumb nav bar disappear.
2. To have text/widget boxes with transparent back-grounds, borders & no box-shadows.
What I’ve done…
Using Firebug:
1. I have found and deleted/previewed the breadcrumb bar. LOOKS GREAT!
2. I have found and previewed the background-color #FFFFFF as ‘transparent’. LOOKS GREAT!
3. I have found and previewed the box-shadow at 0px. LOOKS GREAT!
Everything looks beautiful and just how I want it. So with Filezilla I download the Style.CSS AND Style.min.css to edit with Dreamweaver.
1. The line #s indicated in Firebug are not consistent.
2. I am unable to find any reference to back-ground colors or box-shadows as previously viewed in fire bug.
3. I eventually find and delete the ‘breadcrumb’ code (as seen in Firebug)and tested it. My site was a mess so I revert back.
What am I missing here?
Love the theme overall, but would really like to see some more options for the “social links” part that is built into the “customize” part of the theme. Either that or maybe help me find which file to edit to add it myself?
Also, customizable width of the columns. Thank you