Периодически на новых страницах отваливается сайдбар: https://skr.sh/sSic8G847PL в чем причина? Как исправить?
]]>Hi! I installed a plugin Child theme configurator https://www.childthemeplugin.com/ but changings don’t apply in a child theme. Is it possible that this plugin does not work with this theme?
]]>Hi! Where is a file of category in theme editor, how dous it called? Can’t find. I need to add breadcrumbs into code
]]>Hello! Is it possible to lead featured slider not to pages but to posts? https://skr.sh/sSMVOvmMNiu
1) When the theme is activated, I can’t use Quick Edit to quickly change names, categories, tags, etc on my posts, pages and courses. But when I switch to a default WP theme, then I can use the quick edit.
2) Also, the footer I created in Elementor with ThimPress Elementor template is now not working. It says that the template is “Unsupported” instead of saying “Footer” in the Type column, so it doesn’t display on the frontend. What’s going on?
]]>Hello Dumitru!
I have a nice website made with the Edupress theme: https://liceuldeartatulcea.ro/
Thank you very much for creating this theme.
What problems do I have:
1 – I want to change the name of the “Recent Posts” area from English to “Post?ri recente” from Romanian on the first page.
2 – For articles (posts), I want to no longer appear “By” article author name, but “De” article author name (for the Romanian language).
Thank you very much.
I am not sure if this is possible since the preview page for this theme does not have this function but I am wondering if it can be done. Specifically I would like users to be able to click the featured content tabs and be redirected to the page.
]]>This may be intentional since the theme preview acts the same way. Is there a way to do this? I want users to be able to click the tabs and be directed to the page instead of having to click the tab and then the title in the above image.
]]>I’m new to wordpress but have a degree in comp sci and have web dev experience. I simply want to change the structure of the featured pages slideshow that is included with the?edupress?theme so that the entire tab is a link instead of just the title text. I am having trouble finding how to modify the html of the slideshow. Is this possible? Thanks for the help!
]]>Thank You for your excellent job ? we are now using EduPress Theme!
after that all our themes created in Artisteer4.3 stopped working in PHP 8 ??
one problem we have with EduPress is that it will show the image captions with vertikal text layout ?
When I create more than one layer of menus, a rectangle appears next to top menu. How can I change it so that it is a triangle or another more presentable icon?
]]>Any help.. recent post working well but when I click it will open another page with the same recent post .. how I can fix this? I want to show the content of the post!
===Recent post ====
post content >>> click >>> ( Open another page to show the content )
I love the theme. The text has gotten too large, so I turned off options to embed certain pages in the carousel. Not sure if the text size can be reduced.
THe real reason I am posting here:
Recent posts list is spacing the lines too far apart. Spacing is different than the pages list. Looks inconsistent, and creates a poor UX. Can the spacing be reduced? Thanks.
Hi Dumitru,
I have a child theme and one of the things I have in it is an override of the header.php file. I do this because I need to be able to switch header menus based one whether a member of our society is logged on or not. (There is one menu for members and a different one for nonmembers.) Prior to 1.6 I was able to do this by following these instructions from WP eMember:
However, since 1.6 you do something different for mobile (in the mobile-menu.php template part). The original modification to header.php works fine on laptops, desktops and tablets, but the menus don’t switch on logging on with a smart phone. I was able to work around it by modifying mobile-menu.php, but I hate messing with your core code – which is why I use a child theme.
Can you suggest a better way for me to accomplish this so I can do it with my child theme so I won’t have my modification blown out of the water when you release the next update?
Thanks for all you do!!!
Don Worth
Ventura County Genealogical Society
<div id=”site-header-navigation”>
<nav id=”menu-main”>
if ( wp_emember_is_member_logged_in() ) {
wp_nav_menu( array(
‘container’ => ”,
‘container_class’ => ”,
‘menu_class’ => ‘dropdown’,
‘menu_id’ => ‘menu-main-menu’,
‘sort_column’ => ‘menu_order’,
‘theme_location’ => ‘primary’,
‘menu’ => ‘members’,
‘link_after’ => ”,
‘items_wrap’ => ‘<ul id=”site-primary-menu” class=”large-nav sf-menu”>%3$s‘ ) );
} else {
wp_nav_menu( array(
‘container’ => ”,
‘container_class’ => ”,
‘menu_class’ => ‘dropdown’,
‘menu_id’ => ‘menu-main-menu’,
‘sort_column’ => ‘menu_order’,
‘theme_location’ => ‘primary’,
‘menu’ => ‘nonmembers’,
‘link_after’ => ”,
‘items_wrap’ => ‘<ul id=”site-primary-menu” class=”large-nav sf-menu”>%3$s‘ ) );
</nav><!– #menu-main –>
</div><!– #site-header-navigation –>
<nav class=”mobile-menu” aria-label=”<?php esc_attr_e( ‘Mobile Menu’, ‘edupress’ ); ?>”>
if ( $mobile_menu_location ) {
If ( wp_emember_is_member_logged_in() ) {
‘container’ => ”,
‘items_wrap’ => ‘%3$s’,
‘show_toggles’ => true,
‘theme_location’ => $mobile_menu_location,
‘menu’ => ‘members’,
‘items_wrap’ => ‘<ul id=”%1$s” class=”%2$s”>%3$s‘
} else {
‘container’ => ”,
‘items_wrap’ => ‘%3$s’,
‘show_toggles’ => true,
‘theme_location’ => $mobile_menu_location,
‘menu’ => ‘nonmembers’,
‘items_wrap’ => ‘<ul id=”%1$s” class=”%2$s”>%3$s‘
</nav><!– .mobile-menu –>
Hello, We updated the theme to the latest but the layout is broken. We noticed this CSS was removed from the update?
#site-aside {
display: inline;
float: left;
font-size: 14px;
line-height: 1.75em;
width: 25.45454545%;
#site-content {
display: inline;
float: right;
width: 74.54545454%;
We have an article on a page that is shifted to the right with the new 1.6.0 update but was not in the previous version.
I just upgraded to 1.6.0 for EduPress and notice that the search box in the widget in my footer now has white text in a white search box. I had to put the following CSS into my child theme to override it. It was not doing this on the previous release.
input[type=”search”] {
color: black;
(so the page’s search box is fixed by doing this now)
Don Worth
[Signature links removed by moderator per forum guidelines.]
Здравствуйте! Помогите пожалуйста)
Вопрос 1:
У меня возникла проблема совместимости темы EduPress с плагином LMS LearnPress. На страницах, которые созданы плагином LearnPress, текст и заголовки выровнены по центру, а не по левому краю, как должно быть. Как можно это исправить?
Вопрос 2:
Как на страницах темы EduPress, которые созданы плагином LearnPress, можно увеличить отступы сверху и снизу, чтобы верхнее и нижнее меню не перекрывали контент? Если это сделать нельзя, то может быть есть метод вообще убрать эти элементы темы (синие и красные области с названием сайта, меню сверху и снизу), только со страниц LearnPress?
Ссылка на страницу с LearnPress:
I would like to only allow recent posts from one of my post categories on the home page. Is that possible?
Failing that, does anyone know how to either disable the Recent Posts section on the home page, or restrict the number to no more than 3? I tried via Settings > Read > Blog pages show at most=3 but it displays 4 recent posts. If I change the same setting to 2, then home page shows 3 recent posts but cuts out one of the featured pages, leaving a blank space.
]]>While the EduPress slideshow works perfectly for laptops and desktops, I’m finding one small glitch in the display of the tabs under the slideshow. On an iPhone in portrait mode (or on a larger screen where you narrow down the browser window until the responsive menu icon appears) as it rotates through the slides it highlights the tab of the slide that is displayed. However, I notice that when it gets to the 2nd slide the highlighting is not done (the first tab remains highlighted.) When it gets to the 3rd (or 4th) slide highlighting reappears. It manifests the same issue on the sample EduPress page.
I love EduPress – hope you got my donation. ??
]]>Hello! Is it possible to change the with of columns in footer? Or disable 1-2 columns?
Sorry if it might sound a little bit silly, but I’m using TranslatePress on Edupress theme on mobile version I can’t translate “Click For Menu” bit of the main sidebar… Maybe there is a part of code I can edit manually?
Thank you so much.
Il looks like version 1.5.1 is not compatible with WP 5.5.3. Have been obliged to come back to Edupress 1.4.1. I had no more lateral menu and the whole page was allover. Any update in view for that ?
Hello. I have been familiar with your theme for a long time, but only now I decided to use it because of the design. During the initial setup, everything looks good, but there are small flaws. When you change the page template in the visual editor with a full-width toolbar, the page parameters change. But when you make this page (with full width) the main page, the site bar appears.
there Is still a suggestion for the development of your topic. Can I add a global function to redefine the template for pages and posts-with a full-width sidebar? It’s just that when the site has 5,000 pages, changing the parameters of each page is very time-consuming.
If you add these features, then you can buy the free version of the theme! )))
]]>In the previous version of EduPress theme there were social icons, but in the new version they are gone. How can I add them right to the top menu and footer, just like before?
Screenshot for reference: https://www.ilovewp.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/edupress-theme-screenshot-480×1094.jpg
P.S. I tried with some plugins but they can’t do the way I want.
Before you open a new support thread, please watch the full video about the EduPress Theme.
The video is a complete walk-through of the theme’s features and settings.
I hope this video helps.
Is there a way to change the width on the used area, to more or less eliminate the empty spaces on each side of the content?
thank you
On every page there is a short gray line after my page content. Every page on the site. I’ve looked at the code, at the css, template, but am at a loss as to how to remove it. It’s not on your demo page.
I’m linking the home page and in this case the line appears below “Michael & Hank” and it appears in all desktop browsers and on my smartphone.
Could you please help me with some issue related to mobile version of EduPress theme? I would like to change label “Home” (where all menu items are displayed) on mobile devices.
I can not find it in localisation files. I would like to change word “Home” to another one. How can I do that?
Добрый день! Спасибо за тему, она потрясающая.
Подскажите, пожалуйста, как добавить изображение на общий фон сайта так, чтобы остальные блоки не сместились, не изменились?
В css я обращаюсь к id и классу #site-main.content-home. Изображение на фон добавляется корректно, но центральный блок заходит под header и footer. Как сделать так, чтобы положение блоков не менялось?