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Necesito actualizar la versión de PHP a la última versión, 8.3, pero cada vez que lo hago provoca un error crítico en el portal web. Hice una serie de procesos y pude detectar que el plugin de EduHub entra en conflicto cuando aumento la versión de PHP a 8.3.<font _mstmutation=”1″></font>
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Is it possible to keep two different header images for mobile and desktop separately
If it’s possible how i can do it
]]>I have not been able to find out how to resize the Logo. Thanks!
]]>I’m facing many issues in this theme.
1. Featured slider:
I have using slider as page. I have used condition> slider type> enable slider on entire site except blog post. But isn’t showing anywhere not even at front page.
2. Social Links menu:
I have added few social links, all have taken its social icons automatically but not telegram icon is showing.
3. I want to use post categories in sidebars. But here is selecting all categories rather than my desirable categories.
How do I remove the White text box with the orange, curved border that is visible on the featured slider on the home page of my site: https://saintbridget.org/
This is setup to be the background for text which goes over the images. But I won’t use any text so I want to remove the background (White text box with the orange, curved border) all together.
]]>How do I change the size of the images in the Featured Slider on the Education Hub Pro theme? Right now they are way too big and they make the site look weird because they go well below the fold of the page in height.
I have tried resizing the images but no luck. I cannot find any settings in the Theme to change the size of the images. Please help!
I’m sending this as a reply to https://themepalace.com/topic/header-image-not-served-by-cdn/ here because I’m locked out of the ThemePalace support site.
Thanks for your reply to my original question.
This is maybe a stupid question, but could you let me know the path to (and name of) the CSS file please? (And any other info which would be helpful for the CDN support team to get it working).
I also have a fonts file which is being served locally:
Is there any info I should give to the CDN support team about that?
I can log in to Themepalace.com, but I can’t log in to the Support portal on the site…
I was trying to reply to support in one of my earlier posts but my login must have timed out. I hit the ‘Submit’ button a couple of times to send a reply and got a ‘Your reply cannot be created at this time’ error.
I logged out and logged back in to Themepalace.com successfully, and then tried to log in with my same credentials again on the support page to send the reply (for some reason I have to log in to Themepalace and then log in again on the support page.) When I do that it tells me ‘Jetpack has locked your site’s login page’ and prompts me to trigger an email message to myself to reset my account. I click on the link in the email I receive and it takes me back to log in to the Themepalace main site again (which I could already do anyway), and when I go back to the Support site again I get the same ‘Jetpack has locked your site’s login page’ error so I am stuck in an endless loop.
Can you remove the security block on my sheeptest account for the ThemePalace support site please?
Hello sir, i want to change my heading tag from h2 to h1, but there is no option to do so. Please tell me how can i change it as it affects SEO
]]>My live site is at https://study-ccna.com
It is running the old Education Hub version 1.9.7
The side menu on the left hand side works, you can expand the main menu items.
I’ve installed a staging site at https://wordpress-603168-1953238.cloudwaysapps.com/
I have upgraded the theme to the current Education Hub Pro version 3.5
The side menu on the left hand side does not work, you can’t expand the main menu items – when you click on them the sub-items are not shown.
This is the case with both Education Hub Pro version 3.5 and Education Hub version 2.3
Something in the current version of the theme is breaking my CSS which is applied to the left hand menu. Please let me know what I need to do to fix this. Thanks!
This is my CSS:
.single .byline {
display: none;
display: none;
.cat-links {
display: none;
.tags-links {
display: none;
display: none;
.sidenav {
height: 100%;
z-index: 1;
top: 0;
left: 0;
background-color: white;
overflow-x: hidden;
padding-top: 16px;
/* Style the sidenav links and the dropdown button */
.sidenav a{
padding: 6px 0px 0px 0px;
text-decoration: none;
font-size: 16px;
color: #294a70;
border: none;
background: none;
width: 100%;
text-align: left;
cursor: pointer;
outline: none;
.dropdown-btn {
padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;
text-decoration: none;
font-size: 16px;
color: white;
border: none;
background: #294a70;
width: 100%;
text-align: left;
cursor: pointer;
outline: none;
/* On mouse-over
.sidenav a:hover, .dropdown-btn:hover {
color: #6081a7;
/* Add an active class to the active dropdown button
.active {
background-color: white;
color: #6081a7;
/* Dropdown container (hidden by default). Optional: add a lighter background color and some left padding to change the design of the dropdown content */
.dropdown-container {
display: none;
background-color: white;
padding-left: 8px;
/* Optional: Style the caret down icon */
.fa-caret-down {
float: right;
padding-right: 8px;
/* Some media queries for responsiveness */
@media screen and (max-height: 450px) {
.sidenav {padding-top: 15px;}
.sidenav a {font-size: 18px;}
In the images for this theme and in the demo there are social icons in the top bar, on the right. In Customizing ? Theme Options Header Options I have Show Social Icons icons checked but nothing appears. Is there a plugin needed for this or how do I set it up?
]]>Hello, I am unable to edit the homepage of my site, I am using the education-hub template, can you please help me fix it? editing it keeps taking me to posts, I need to edit the homepage
]]>Salve a tutti,
ho un problema con il nome del sito.
Volendo impostare una slideshow in homepage, ho modificato il file header ma adesso non mi compare il nome del sito ma questa stringa /** * Hook – education_hub_action_header. * * @hooked education_hub_site_branding – 10 */ do_action( ‘education_hub_action_header’ ); ?>
Come posso fare per ripristinare il nome? Cosa devo correggere?
Grazie mille
Need to add one more image on the header (white space) below the Search.
]]>I can’t seem to change the font color/size within Elementor. It’s not a plugin conflict or browser or cache. It’s come down to the theme and I’m not sure how to enable it
]]>Sorry for my English. I have a site https://testwp.look-sale.ru, and I need to set up a menu of social links. I use the Awesome font, and the Instagram and Facebook icons are displayed perfectly there. But when it comes to the icon of the russian social network Vkontakte, the icon is not displayed – nothing! Not through html, not by number, no way! he hyperlink icon is visible. When I explore the code in the browser, it is identical for every button. But for some reason it is not displayed. Thanks in advance.
I use the educational Hug free version.
I want to create a slider in my front page like in your demo.
So, I go to the slider option > Featured slider > Slider Type:
Enabale Slider On > Static front Page Only
Select SLider Type > Featured Pages
Featured page 1 > Name of my page where there is my Featured Image
But nothing appear!
My slider does not appear in my front page.
Can you help me please?
Thanks in advance!
]]>The feature images on posts and pages are too big and I want to make them smaller.
I have found how to do so using css – see below – but the problem with this is that it has the same affect on the logo which like the feature images, resizes itself to 50% . Can anyone help to either (1) know css code which I could use to exclude the logo image from below or (2) know of a plugin for a logo. And (3) I also want to put a second logo on the right hand side of the header – I want to have two images, one on either side of the header. (4) I have tried to make a banner, which I normally do for these websites, but in this one I can’t seem to get it to accept the size I am creating even though it looks like it should. any help is welcome
.single .single-feat .single-thumb-full img {
width: auto;
// feature image parent class
.single-featured-image-header {
display: inline-block;
//css of feature image
}img {
height: 50%;
max-width: 50%;
We’re currently using the free version of the Education Hub theme. We were considering purchasing the pro version but see it hasn’t been updated in 2 years.
Has the developer(s) abandoned the theme and not updating it anymore?
]]>I want to show my posts in my featured pages but there is no options available to choose it so how can i show my posts in the featured content?
Thanks in advance
]]>I recently set static front page as my home page but it has too many space between static page title (hidden and show both) and news/event sections. so how could i remove this excessive space? and is there any option to remove static page title from home page completely?
]]>I’ve enabled on my front page the news section and would like to use sticky notes (https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/how-to-make-sticky-posts-in-wordpress/). My Problem: They don’t stick to the front page.
What am I doing wrong? Or isn’t it possible to use sticky notes for that theme?
Thanks a lot in advance
Is there any way to hide the featured image at the top of a post, but have it so it appears on the blog page?
I’ve tried this with CSS but it hides it on the blog page..
]]>I have the News and Events sections enabled on my home page. The problem is that if Show Home Content is also checked, the News and Events posts are duplicated then. I’d like to remove the duplication while keeping the sidebar.
1. I just want to make something similar to the demo. i.e., the slider
at the first page (Home), but not the entire site. Which option at enable
slider on should I choose? I have tried to do this:
– I have 3 pages (A, B, and C)
– Enable Slider > Static Front Page only
Then at Homepage Settings > set to one of the page (e.g., A)
However, the outcome is that I got Home, A, B, and C at the
Netvigation Bar. The page Home and A are the same. Both pages has the
slider. I just want the slider to be shown at the page “Home”. Not at
Page A, B or C as those are the contents.
2. How can I adjust the “captions” shown in the slider (featured
page). Or how can I customize that so that it can display the words I
3. How can I change the order of the Netvigation Menu?
4. For a page, I found that the title will be shown in the Netvigation
Bar. How can my title different from the one shown in the Netvigation
5. Where can I custom the Netvigation Bar color?
]]>Good Morning,
Unfortunately, your theme let a link https:// to your website.
I wanna change it in Https because now I migrate to https and I don’t wanna have mixed content.
How can I do?
Many thanks
Good evening,
I am currently locally preparing my future website with MAMP using the Education Hub theme. First, let me thank you for a very easy and practical theme, that I have found to match perfectly my expectations and needs.
Nevertheless, I am facing a technical difficulty as I would like to hide the featured image on the pages but keep the image on the slider that will be on my homepage.
I unsuccessfully tried to add the following lines in Simple Custom CSS in order to modify the parameter:
body:not(.home) .header-image {
background-image: none !important;
max-height: 0;
body:not(.home) .content {
margin-top: 0;
Thank you in advance for your help
I didn’t get an answer to this from a theme palace.
whos fault is this Now? Theme Palace? Education Hub theme/ WordPress? or Server?
Yoast SEO is not working with my website from Previous few days.
Yoast SEO is not saving my focus keywords, Meta description, and SEO title. I save the Post and then again when I look into Yoast snippet the SEO title, meta, and focus disappeared.
I have tried All in One SEO Pack also. The Same SEO problem is with all in one SEO pack.
Another thing is that my Media ? is not showing images. Although those images showed when i copy any post and the link preview show image. But than those images not showing in Media library.
As well as when i tried to upload a New Image the nee image also not Uploading and it comes under a shape of plane document icon.
We have installed Fresh New WordPress again, Downloaded Theme again, Integrated theme again.
But still the Problem exists.
What is the Problem? Please tell us. We are tired of asking from Our Web Hosting.
Nothing Solved.
Yoast SEO is not working with my website from Previous few days.
Yoast SEO is not saving my focus keywords, Meta description, and SEO title. I save the Post and then again when i look into Yoast snippet the SEO title, meta, and focus disappeared.
I have tried All in One SEO Pack also. The Same SEO problem is with all in one SEO pack.
Another thing is that my Media ? is not showing images. Although those images showed when i copy any post and the link preview show image. But than those images not showing in Media library.
As well as when i tried to upload a New Image the nee image also not Uploading and it comes under a shape of plane document icon.
We have installed Fresh New WordPress again, Downloaded Theme again, Integrated theme again.
But still the Problem exists.
What is the Problem? Please tell us. We are tired of asking from Our Web Hosting.
Nothing Solved.
Please provide me guidelines. The documentation say nothing about it.
I want to configure the home as shown in demo