Hi, is there something in the settings that forces the footer of the page to the bottom so background drop don’t show past the footer area? I had to use a css script to force it but just want to know if you have it in settings or not please.
]]>I wanted to add slider. So I created slider page and added image to it but slider isn’t visible on shop page. How to add slider?
Also s it possible to add logo in centre where categories and search option is present? And move menu icon beside logo in responsive mode?
]]>I have disabled Search & Category and My Account options. It works fine on desktop but when viewed on mobile both are visible. How to disable them on mobile?
the top bar seams to produce an error with the entered phone number in the following format “+4412345….”. It is displayed correctly, but when clicked on a mobile device, which should automatically dial the phone number, some “htt code” or equivalent digits are transmitted, so that the entered phone number cannot be dialed.
I tried some customs CSS, but was unable to rectify the error.
Please have a look on our website and try it yourself.
I hope it is an easy fix.
Thank you
I need the theme “Ecommerce Solution” translated to “Portuguese (Brazil)”.
Where can i get it?
Or how can I translate it?
]]>Is it possible to change the top bar to maybe a post so that I can lay it out easier? I’m looking at the top white part with logo, search, and account …. “mid-header py4”. I’m sure I could add a lot of extra CSS but I’m a beginner and that would be a nightmare. It would be a lot easier if I could just replace it with a post of the same resolution.
]]>When this theme is deployed, its styles overwrite the WP core styles for contextual admin menubar that appears at top of displayed (public facing) pages/posts — e.g., menubar with options for editing that page, creative new page, dashboard, etc. So, for example, mine now appears unreadable with dark text on a dark background, as a result.
Ref: WordPress 5.5 (same with previous version)
Browsers: Opera, Firefox, Chrome, etc.
OS: Windows 10
After upgrading to the latest WordPress 5.5 (from previous version), the existing widgets are now unresponsive — can’t open (accordian behavior) or move, etc. Even when selecting accessibility mode for the Widgets page, widgets remain unresponsive.
Have tried in Opera and Firefox (dev). Same issue.
Widgets work as expected in other themes.
]]>Aligment not working properly
]]>Respected sir,
There is a problem with a alignment on Login page and it looks very bad.
How to resolve this problem?
Like login Id and password alignment is not correct.
And I am not able to amend it and I have also updated the theme to latest version but still its alignment is the same. Kindly help with this problem.
When I follow your slider step properly. I have done as per your instruction.
Home Page Setting :
Step 1: Go to dashboard >> Pages >> Add New
– create a home page and select a page attribute as a Custom Home Page.
Step 2: Go to dashboard >> Customizer >> Homepage Settings >> Select a Static Page.
For Slider:
Step 1: Go to dashboard >> Customizer >> Home Page Settings >> Slider Section
– Select slider image pages.
but in the slider Image not showing, when I Select as a static page which I created for slider home page, slider showing in a little bit aspect ratio of image not showing.
you can see here: https://prnt.sc/t2kv0g
plz give me a solution
]]>Dear Theam Author
Thanks for your great theme, But I have some problem
In this theme Login/Register page not showing properly
also after register then billing address page not showing properly
Please see here https://prnt.sc/t2jxfn
Also not working Log Out properly, when I click on logout its show 403 Forbidden page.
You can see here. https://prnt.sc/t2jydf
Also want to edit shop page, account page, any php page available where I am able to edit?
please give me a solution
]]>Hello! When I try to save the slider settings, it says, “It seems that something went wrong. Wait a couple of seconds and try again.” And the settings are not applied. You can see it here https://prnt.sc/slhcts.
]]>Dear sir,
There is a problem with a alignment on Login page and its looking very bad
How to resolve
Like login I’d and password alignment is not correct
And I am not able to rectify kindly help with above problem
Jitendra khatri
Your theme (Ecommerce Solution) contains outdated copies of some WooCommerce template files. These files may need updating to ensure they are compatible with the current version of WooCommerce. Suggestions to fix this:
Update your theme to the latest version. If no update is available contact your theme author asking about compatibility with the current WooCommerce version.
If you copied over a template file to change something, then you will need to copy the new version of the template and apply your changes again.
Please advise if this will be updated soon.
Thank you and keep up the good work.
]]>I’m testing the website and everything is perfect except the slider functions.
I could not find any option or solution to connect the shop now button to a product.
When clicking the shop now button it will just land on the page link which I created in able for the slider to work. I need the shop now button when clicked will be linked to a specific product.
The home page slider does not function. Also no way to install or import demo content to evaluate this theme
]]>The document for the Free Theme is missing and page has a 404 error.
]]>product is showing in bad manner .
not responsible in mobile
Good Day Support
I am currently having an issue with the theme. I am running it on a localhost, however non of the icons are showing up (The cellphone icon, The cart icon, etc)
Please can I have some assistance as soon as possible.
Laurika Hemraj
So this theme sure caught my intention because of the exact colour theme I was going for. Most of the time I tend to use Elementor in conjunction with a theme to make it easier to modify certain pages. However I noticed that when Elementor is enabled some of the Font Awesome icons are not being loaded properly.
This is most likely because Elementor still uses Font Awesome 4.7 and your theme uses the newer 5.X version which is certainly a plus but does cause some issues with other plugins that load their own Font Awesome version like Elementor.
I would like to know if there might be a way to have both of these in conjunction. I will certainly contact Elementor to see if they can do something on their side as it is more a lack of them for not updating to the newer Elementor yet, but also wanted to let other people know that they could expect some issues if this theme is used with Elementor or any other plugin that forces to load an older version of Font Awesome