Hello. I put a very simple 1 page blog together for my friend with this theme that he picked out. Everything works great except for when he tries to share a post with Facebook. When he copies the link of a post and pastes it into Facebook, the image for the post shows up just fine, as does the name of the post and the site name. But then below that is this crazy type:
You may use these HTML tags and attributes: <?a href=”” title=””> <?abbr title=””> <?acronym title=””> <?b> <?blockquote cite=””> <?cite> <?code> <?del datetime=””> <?em> <?i> <?q cite=””> <?strike> <?strong>
I found some code to put into the functions.php to turn it off:
add_filter( ‘comment_form_defaults’, ‘remove_comment_form_allowed_tags’ );
function remove_comment_form_allowed_tags( $defaults ) {
$defaults[‘comment_notes_after’] = ”;
return $defaults;
And it does just what it’s supposed to do in the site, but not in Facebook.
The only plugins I have installed are:
Black Studio TinyMCE Widget
TinyMCE Advanced
Easy Facebook Share Thumbnail (I think he installed this.)
I had installed, but turned of in case these were the culprits:
Jetpack by WordPress.com
WordPress SEO Yoast
But turning them off didn’t fix the problem.
Anyone know of a solution to this extremely frustrating problem? (And yes, I’ve Googled about this most of the day without much help.)
]]>Hi I love your template but I am having an issue with 2 different syntax highlighers I have tried, both have the same issue when double clicking to copy code the code span is split in two almost like there is two columns.
I tried SyntaxHighlighter Evolved and Crayon.