This Theme is no longer supported by the theme author (me).
I′m currently trying to remove it from the repository which seems to be not so simple as it sounds ??
Thanks for your understanding
I used WP Ultra Simple Paypal Shopping Cart. When I add an item and them try to delete it from the cart I get – Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/content/p3nexnas05_data03/59/2166859/html/wp-content/plugins/wp-ultra-simple-paypal-shopping-cart/wp_ultra_simple_shopping_cart.php on line 152
I’ve now tried 2 other plugins and get the same error (different line numbers). I’m guessing it is theme related since it is happening with multiple plugins.
I reposted this issue because it was mixed with another issue that got resolved. It turns out this is still an issue.
[ No bumping please. ]
]]>I’ve gotten a similar error from 2 different plugins and haven’t been able to resolve them. I’m wondering if it might be a theme error.
I used WP Ultra Simple Paypal Shopping Cart. When I add an item and them try to delete it from the cart I get – Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/content/p3nexnas05_data03/59/2166859/html/wp-content/plugins/wp-ultra-simple-paypal-shopping-cart/wp_ultra_simple_shopping_cart.php on line 152
I just updated JetPack plugin and got – Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/content/p3nexnas05_data01/75/2167375/html/wp-content/plugins/jetpack/class.jetpack.php on line 4470
Is it possible the them is the issue here?
]]>One of my pages is displaying comments at the bottom even though I have the “Allow Comments” box unchecked for the page. It is a note about a pingback from another sight. Is there a way to turn the display off other than editing the theme template? I don’t want comments on any page.
]]>I have problem. Do you noticed that loger titles are broken in two lines. After 28 characters distal part of the title is transferred to the second line.
How to deal with it in Delighted?
I would like to have loger title in one line ! There is enough space for it ??
Can you help me. please?
]]>I’m getting this type of text all over my site and the Dashboard section isn’t working at all. Any ideas? I’m not particularly clever with this kind of stuff to say the least. Cheers.
Warning: Illegal string offset ‘payoff’ in /data02/c0802930/public_html/wp-content/themes/delight/functions/lib/pix_functions.php on line 806
Love the theme but do NOT want excerpts on the home page. Cannot find a way to turn this off. Help would be very appreciated.
]]>Please advise how to remove ‘website’in the form (comments box) and change ‘name’ by ‘alias’ for example,
Thank a lot for your help,
(my site is not on line for the moment).
I’ve activated delighted on my blog and when I try to change the image in the header, it’s not letting me. I choose it from my gallery, save changes, and the original image is still showing on my site.
]]>On the main page where your posts are and the links to them, the Read More link appears but in a lilac-styled (or is it brown?) button. How can I change that ‘Read More’ button to just be a text link which will say ‘Read more…’?
Thanks for any help you can provide. I’ve searched and searched, with no avail.
]]>Hiya. I’m using a child of deLighted, but was wondering where I could both centre the nav bar and include a colour rollover? I’ve tried in Custom CSS but nothing happened.
Other than that, lovely, easy to adapt theme!
Please advise how to remove the Comments box plus this text:
'You may use these HTML tags and attributes: <a href="" title=""> <abbr title=""> <acronym title=""> <b>
<blockquote cite=""> <cite>
<del datetime=""> <em> <i> <q cite=""> <strike> <strong>'</p>
View on this page on my site:
]]>Hi, I couldn’t get the header to change from the purple flowers.
And then all of a sudden it changed to the background image I had set. Do you know how to fix this?
My site title is not showing on the website. I have tried to update it several times but it still will not show.
Link to site