For users with a DarkOrange child theme:
and header-second
) into 1 (header
)For users with custom CSS:
and header-second
into header
into post-meta
After the major update of DarkOrange last week I have updated theme again.
Unfortunately several changes that have been added lately may break your child theme and/or custom CSS. But to make this theme better, this is not something that can be avoided.
For users with a child theme:
For users with custom CSS:
into post-metadata
into post-metadata-bottom
into read-more
For all users:
In a previous version I have added the great flexbox layout method to the header section, but reverted this again. Although flexbox is great, this theme was developed before flexbox became the number one layout method. To be consistent only floats are being used throughout stylesheet. That’s why flexbox is removed again.
Rest assured, no more major updates in the (near) future!
Need help? Please open a topic in support forum.
Yes, another update after almost 2 years!
In last update of DarkOrange I have included new settings in the Customizer:
For users with a child theme:
For users with custom CSS:
For all users:
Need help? Please open a topic in support forum.
For users with a DarkOrange child theme or custom CSS. I have added/changed several CSS classes.
File functions:
Changed class widgettitle
into widget-title widgettitle
Old class widgettitle
will be removed in the future.
File header:
Added class="site-title"
to the logo H1.
File content-list:
Changed class post-home
into post-list-two post-home
Changed class post-not-home
into post-list post-not-home
Old classes post-home
and post-not-home
will be removed in the future.
Files single and single-full:
Changed classes post-title-single entry-title
into entry-title post-title
Changed class entry-content
into entry-content post-content
Files page and page-full:
Changed class entry-content-page
into page-content
You may have to update your child theme and/or your custom CSS.
In last theme update I’ve removed Google font (Open Sans) because of the GDPR. DarkOrange now uses system font Verdana instead.
You can easily add your own font with one of the plugins that are available for this, such as the Fonts Plugin.
For users with a DarkOrange child theme:
Sometimes you cannot avoid updating template files. This time I have updated files header and footer.
File header: added code for new feature in Customizer (logo width). And added ID to several mobile menu elements.
File footer: added code for new feature in Customizer (add content to footer).
Those changes might have broken some of your customizations, I’m sorry for that. If you want help to fix it again please open a topic in support forum.
About the recent DarkOrange theme update:
Main reason for last update is to improve accessibility and better support for screen readers.
Because of this I had to change the CSS of main navigation. Mainly the CSS of submenu and mobile menu.
Those changes might have broken some of your CSS customizations, I’m sorry for that. If you want help to fix it again please open a topic in support forum.
For users with a child theme, I have updated file header. Added a skip-to-content link and changed the div with class “mobile-nav-toggle” into a button.
sinds gisteren maakt deze stumperd gebruik van het thema “DarkOrange”. Na enige moeite is het me gelukt om de kopafbeelding te vervangen door een plaatje dat beter aansluit bij mijn blogposts. Blijf als absolute leek toch met enige vragen zitten. Ik zou graag de witruimte rond mijn thumbnails in de CSS kunnen aanpassen. Ook zou ik extra witruimte in de teksten zelf willen aanbrengen (tussen de verschillende alinea’s/paragrafen). Ik kan me enigszins helpen in HTML, maar de wijzigingen die ik aanbracht werden genegeerd (Waarschijnlijk overruled door de CSS-instellingen van Guido).
Ter info: zelf zou ik me een ‘kleine krabbelaar’ willen noemen, bekend met enkele specifieke HTML-zaken, maar een volslagen leek op het gebied van CSS.
About the recent DarkOrange theme updates:
The last couple of months there where several theme updates to improve the quality of this theme. Lately there where many (minor) CSS changes regarding the width and floating of div elements.
When a div element contains floated child elements this div can collapse. In the past I resolved this collapsing by adding width and floating to this div, but using a so called clearfix is best practice. So that’s why I’ve removed the width and floating and added a clearfix instead.
Besides this I’ve restyled the mobile menu.
Those changes might have break some of your CSS customizations, I’m sorry for that. If you want help to fix it again please open a thread in support forum.
I’m not planning new theme updates anytime soon..
This month I will update DarkOrange theme, and add a fully new mobile navigation (navigation in mobile screen).
This means I will replace the (jquery) select menu with a dropdown (jquery) toggle menu.
If you’re using a child theme that contains file “header.php”, you should update this file after updating theme. Otherwise the new dropdown toggle menu won’t work. I have added some extra lines of code regarding the new menu in this file.
For those who have customized DarkOrange theme:
The last couple of months there where several theme updates to improve the quality of this theme. I have made lots of changes in many files. Please also check previous posts in this theme-forum. Lately there where many (small) CSS changes regarding margin, padding, float, clear, etc. To solve issues such as margin collapsing. Those changes might have break some of your customizations, I’m sorry for that.
]]>I would love to use your theme for my site but can’t because it is incompatible with the Woo Commerce plugin that I am using. Can the problem be fixed?
In upcoming theme update I have improved the heading structure because of SEO.
This might have consequences in case of modifications you’ve made.
New structure is:
Thank you for using one of my themes. I’m trying to check this forum once every week.
You can also reach me via my website, but only in case of emergencies.