I am using this custom css to make the products in mobile view be in two columns but it doesn’t work the products become smaller but still in one column
@media only screen and (max-width: 712px) { ul.products li.product {
width: 50%!important;
padding: 10px !Important;
display: inline-block !Important; } }
]]><font _mstmutation=”1″ _msttexthash=”5141877″ _msthash=”550″>Hello, author, I have a question to ask. Can the background of the theme’s homepage be customized and changed? If it can be changed, could you please explain how? Thank you.https://demo.codegearthemes.com/cosme/handmade/</font><font _mstmutation=”1″></font>
]]>I have encountered problems, please see the following screenshot, I import this
]]>Product photo appears in editing page in dashboard but not on line page.
]]>Is there a way to get the list block to work properly?
]]>Is there a way to remove the blog post date, author and comments on blog posts? I’ve updated the settings and no changes have occurred.
]]>Is there a way to remove the grey section and the breadcrumbs?
Nous avons installé votre template COSMO,
nous souhaitons enlever provisoirement :
la barre de recherche
et panier
de la barre de menu supérieure mais ne trouvons pas comment faire.
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