Hi Corpo Peeps,
I really love my Corpo themed website, have been using it now for about 2 years.
I’ve just gone to update my slider and I was looking for the instructions / documentation which I thought was here ~ https://webtuts.pl/documentation/corpo/
I can’t seem to find it anywhere.
Please can you help me. I’d also like to learn how I can use the Portfolio feature of the theme now too so access to the documentation would be awesome please.
Thank you for making such a great theme and thank you for reading.
I have downloaded the Corpo theme and Formidable Restaurant child theme which seems to be working fine except it is telling me I need the corpo toolkit, that I found but cannot install.
The error message is that the external url cannot be found. The exact message is “Downloading install package from /home4/mletha7725/public_html/THEBEAUTYINYOU/wp-content/themes/formidable-restaurant/functions/plugins/corpo_toolkit.zip…
Download failed. A valid URL was not provided.”
I am also getting this message in wordpress
M_Bulk_Installer_Skin::before() should be compatible with Bulk_Upgrader_Skin::before($title = ”) in /home4/mletha7725/public_html/THEBEAUTYINYOU/wp-content/themes/corpo/functions/plugins/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php on line 1893
Warning: Declaration of TGM_Bulk_Installer_Skin::after() should be compatible with Bulk_Upgrader_Skin::after($title = ”) in /home4/mletha7725/public_html/THEBEAUTYINYOU/wp-content/themes/corpo/functions/plugins/class-tgm-plugin-
Can anyone help with this. I really want to use this theme and did not realize there was no action on it for a very long time.
Thanks for any help.
My header is displaying great in Google Chrome, but is distorted and full of text in Safari. Has anyone else had this issue or can anyone provide any suggestions??
Site is: https://www.orthoethics.com
]]>I have some problem in corpo theme, that is when i was open the first time, half of the page content has been hided, after refresh it, then its cleared, but when i was open in first time it having the problem, please help me to solve those problems…………….
]]><strong >Hello!
How I can change the background of the title when I create a new page?
]]>Is it possible to make the actual service icon images clickable? I know that a ‘Click Here’ link appears at the end of the little descriptive blurb, but I would like the icon to also link to the featured page/service.
can anyone tell me how I can edit the text below the slider (www.rchelischule.de)
On the front page? I set it up one year ago but I can’t find it anymore.
I got custom home page enabled and set it as a static page.
Thanks for yor help
Regards Niklas
Hey all,
I recently updated to WordPress 4.1.1 and the slider images on my Corpo Pro site are exceeding the page margins. My background image is also out of sync with the header and footer banners.
I know it’s the pro version, but I’ve been trying to contact the support person for this theme for two weeks to no avail. I have customers visiting my site regularly and it looks a bit strange. I really need to fix this?
Can anyone help. Here’s the site link
There is a Stop showing up below on the left bottom corner of my site. Can anybody tell how to remote that?
Site link
I have a website using Corpo free theme. The website has 2 languages (English and Arabic) and I used mqtranslate plugin to allow the multi-language feature.
I need to adjust the menu direction such that:
– The menu shall have RTL direction in Arabic and LTR direction in English
Please, help as I need to launch the website and cannot do it with the current theme options.
]]>In my news (blog) list summary it end with “Continue Reading”
Where can i find the location to translate it into Dutch.
I installed also “Local Translate” but I cannot find these these messages in any list. Only the list for the plugin modules but not the list for the default Corpo messages.
Dear Theme Author,
Thanks a lot for the wonderful Theme.
There seems to be a bug in the theme related to the social media links in the header.
When I enter a social media link, https://www.facebook.com for example, in my website (www.maacso.com) I am being redirected to https://www.maacso.com/www.facebook.com and not https://www.facebook.com.
Please provide your support in this regard. I am already stuck with this bug for quite some time.
Thanks a lot in advance.
]]>Hi Aleksandra,
Thanks a lot for the great theme.
After entering the Social Media links, for example, https://www.facebook.com/maacsogmbh, under Theme Options -> Social Media -> Facebook URL, the FB ICON on my website (www.maacso.com) redirects to the address https://www.maacso.com/www.facebook.com/maacsogmbh. Similarly, for other pages the icon redirects to an address with the page link followed by the FB link.
I am not able to figure-out my mistake. Could you please help me out?
Thanks a lot in advance.
Is there a way to make it so that project URLs can open in a new tab, instead of opening on the same tab as my website? Link below for example:
]]>I can no longer find it on www.remarpro.com, nor when I try to add it via my own WordPress theme manager.
Is there a reason why the theme is gone? Is the project dead? No longer maintained? I spent a lot of time customizing my WordPress to use corpo locally before i was going to publish it live, and now corpo is gone before I had a chance :/
]]>HI Friends,
I have noticed an unauthorized link at the top left hand corner of my website, it’s been there for over a month now and it’s there sometimes and then disappears ~ only to re-appear again.
It’s for a Gambling Website, totally unrelated to my work and has no business being there.
It appears to be quite evil ~ surely this bastard will be affecting my sites rank-ability?
I have tried to figure out how it got there and how to vanquish it but I am at a loss.
I don’t do anything risky, I am not affiliated with any advertisers and I believe I have adequate security plugins.
I implore you clever web peeps to help me ~ please.
How can I get rid of this imposter?
My website is makeupartistrycairns(dot)com.au
Thank you for taking the time to read this. I sincerely hope someone can help me.
Hi, Alex, I like your Corpo theme very much, could you tell me where to download it now? I’ll be very appreciated. Thanks in advance.
I have disabled the default corpo portfolio.
Added <?php echo do_shortcode(“[huge_it_portfolio id=’1′]”); ?> as provided by Huge-IT portfolio in to front-page.php just above <?php corpo_home_projects(); ?>
It messed Services and Slider completely. Services became horizontal and slider was gone.
Any help?
First of all thankes for this free theme..!
I want to add more than 4 portfolio projects on my home page(I have more than ten projects in portfolio and i want to show them all on my home page.)
And one more thing if possible i want to change portfolio page permalink, which is at present is https://www.mysite.com/project/ , and its title is “Projects Archive – Site Title”. I want this page seo customisable as any page seo is customisable through yost seo plugin, is it possible.
Thanks in advance.
First of all I would like to thank the developer(s) of this theme from the bottom of my heart.
Unfortunately, the featured image in pages doesn’t show up. This is apart from static home page.
I have tried to change the template to Blog and default template too but it doesn’t work at all.
I need the page in full-width mode where I can show a featured image.
Thanks in advance.
how can i conver this theme to full width theme?
]]>I’m using corpo theme for a project and for some reason the font awesome icons are not properly working in the services section.
What’s weird is that they don’t work on the initial load of the page, but if i navigate to another page of the site then return they load. They don’t load on just a page refresh.
Here is a link to the website:
Any idea on what might be causing this or how to fix it?
I wanna change the labels (overview and services) in the portfolio section, can you tell me where i can do this?
For example:change the “overview” label in “overzicht”
Thanx in advance!
]]>Under Portfolio->Services
I added a new service and fill in the description but it doesn’t show up.
There is a message below the description stating this,
“The description is not prominent by default; however, some themes may show it.”
Does this mean that it may be possible to turn it on somewhere? If so, where?
Here is where I am referring to: freelancepreneur.com/project-services/freelancers/
The description is in fact filled out, but doesn’t display on the page for whatever the reason.
]]>Is there a 3D tag cloud that will support the tags you can add to projects and can be pasted in a static page? If so, where? And! How would I go about setting it so that the tags are only the tags used in the portfolio tagging aspect, thanks! Preferably the sphere ones you sometimes see on peoples pages. Hope someone can help, I think it would be neat to add in ??
]]>Update: I figured it out. Wasn’t really highlighted how you do it, but I figured it out. Not sure how to delete or close this post though.
Says something like this,
“Icon name, for example: icon-search
List of all avaialable icons and their names can be found at FontAwesome.”
I go to Fontawesome, try to add them into the area it suggests for the icons and they don’t work. Do I have to download a list of icons from somewhere to get them to work?
fa-adjust for example I typed in and it simply just doesn’t show up. This is probably something easy i’m over-looking, but in fairness I am following exactly what it’s telling me to do.
]]>Simply put, I want to know if it’s possible to reorganize projects? I want to list services and be able to reorganize them to give different exposure to the services on the front page, not just the most recently posted ones. Is there a way to do this?
]]>Can I make two different “Project” instances?
I wanted to have a list of services that I offer in the Project area, but in addition to that I wanted to make another instance on the same domain so I can have two different project areas. Is this possible in any easy manner?
]]>Cze??. Chcia?bym zmieni? w podgl?dzie portfolio takie nazwy jak “Overview”; “Services”; “Project details”.
Przeszuka?em wszystkie pliki w poszukiwaniu tych fraz i niestety ich nie znalaz?em.
]]>Hi there.
I’m working with Corpo using localhost, or else I’d give the URL, but I’m running into a problem where the project links are generating a 404 error. Any thoughts?