Whenever I try to activate the Componentz Extra plugin my website stops working and responds with 504 Gateway timeout. It looks like the plugin’s website is suffering the same issue. The issue occurred a few days ago since I was able to configure the entire website. This smells like a WordPress version issue.
Here is an overview of the versions I use:
Thanks for your reply!
can you answer please? I sent you 2 messages in the last week, without answer. I can’t activate the license key because I get this message when I want to copy and paste it into my wordpress: No license keys purchased yet. I am subscribed to componentz Premium – Advanced (2 Years)
Can you help me or just refund me?
I have no downloadable products in my shop so i ‘d like to deactivate the ‘download’ tab in the my account page.
Didn’t find a way to configure this in the theme personalization
]]>Recently switched to the Componentz theme.
Went to edit a previous post when logged in as user and viewing the post itself. When I select the “Edit button” it links to and then allows you to edit the latest published post no matter which post I try to edit.
So if I have post 1 with title A and then post 2 with title B, when I inspect the edit button on post 1 I see:
<svg class=”cz-icon cz-icon-pencil” aria-hidden=”true” role=”img”><use xlink:href=”https://www.example.com/wp-content/themes/componentz/assets/img/icons/front.svg#cz-icon-pencil”></use></svg> Edit <span class=”screen-reader-text”>B</span>
When I would expect the link to be “href=”https://www.example.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=1&action=edit” with the title “A”
As this didn’t happen before switching to theme (and couldn’t see in preview mode) I assume it’s an issue in the theme rather than the latest WP code?
I’m using componentz premium version
I’ve downloaded the componentz-child theme provided here
and installed it.
When you go to Customize > Header
you can pick either Color, Header Image, Header Image + Color overlay
The child theme does not provide the light grey background image provided in the parent theme. (i had to copy the “assets” folder from parent folder to child folder)
When i pick Color, and change the Header Color #1 and #2, i see the immediates modifications. When I publish, changes are not applied to the public part of the website and i still get the original blue gradient. Same when I reload the Customize > Header page.
Header” />
Thanks for some help ;