Hello, is there any documentation on how to use the theme?
I would like for example to display a widget in the footer, is it possible?
By looking in the theme customization I found something that seems to answer my question (screen), but I do not see how it works, I added a sidebar 2, but I can not find it anywhere .. I turn a little in circles …
Thank you very much ??
I discovered something buggy.
When the Boxed Layout is selected and the dark theme is toggled on, background remains white and does not switch to the black.
Can you please confirm if you experience the same problem?
Do you have an advice regarding the solution of the problem?
Thank you in advance!
First of all, thank you very much for sharing this amazing premium-theme with us!
How can I keep the site name together with the site logo and also the site description? Please see the image below.
Thank you in advance!
I love this theme. It’s super clean and easy to use.
The only issue I’ve found is that if I turn on the Dynamic Styles and the Light/Dark Theme Toggle then they don’t seem to work well together. When Dynamic Styles is on and the Dark Mode toggle is on, if I switch to Dark mode then instead of getting Dark Mode I get white text on a white background. If either of these toggles in on individually they seem to work fine. i.e. I can toggle Dark Mode when Dynamic Styles is not on.
Is this a known issue? Can anyone else repro this?