I don’t have enough space between the main page and the right widget sidebar. I am not familiar with css entries, but thinking that is the only way to accomplish a wider break between the two. Please, HELP!!
I have a problem with setting up the header image.
When I choose an image I got black bars on both sides (left and right) … that means the header image is not full page width.
How can I fix this?
I purchased the pro version and am wondering if I just add the license someplace or if I need to reinstall the theme.
Je n’arrive pas à modifier la largeur de l’image d’en tête, comme vous pouvez le voir sur le site internet, il y a des bandes noirs des deux c?tés et j’aimerais que cela prenne la largeur complète.
Merci par avance
Is it possible to move the main menu from below the header to above the header for my client’s website? It would really look better at the top…and the Museo theme which I also use for a client (and is also from AcadmicThemes) can do so. I’m assuming I would need CSS code to be able to do it. Is it possible?
Debbie Mason
I’m using City Hall and the main header image has always been full page width. For some reason, it has changed to about 60% of the width and centred tonight. I was adding some pages so perhaps I hit a keyboard shortcut or something.
Any ideas where the header width setting it?
Thanks for your help
]]>Hi – does anyone have any experience of integrating Woocommerce or other plugins into the City Hall theme? The author states that it has not been tested but should work.
Many thanks.
Before you open a new support thread, please watch the full video about the City Hall Theme.
The video is a complete walk-through of the theme’s features and settings.
I hope this video helps.
Thank you for installing and trying City Hall WordPress Theme.
Please note that all of the theme’s settings and options are available from Apperance > Customize > Theme Settings.
And now the answers to some potential questions:
The header photos are added from Appearance > Header.
Recommended size: 1100×400.
The layout can be changed to: sidebars on both sides, sidebar only on the left, sidebar only on the right or none at all.
You can change the position any time from Appearance > Customize > Theme Settings.
This setting is global (affects all pages, posts).
When setting your main menu (the one at the top of the website, with different colored backgrounds), here’s what you have to do.
– On the Appearance > Menus page click on “Screen Options” that appears in the top-right corner.
– Check the box for “CSS Classes”.
– Now if you click the down arrow for any item in your menu, you will have an extra “CSS Classes (optional)” input field.
– Use any of these built-in CSS classes for your menu items: blue, blue2, green, green2, green3, orange, purple, red, red2, yellow.
The footer contains 3 widgetized columns.
You can add any widgets on the Appearance > Widgets page.
If none of the 3 widgetized areas contain any widgets – the block will not be displayed.
The theme comes with built-in support for the Breadcrumbs feature that comes with Yoast SEO plugin. Simply enable this feature in the plugin and it will be displayed by the theme.
The theme comes with a custom widget: Academia: Featured Pages.
They were developed to be displayed in the Homepage: Content Widgets widgetized area.
Their configuration is pretty straightforward, so feel free to test them out.
This version of the theme is a simplified version of the full PRO version of City Hall theme, which provides more customization controls.
I hope this helps!