I noted that the breadcrumbs looks like this when I’m on portfolio items:
You are here: Home > Portfolio > Portfolio > Category > Item
“Portfolio” occurs twice.
The first link is a link to the front page (mysite.com), the second link is the portfolio page (mysite.com/portfolio).
What am I doing wrong?
I have…
* created a page called “Portfolio” and chosen the page template “Portfolio”.
* selected above page as the front page under Settings > Read.
After I activated this theme I’m not seeing featured images on the front page or the post pages?
]]>After I activated this theme I’m not seeing featured images on the front page or the post pages?
I love this theme but I am having a slight problem with the menu. No matter what I do in css with either the primary menu or the portfolio menu, I cannot change the font size, nor can I add a box around the primary menu. It seems that no matter what I put in the menu css that it doesn’t register on the actual site. I know I am using the right css because other changes I make on the site show up just fine, it is only the menus that give me this problem. Any help at all would be appreciated.
Here is the message:::
Compatibility: Loading Issue: Author is using load_textdomain instead of load_theme_textdomain or load_child_theme_textdomain function. This may break behavior of WordPress, because some filters and actions won’t be executed anymore. Please contact the Author about that.
Naming Issue: Author uses unsupported language file naming convention! Instead of example de_DE.po the non theme standard version chun-de_DE.po has been used. If you translate this Theme, only renamed language files will be working!
]]>Everything seems to work on the computer, but iPhone/ipad my drop down menu isn’t working? any suggestions? I’m new to this.
the drop down problem is in my portfolio tab.
at one of my website, bold tag <b> is not working. If I use STRONG tag, everything works fine, but if I use <b> it does not do anything.
For example this article:
Any ideas what can be wrong? Anything with stylesheet?
]]>How would I add adsense in between first and second posts on the homepage?
]]>Hi Justin,
First of all, thanks for making this really nice theme. I’m finishing up my company website at the moment, and your theme has proven to be the perfect building ground for it.
There’s only one small thing I’d like to change, and perhaps you or someone else can help me out. I have no need for comments or mentioning that they are closed, so in the comments.php I took out this part:
<?php if ( pings_open() && !comments_open() ) : ?>
<p class="comments-closed pings-open">
<?php printf( __( 'Comments are closed, but <a href="%s" title="Trackback URL for this post">trackbacks</a> and pingbacks are open.', 'chun' ), esc_url( get_trackback_url() ) ); ?>
</p><!-- .comments-closed .pings-open -->
<?php elseif ( !comments_open() ) : ?>
<p class="comments-closed">
<?php _e( 'Comments are closed.', 'chun' ); ?>
</p><!-- .comments-closed -->
<?php endif; ?>
That worked, but the block surrounding this text is still showing on pages, and I’m not sure where I can take this part out.
Any help is much appreciated!
]]>Hi, I have installed ‘chun’ as my theme for my portfolio website. I want to use purely for visuals and do not need the publication date or ‘posted in’ footer either on each post. I have installed both Date Removal SEO and Wp date Remover plugins and neither have worked. Has anyone any ideas? I am struggling to find it in the code as well. Thanks in advance!
]]>I am having a problem with only one page of my website not reading the CSS. This is only happening in IE8 and earlier versions. The website works everywhere else.
If you look in IE8 or an earlier version of IE, you can see that on the homepage (which is also the main blog page) the nav is not reading the stylesheet. It works on every other page of the website, as well as all other browsers. HELP!
I am using a theme called Chun its a very good theme but it has this large grayish frame around images that have links attached (i.e you click them to go to another page)the frame is very light in colour when you dont put the mouse over it but becomes darker when the mouse goes over it. Either way I want the frame gone because I have rounded images I want to run into the white background. I have been looking it up online and tried just about anything I could see. Does someone with experience of this paticular theme or problem have a workable solution. Example of the image problem can be seen here https://www.conorbennett.com at the bottom three images
I really like theme, I like the size of the pages without the side bar but i like the customisation features i can put in the side bar.
Is there anyway i can make the side bar thinner it is very thick at the moment and if i made it thinner it would work perfect. Is there a line of code i can past in or some value in the code i can change????
]]>Please help.
I use Version: 0.1.2 Chun theme. I wonder how to setup portfolio post view on front page, so my front page can look like this:
Thanks in advance.
]]>I was planning on using this very nice theme, but I found out that it is not compatible with IE8.
Is this correct? Is this being looked at?
None of the social media plugins are showing up on this template. I have tried many. Please help!
]]>1. Is it possible to install a custom header in the Chun theme?
2. Why won’t individual posts display the image from the front page in Chun theme?