I been using the calatropis theme. can it be updated to be used for the latest version of WordPress.
]]>Can anyone advise how to change the colour of the text on the navigation buttons ?
]]>On the Calotropis theme, I’d like to change the size of the widget titles. Some of them are properly sized, but others are too large and run onto a second line. I haven’t been able to figure out the right CSS code to do this yet, can anyone help?
My site is: https://www.fordlibrary.org
An example of the titles I’d like to change are the “Download Books” one on the left hand side. I’d like it to match the size of “Search our catalog”.
]]>I have a page that I am creating for a client, but I can’t seem how to make the container of the post and pages change past what it is.
Site I am working on is this: https://yellowjacket-media.com/wheelstream/toyotaolympia/stock-pr736/ You see that the form is cut off… but you see the page like this:
And the containters are full screen or the adapt to the width of your window to a certain point.
Basically, I need to figure out where in the theme code it is so I can make the containers change width.
Thanks so much!
]]>Hello. I have Calotropis set up to display excerpts in 4 columns on the front page. After the larger, most recent post at the top, a maximum of 10 posts will show. 10 is an awkward number, as it only half fills the bottom row. I’m not sure where the limitation is coming from.
I have a plugin that lets me hide individual posts from the front page, so each time I have a new post, I go hide the 10th oldest post to keep the rows even (1 at the top + 8 excerpts/thumbnails remain).
Is there a hidden setting somewhere that would allow me to show the most recent post (at the top) plus 12 or 16 more excerpts? Some multiple of 4 anyway, so that the rows remain even.
Thank you.
]]>Hello! Have just started using Calotropis on a new website and am quite pleased with it. I just noticed, however, that when a post has comments, there is an alignment error on the front page.
Screenshot here: https://media.tourabsurd.com/images/alignment_error.jpg
The website is absurdreviews.com.
Any idea how to resolve this?
Thanks very much.
]]>Good theme! Only a little help. I am wordpress in my language, catalan. With Calotropis I don’t need to make full translation of the theme, only I want to change the presentation of every post, related to the sentence “by (author)”, after the date. I want to change “by” for “per”, in catalan. What must I do? I have looked for “by” in the file functions.php and in the single.php, without results. Can you help me? Thanks a lot.
i use calotropis wordpress theme, and the problem is drop down menu will be open till page load complete ,
could you help me to fix it ?
this is the adress: https://www.behtour.com
Hi, does anyone know how I can get rid of the thumbnail boxes on posts? I can’t find any free pics to use on my posts, so can’t see the point in having the thumbnails on each post. My website is https://www.pyjamanewsreader.com I’ve only just started posting content and must admit, I’m finding it hard very hard going trying to format the site. Everything is a lot more difficult than I thought it would be.
If anyone can help, I’d be very grateful for your help. It’s just that everything seems fraught with danger and I don’t want to remove something that I need to keep.