I made a big mistake and had to reinstall WordPress and now I get the message…
Notice: Undefined index: host in /home/grantham/public_html/blog/Wordpress/wp-content/plugins/feedburner-email-widget/widget-feedburner-email.php on line 182
Notice: Undefined index: host in /home/grantham/public_html/blog/Wordpress/wp-content/plugins/feedburner-email-widget/widget-feedburner-email.php on line 185
The site is blog.granthamukulele.co.uk
Can you please help.
]]>Hello all. I really like the curly font of the sidebars on this theme, but sadly it no longer fits in with how I need it. Is it possible to change this to a bold font? How do I go about this? I cannot seem to work it out.
Its a child theme in a sub HERE
Many Thanks
]]>I’m using a child theme of Buttercream, I’ve added a fixed background but there is a faint outline of the original background colour (biegy yellow outline)..
Where in the CSS would I be able to change this to a darker shade of green or preferably remove it altogether? I can’t seem to find it anywhere.
Also, is it posible to remove the borders of the bottom sidebars? I’m only using the middle one for the dog logo. It would look lovelier without the dotted lines.
Its available HERE
Thanking you all muchly. This theme is working out excactly how it was intended!!
]]>I’ve tried adding the CSS so that the Nav menus turn green on hover, but it really doesnt seem to work. Can someone explain the code I’ll need to do this? I’ve added a:hover{color:green} into the stylesheet but it didn’t work.
Thanks for a top theme. It’s exactly what I was after too
I’m having trouble with resizing the header image, I want to change the image with my own, but the size is always wrong even after I tried to modify some parts of the css.
Actually the problem happened because I resized the content part to 960px, the original size is a little bit too small because I moved the widgets to the right side of the content. When I’m using the original size, the header image seems just fine and responsive, but when I resize it to 960px, the header image size still won’t change even when I already modify the css. The header image size is wrong only when I view it in the monitor, but when I view it using smartphone or tablet it is still responsive and the size is right.
There is a part of the css that I can modify so that it can be viewed correctly in the monitor:
.site-header img,
#custom-header-image img,
.entry-content img,
img.size-full {
max-width: 100%;
/* width: 1000px; */
/* margin-left: -105px; */
If I modify the line max-width: 100% with those 2 lines after it, it can be viewed correctly in the monitor but it becomes unresponsive in the gadgets, I’ve also tried to modify the @media for the smaller screen but it’s just won’t work.
Can please someone tell me which part of the css should I modify or add so that it can be viewed correctly both in the monitor and smaller resolution screen?
Thank you before and sorry for the bad English ??
Here’s my site:
I was able to move the sidebar to the complet left but I would like to make it right beside the text in the center. I looked to the new buttercream template however, I can’t upload it to my site. It won’t let me do so. Any suggestions on how to make the sidebar be part of the center column ?
]]>Hi All,
I set up a wordpress site for a friend’s bakery business. I’m using a free theme called “buttercream”. I’m having an interesting issue that I cannot sort out:
The URL is https://www.primrosebakery.com
When the site is accessed via a desktop browser, the site I built shows up.
When the site is accessed via a mobile device (iphone/android), the old default logo that came with the theme shows up, and the colors are different.
I cannot figure out what is causing it to show a different version of the site to a mobile device.
Has anyone experienced this before and can possibly point me in the right direction?
Hello folks,
I’m a WordPress newbie and I’ve got a small question.
I’m using the free “Buttercream” theme.
I would like to change the colour of the hyperlinks on the bottom of my page. (They are very hard to read at this moment)
Can you please tell me how to do this?
You can visit my website at https://www.toldbytess.nl.
hello ! on my website i have many things on my sidebars, and thats a problem to access to the menu on mobil version because the menu is aftar the long (very long) sidebar, so i would like not to have the sidebar on mobile version. i succed to remove my left sidebar but no these on the bottom.
Anyone knows how to proceed ?
Thanks per advance.
]]>How can i be keeping the customization even between updates..??
]]>I was wondering if anyone knew the modification that I need to make in order to remove the Navbar.
On IE7 and IE8, the cupcake image at the top overlaps the site title. This isn’t happening in IE9 or IE10 or other browsers.
]]>I have created a custom post type “video” (see my functions.php below) and it should return an archive on mysite.com/video but instead I get a 404.
// Video's
add_action( 'init', 'register_cpt_video' );
function register_cpt_video() {
$labels = array(
'name' => _x( 'Video\'s', 'video' ),
'singular_name' => _x( 'Video', 'video' ),
'add_new' => _x( 'Voeg nieuwe toe', 'video' ),
'add_new_item' => _x( 'Voeg nieuwe video toe', 'video' ),
'edit_item' => _x( 'Bewerk video', 'video' ),
'new_item' => _x( 'Nieuwe video', 'video' ),
'view_item' => _x( 'Bekijk video', 'video' ),
'search_items' => _x( 'Zoek video\'s', 'video' ),
'not_found' => _x( 'Geen video\'s gevonden', 'video' ),
'not_found_in_trash' => _x( 'Geen video\'s in de prullenbak gevonden', 'video' ),
'parent_item_colon' => _x( 'Parent Video:', 'video' ),
'menu_name' => _x( 'Video\'s', 'video' ),
$args = array(
'labels' => $labels,
'hierarchical' => true,
'description' => 'Gebruik dit posttype om video\'s te posten',
'supports' => array( 'title', 'editor', 'excerpt', 'thumbnail', 'comments', 'page-attributes' ),
'taxonomies' => array( 'post_tag' ),
'public' => true,
'show_ui' => true,
'show_in_menu' => true,
'menu_position' => 11,
'show_in_nav_menus' => true,
'publicly_queryable' => true,
'exclude_from_search' => false,
'has_archive' => true,
'query_var' => true,
'can_export' => true,
'rewrite' => array(
'slug' => 'videos',
'with_front' => true,
'feeds' => true,
'pages' => true
'capability_type' => 'page'
register_post_type( 'video', $args );
I am working with Buttercream as a parent theme.
I have a similar cpt (“foto”) and that one does work flawlessly. Very strange. Is this a conflict with buttercream?
]]>I’d like to increase my header image width
I found the part of the code where it was set to 850 and changed it to 1200 but still showing up at 850… ??
Was it only in custom header php that i needed to make the edit?
Is it possible to change the fonts of the theme?
]]>Hello everyone,
I’d like to change “Continue Reading” for “Lire la suite” (It’s the french translation).
Where can I do that?
My website: https://www.aquatremains.fr
Many thanks!!
I love this theme but I’d like to change a few things.
Is it possible to have an article preview? Currently, any article that I write is displayed on full version on the webpage. I’d like to only the 4-5 first lines and jump to the next one. If the reader wants to see the full version, he will have to click on the article title.
Also, currently, all the widgets are on the bottom of the page. I’d like to put them on the right. Is it possible?
Thanks for your help!!
I have modified the theme with bigger width (960px) and with right sidebar.
You can get more information here https://blog.pixelthemes.com/freebies/buttercream-wordpress-theme-with-right-sidebar/
Thank you,
I recently downloaded this theme but am having trouble downloading the share with twitter, facebook, etc. buttons that come after the post. I had the ‘add this’ plugin, but it doesn’t seem to be compatible with this theme.
Does anyone know how to add these buttons, or which plugin would work?
Thanks in advance. My website is ikhlashussain.com
as for the header that is different from mobile and computer, i would like to put different background for one of my page, on mobile version.
Can semeone help me to know how to do that ?
thank you
]]>Hello ! i changed my permalinks because i wanted to have the name of my pages and posts on urls.
and the css seems to disapear when i change that. Is there an explaination ? or does somoene had this probleme to that can help ?
i search on forums but didn’t find anybody with that problem.
]]>Hello !
when i do my pages, the backgroung color does not work seems that it can only be changed on the cms, problem is that i don’t want to change it for all content but just one page.
I tryed to put a background color, and it looks like the content html is not in the page.. difficult to explain, the best is to see :
i’m used to do that on wordpress, and that’s the first time i have a problem … as if it wasn’t possible to put background images..
can you help ? cause i really don’t see what is the source of the problem..
]]>hello !
i have a little problem… i created my pages put them with iframe plugin (wich is very usefull) but on mobil version it’s cut, i would like to know how to resolve that, to make it adapt to the screen on mobile and tablets, haw is it possible ? is there just a css to had to my html ?
thank you per advance for your help !
Does anyone know what code I need to modify in the style.css fileto change the type of the font for the posts area?
Please let me know
I was wondering if it is possible to change the width of the post area in this theme? I tried to look for it in the style.css but couldn’t find anything about it.
Thank you in advance.
How do I change the coding in order for the author to be displayed in each post? I have a blog with different authors and need a way to easily tell which post was posted by who.
Also, all of the posts are set to private and I have managed to figure out how to get the archives widget to work to show private posts to those logged in, but I am having trouble figuring out how to get the Calendar widget to display private posts.
Can someone please help with these issues???
Thank you!!!
]]>Hello i have got a problem with the menu
when i reduce my internet window, a part of it goes on a second line instead of staying in right, I would like it to stay all in one line whatever the size of the screen is, can anyone help for that please ?
]]>hello, on the mobile site the “ok” from search goes away
how can i resolv this ?
]]>hello ! I had a sidebar because i needed one, problem i have is when i reduce my window it cuts my images on my posts… it’s really anoying.. and some of my widgets are getting to the images… is it possible to not have that thing that remove everything when i reduce my window ? please help :/
is it possible to change the language of the theme ?
everything is in english and it is a problem for my visitors..