Buongiorno, come posso fare per diminuire la velocità della rotazione delle slider ?
]]>hi, during i worked with the admin frontend, the theme suddenly dont display correctly any more the login and Checkout page from WOO Commerce not any more
this seems to be a bootstrap failure. Or something changed during my provider made an update from this theme.
the .col size is not fitting any more. Both colum fields which has around 50% each (2 col) is now reduce to 14 %, so the imput fields to small , the text wont fit.
question: should i manipulation the bootstrap.css or better fill in own code CSS by the theme himself, if i am making new site.
need really bit help, cause webshop crashed.
thx for response
Al momento de la ultima actualización de la plantilla no me muestra las imagenes del slider
]]>I can’t find where to change the title for the category that is located at the top of the site, because now in this place is the name of the last added product.
link for example (one of categories, but this problem in every category)
https://www.krasopalubka.ru/product-category/komplektuyushhie-dlya-opalubki – I need to change title “Винт стяжной” on the picture
I want to add a text block or just text on the home page and keep the slider, latest news and service blocks. I have searched for hours for the solution but I can not find it. Can someone help me with this. I use theme Businessup
]]>In the mobile phone the slider in homepage is showed with crushed images.
A really bad appearance. Support told me that they will find a solution but never reply back.
]]>Why If you change the standard color when you enter in the site it shows you the standard colors first and then the customized ones???
I opened a ticket but never replyed to me
]]>Why the plugin “Material Design for Contact Form 7” display white form?
If you try to customize the (really bad and ugly standard forms) it shows nothing.
Only with that theme I have the problem.
]]>When I post a text on the blog (using Business up Theme) the words are cut to fit the margins set in the theme with no concept.
For example: Words can be cut => word s / wor ds / e xample / prob lem, etc.
The title had the same problem but I solved it with an additional CSS, but I can’t fix the text content problem.
Can you help me, please?
Thanks in advance.
Gilson Siqueira
]]>I have made Import data, but some blocks are missing, e.g. https://prntscr.com/no51mu no such block, and no both blocks https://prntscr.com/no5272 and some others. Why imported data differs from demo?!
]]>I see at the very top, hours and email address with some default information. I don’t see it in customization. I would like to customize it and if that isn’t possible remove it. Please advise, thank you.
]]>Can someone steer me to the code that sets the header and help me reduce the height and the font sizes? It is much too tall for my use and the fonts too large. This code is apparently in the CSS somewhere but I have been unable to find it.
I am referring to the large block that contains an image and also a menu, apparently. The block rolls up and down transprently as you scroll, causing different prortions of the background behind it to appear. I really don’t need this feature either.
]]>Can anyone tell me why my header image keeps tiling on this theme when I upload it at the exact size that is required?
]]>Fatal error: Can’t use function return value in write context in /***********************/themes/businessup/inc/ansar/widget/businessup-service.php on line 74