This theme doesn’t work well for me on local servers. The problem of very long page loading is not solved. Other themes don’t have this problem. The developers don’t answer. They don’t care about help.
]]>I don’t know how to replace icons for social networks. I need css code to replace icons, but I couldn’t find such code. Somebody knows?
]]>Where could I find the code that is blocking the search box from showing. I can see it only whenever I try to customize it. Can somebody help me with this?
]]>Sidebar widgets going on bottom of the post when google auto adsens ads are on. Your theme is amazing I just love it but there is just a tiny problem that tickle me a loot ?? I found a bug when auto ads from google are allowed the sidebar widget is moving on bottom of the post. Can you help me fix that. You can see for yourself for example this post
When you turn on lets say adblocker the theme looks fine but with the ads sidebar goes at the bottom for some reason. I am not rly a good at coding so can you help me with this. Thanks.
I have tried to contact you through many means, but no response so far!
I am having problems with the favicon of the site not showing on most sites, however does on some. Please get back to me on my requests.