It seems the logo size is hardcoded by the settings in the appearance menu. So how do I get it to responsively resize for mobile?
]]>I recently found and installed this theme. Now, all of my posts have the following message at the bottom:
Fatal error: Can’t use function return value in write context in /home2/cephus/public_html/manga/wp-content/themes/book-rev-lite/templates/bookrev_review_wrap_up_template.php on line 117
I have installed the two plugins suggested for the theme, Orbit Fox and WP Product Reviews, but the error is still there. What am I missing or need to do to make this go away?
]]>Hi, I have a wordpress site with Bookrev Lite theme. Just few days ago, I found that the main control menu (the one has WordPress logo, customize and login) disappear when I go to the post pages, that do exist in my home page and other pages. Also, the sidebar disappears only in post pages, and it is there in other pages.
I have tried to change the theme to the default “Twenty” one, and disabled all plugins, but it doesn’t work
It seems impossible to hide new pages from showing in the menu, no matter what location I choose if I create a menu with the page selected and dont choose any location it doesnt matter cause the page will show as a menu Item.
]]>I’m desperate to remove the green icon displaying ‘0 comments’on the thumbnails on the homepage. I’d like it to be an ‘on/off’ switch somewhere as I don’t want to have to start using CSS to do this on an otherwise adequate plugin.
Has anyone found a workaround for this? I haven’t gone live yet and would prefer not to until this is resolved.
when I updated the theme appeared this message in the posts: Fatal error:
Can’t use function return value in write context in /var/www/html/ on line 71
What can I do to fix the problem, since the comments in the posts are gone.
Thank You.
]]>Hello, and thank you for a nice theme.
I do not allow comments on my page, and so I would like to remove the green “notices” on all book-cover thumbnails that say that there are no comments to the post.
I have tried regenerating all thumbnails, but the green notices are still displayed on all thumbnails on the startpage.
Is there a way to remove them?
Thank you, Julia
]]>I just ran the latest update of the Product Review plugin, belong to this theme and immediately my website was gone, and I could no longer enter via WP-ADMIN either. With help of my tech advisor I managed to fix it temporarily, but I know what the problem is:
In functions.php this was mentioned: Call to undefined function cwppos() in <b>/home/thequeen/public_html/wp-content/themes/book-rev-lite/functions.php</b> on line <b>479
So, by entering in a little complicated way I managed to deactivate the Review Plugin and am currently without. Which, to be honest, isn’t fun, because I have over 130 (!!!) reviews on there, now all missing information.
So, I would love for you guys to fix this issue so I can keep using the Product Review Plugin. Otherwise I would love to hear a good alternative that makes sure that all the info I used (pre/con:grades) gets inserted too (I have a back-up file from a few days ago, so only would be missing just one article).
]]>Hey there,
Thank you for using our products. ThemeIsle has a great support team that is always ready to help you and all the members of our free community.
On this forum, we only keep in touch with the customers who use our free themes and plugins. No questions about premium features will be answered here and we have the right to remove the threads that treat this topic. For premium support, we have another dedicated contact page:
IMPORTANT! Before creating a new thread on the forum, please make sure you’ve checked our documentation site, which lists most of the common issues people can encounter during their work with our products. Each issue comes with a reliable solution that you can apply right away.
To make your experience with our forums smoother, we put together a few basic guidelines meant to ensure an easier workflow and a better time response. By following these rules, you are helping yourself and the support team equally.
That’s why we prepared you a set of guidelines on how to use our forums to submit your requests.
Expectations & Guidelines
Thanks for understanding and for choosing ThemeIsle.
]]>Hello I want to change the link that leads to the original wordpress login page when you click “login” in the – you must be log in sentence in the comments section but I cant seem to find where this line is positioned I looked in almost every possible file.
I will be very happy if someone from here could help me with this task.
Thank you very much in advance.
Best Regards!
I use the “Affiliate Toolkit Starter” Plugin to display Amazon products. It works very fine with any theme. I only get a problem with the “Book Rev Lite” theme. The layout looks weird. I can show you an example.
With the Book Rev theme it looks like this:
But actually it should look like this:
It only doesn’t work with the Book Rev theme and I don’t know the reason.. But since it works perfectly with any other theme, I think the problem is in the theme?
Here is the code of that box:
O:13:"atkp_template":1:{s:4:"data";a:19:{s:5:"title";s:41:"Vorlage für breite Produktbox (Standard)";s:13:"template_type";s:1:"1";s:6:"header";s:0:"";s:4:"body";s:1218:"<div class="atkp-box atkp-clearfix %cssclass%" style="%predicate_borderstyle%">
<div class="atkp-predicateheadline atkp-predicate-highlight%predicate_id%"><span>%predicate_text%</span></div>
<div class="atkp-thumb">
<a %titlelink%><img class="atkp-image" src="%mediumimageurl%" alt="%title%" /></a>
<div class="atkp-rating">%star_rating%</div>
<div class="atkp-reviews">%reviewcount%</div>
<div class="atkp-shoplogo">%shoplogo%</div>
<div class="atkp-content">
<a class="atkp-title" %titlelink%>%short_title%%titlelinkmark%</a>
<div class="atkp-author">%by_text%</div>
<div class="atkp-description">%info_text%</div>
<div class="atkp-bottom">
<span class="atkp-price atkp-listprice">%listprice_text%</span>
<span class="atkp-price atkp-savedamount">%save_text%</span>
<span class="atkp-price atkp-saleprice">%prime_icon% %price_text%</span>
<a %link% class="atkp-button">%linktext%%linkmark%</a>
<div class="atkp-moreoffersinfo">%moreoffers%</div>
<div class="atkp-container"></div><span class="atkp-priceinfo">%priceinfo_text%</span>
I don’t know much about coding, but it seems like it’s only made of divs. Does the theme have any known issues with that? How can I solve that problem?
Thank you very much for your help,
Greetings, Korni
PS: I have the same problem as Brian ( with the theme. Already 20 months passed since his problem. Is there any chance that it will get solved in the future? I think everyone has that problem.
]]>Dear support
This theme not supporting rtl i tried to make adjustments by css still not taking any effects at all?
Your kind support please
]]>How do I adjust the speed of the slide.. it goes very fast. Also how do I control what posts end up in the slider or do they all?
]]>hi, I would like to modify H2 title of my Tag page :
This is the XXXX tag in only XXX .
Could you tell me in whitch file i can do this ?
]]>Hi all,
I tried to fix this myself and even hired a designer, but after hours of work (and a huge bill ?? ) he could not figure out what is wrong either.
I have two quite big issues with my ‘baby’,
1. The template is said to be responsive, but my readers complain that this isn’t the case and Google has ‘told’ me the same. When you see my site in google search results it even says that the theme is not suitable for mobile phones. (It is influencing my ranking negatively too). People have sent me pictures of how it looks on their tablet and indeed it looks weird. Now don’t get me wrong: I love this theme, despite having had issues before, and I definitely want to keep it. But it is important this matter gets fixed.
2. Since the last update of the theme my admin panel/dashboard is excruciatingly slow. Of course we checked all plugins, but this does not seem to matter. it isn’t the server either, because my other website for my company works normal. When switching to another theme for The Queen’s Sword everything is lightening fast again, so the problem must be in this theme. It can take up to 20 seconds to update a post now, or open a specific part of the site. The fastest parts are still close to 10 seconds, when it should be just ‘one count’. When under a deadline this is hell…actually it is always hell, but you know what I mean. Could you please check this out!
Thank you so much!
I’m just starting to set up a new site with this theme. I like it so far for the most part.
There is one pretty serious issue, though. I noticed whenever I open a category archive, my widgets get all wonky. I investigated and found that you have .category li set to float left (page 2779 of style.css).
This causes ALL li tags to float left on category archives because WordPress attaches the “category” class to the body tag of all category archives. So using .category as a class name for anything else isn’t really a good idea.
Could you please rename this class? Besides style.css, I found only two templates that would be affected by this change: bookrev_latest_reviews_block_template.php (line 109) and bookrev_feat_carousel_template.php (line 77).
I have installed the Book Rev Lite theme on my website. My site title is not displayed on the webpage. Instead, I can see the BookRev logo image in place of the site title. In the customize option, it says there is no header logo, but, I can still see the Book Rev logo in the header space and my website name is not displayed at all. Please help me.
Thank You!
]]>I changed the site title and Tagline. However, the display is still showing ‘Book Rev’ ‘Premium WordPress theme’. Pls help.
]]>The images of the books are not showing/broken in the featured “bookshelf” area, but will show in the area below it.
I am working locally, but here is a screenshot of problem.
Any suggestions/help is most appreciated.
I am trying to make customizations on a child theme of the book rev lite and they do not seem to be applying. Is there something prohibiting the use of custom CSS?
Also I have tries scaling the logo to fit the width, and the logo will not scale responsively when window size is reduced and attempts to set width to 100% are not applying.
Please advise
]]>I’ve noticed that the height isn’t a problem for my covers in my reviews, but the width is usually off by 25-50 or so pixels–making the covers look fat/bloated. Not sure if there is a quick code fix for this or something that could be fixed in an upcoming update?
]]>At the moment I am adapting the book rev lite version in a mamp database before I will migrate everything to a server and domain.
Unfortunately I seem to have some issues with the template. I am not a WP specialist but also not a newbie, so it might be sth extremely simple I am just missing. Worst case scenario I need to install it again, but we will see…
1. I have created 4 menu items now (pages) that are in the primary header (the lower bar below my blog name), but for some reason they show -except for the Home- all in the top bar too. But for now I want to keep that top bar empty and as soon as I have filled it with reviews I want to create a top 10 or top sellers or something like that. How do I do that?
If I look at ‘navigation’ it speaks of two menu’s and primary head says menu (like it is supposed to, since under menu I have all my pages and for the other it is on select). Do I need to create another menu with an empty menu (like no pages there) and select that one for Top bar?
2. Secondly, I have created those four pages. Home speaks for itself. Then there is the about me, also not a problem. But the other two are meant for two separate things, books and artwork. And I want to be able to link the specific posts to those menu items/pages. And in the future I might make an extra menu-item. I have added categories (books/art) and linked those to my test reviews, and when I click on the word book now on the item post itself it shows up in a book section. But… Only if you click on the word books under the post (for example in the highlight on home), it will show up on a page called books but if you click directly on the primary header menu bar you get on the empty books page with no featured book reviews at all.
3. Also, on the home I have displayed slider, latest reviews and highlight of the day, but with the last two I do not get images, even though images are seen in slider and when you open a post. Do I need to address that in a different way?
4. If possible in any way I would like to disable comments (I think I already did), and also get that little air quote balloon on the book image gone or under every post no reaction possibility or balloon.
I know it is a lot, but I would be very grateful for some help.
Hi, i’d like to put a carousel of featured images of my posts where the “ad-banner section” is, how can i achieve this? Thanks!
]]>Hi! I’m trying to translate the theme to Spanish (some small parts like “Wrap up”, “Comments”, etc.) but when i look for the .pot file it’s empty. How should i do this and not lose everything i’ve translated when updating? Thanks
]]>How do I hide the top and/or main menus? How do I change the topbar/top menu bar color if desired? How do I change the footer text color? How do I hide the bookshelf image if I am not using a slider? Where is a link to your documents for this theme?
]]>I’m using Book Rev Lite with international language and I want set International Google font. Please let me know how to add other Google font.
I did update font-family in “style.css” but it could’t response on the browser. How to remove Google fonts link from WP.
Thank you.
]]>Theme – Bookrev Lite 1.6.2
Website –
What I’m finding is that when I visit a category page my footer either disappears when visiting a post within that category page and is replaced by an option to view another post or the layout messes up when simply visiting the category page without going into a post.
An example of the layout messing up is
My page widget lists the pages vertically instead of horizontally. Also the Recent Posts widget is acting up.
An example of the footer vanishing is
The only option is to visit the next post. My footer has vanished.
Any help you guys could offer would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again for your time.
ps- Also my home page displays my featured images without a comment count and the proper resolution (not stretched). However, on the category page my featured image is stretched and the comment count is back.