Dear friends,
in blox theme / we heva a problen in theme options page
Drag & Drop active or inactive elements not work and if you try to save
options evriting go crazy…
Thank you
]]>I am trying to get this plugin working with Blox to create media galleries with custom links:
However, I am experiencing problem #6 in the above FAQ. I have tried disabling all other plugins, but no conflict exists. However, the plugin works fine when I switch to the Twenty Fifteen theme.
The plugin developer recommends that the theme support the post_gallery
filter, which I presume Blox is not doing. In lieu of that, I am unsure where or how to apply their proposed fix to my functions.php
$output = apply_filters('post_gallery', '', $attr);
if ( $output != '' )
return $output;
Any suggestions how to resolve this issue?
]]>I have been trying to download the Blox Theme, but it is not letting me. Internet explorer stops working immediately, I have been able to save the file but not sure how to make it work
Is this theme (blox) Compatibility with WP 4.1??
Excuse me for my english but i’m french.
I’m going to downloading your theme but i’ve got a problem with it. When i activate it, my website doesn’t work. There’s something wrong.
Maybe I need to donwload another version of your theme.
Thank you by advance for your help.
Best regards.
]]>How do you delete the following HTML in the comments box:
You may use these HTML tags and attributes: <abbr title=””> <acronym title=””> <b>
<del datetime=""> <i> <q cite=""> <strike>
Thank you.
i wont to remove date and author from excursion essaouira