Hi. We guess the theme is capable of recognizing some usual social networking sites and choose the icon from some inner ou external library, but strangely there is no Twitter at this site of a customer: https://txuscuende.com/ilustracion-animacion/
Besides, we’d like to know if, via CSS or via some setting we haven’t found, it’s possible to add an icon, in this case for Etsy online selling platform.
Thanks in advance.
Hi, I like how this theme’s demo shows a mosaic of featured posts with their featured images, but I can’t find how to activate that display.
“Documentation” and other buttons at “About Blogbook” in WP Admin panel don’t work, they just take to the same page: …/wp-admin/themes.php?page=blogbook-welcome
Theme’s customize menus don’t show any option related to that.
If we can’t show that display this theme will be useless for our project.
So I hope you can help us.
Thanks in advance for any help …and take care!
I use wordpress multisite.
When I activate the theme in a sub-site I get the following error in the admin’s pages.
Warning: get_headers(): This function may only be used against URLs in ../themes/blogbook/inc/template-functions.php on line 163