Can someone tell me what i need to do so:
1) get ‘leave a reply’ and ‘comments’ on the homepage?
2) how to get avatars displayed?
I have create a home template and set as home page. set a pagination on home tamplate it work on tamplate page but when i set as a front page it not work,
Please give me suggesion how to work..
]]>Blain is my favorite theme, and I use it all the time. Unfortunately I’ve been having some trouble making a paginated archive page for custom post types. I have one called ‘news’, and supposedly I should be able to go to, and an archive page would automatically come up. That gives me a 404 error.
So, I made a custom template page and have a loop in it that looks like this
$args = array (
'post_type' => 'news',
'pagination' => true,
'posts_per_page' => '10',
'posts_per_archive_page' => '10',
'order' => 'DESC',
'orderby' => 'date',
After the loop, I add:
<?php blain_content_nav( 'nav-below' ); ?>
It pulls the first 10 news posts, but there is no pagination at the bottom.
Can you help me at all? How can I make the regular archive work? If that’s impossible, how can I make the custom template file work?
Thank you very much!!
]]>The thumbnail image uses the first image out of the post and scales it down. This slows the page build up. Is there a way to upload extra the thumbnail in a smaller size?
Solutions welcome ??
My slider is not showing on the home page as it should.
when you open is not there at all, but will appear after sometime.
I have regenerated the thumbnails. I have restored the original Blain settings on slider…I know the slider option is don’t know what else to do. Help please..
thank you
our website:
It would be great to allow <link> tags when adding customer header/footers so that we can include references to external stylesheets. To be able to do so in options-sanitize.php, I inserted a line after line 18:
$custom_allowedtags["link"] = array('href' => array(),'rel' => array(), 'type' => array());
But it would be great if I didn’t have to modify the theme’s code to have this functionality.
Great theme! Thanks!
]]>help me! I don’t know how
]]>Using theme version 1.2.1 and like this theme a lot but I find the featured thumbnails to the left of each post a bit annoying in that there is no obvious control option to disable that feature, hide them or even resize the thumbnail. Write or wrong, I accomplished hiding them by modifying the content.php file. It works the way I want in that if I dont have a featured pic it wont show anything to the left of a post. Would be awesome if an update was made to include settings for these.
Content.php, edit line 30
<img src="<?php echo get_stylesheet_directory_uri()."/images/dthumb.png"; ?>">
Change featured thumbnail size edit line 29 of Functions.php
Old: add_image_size(‘homepage-thumb’,220,200,true);
New: add_image_size(‘homepage-thumb’,95,75,true);
Anyone else got any mods to share?
]]>Hi Rohit!
I would like to have 3 picture slider on the front page and on the other pages – only a fixed picture. Can you plz give me any suggestions concerning this?
]]>I have installed the Blain theme and added some pages. So far so good.
I then deleted the home page (long story why). I now realise that I should not have deleted the home page.
I re-instated the home page but this home page is not displayed when I enter the site url e.g.
When I press the home tab, the URL is
How do I ensure that when is entered, I am taken to ?
Many thanks for any help you may give. I am not experienced in wordpress so please bear with me.
]]>Hi Rohit!
i would like to edit the footer of the web-page
1. I want the web-page to end just exactly under Hanna Sles by Freelance Translation Studio. Blain Theme by InkHive. So that there won’t be any grey space underneath.
2. I want to add some contact information and other info under Hanna Sles by Freelance Translation Studio. Can you plz give me suggestion which file I can edit?
thank you very much for your help
Hi Rohit!
I woiuld like to remove “Leave a reply” and “comment section” only on pages
But I would like to keep “leave a reply” and “comment section” on posts.
would you plz tell me what changes I should make?
Hi Rohit!
I am experiencing a problem with my stylesheet, Professional Profile section. I would like to customize bullets:
padding-left:20px !important;
background: url(‘wp-content/uploads/2014/06/bullet.png’) no-repeat 5px 8px transparent !important;
font-family:’Conv_Cambria Italic’ !important;
font-size:15px !important;
line-height:25px !important;
list-style: none !important;
but when I check i see, that user agent stylesheet overrides it.
what do you think how to block overriding the user agent stylesheet? I heard that it is possible in function.php
thank you for your answer!
]]>Hi, how I can change the effect on the slider? I need to have a Ken Burns effect. like this
]]>Hi Rohit!
I would like my front page to include share buttons, name and date in sticky notes, like on this page
Would you plz give me a clue where and what to change?
thank you!
I like the Theme “Blain”, but there is a writing foult
“Contine reading →”
Where can I change the text for the “more” in the correct “continue” or better in the german “weiterlesen”?
Can you help?
The blogs adress is:
Kind regards
I can’t seem to find a way to add Font Awesome WITHOUT adding a plugin.. I see that it’s being pulled for the social icons, but can’t find a way to add or edit.
Please advise, thank you in advance.
Kind regads.
The theme is wonderful!
…quick question:
How would I go about making the nav menu drop down on mouse over. Meaning, the sub menu will drop down or “appear” when hovering over any nav menu.
Thank you in advance.
Kind regards.
]]>When I set a featured image for a page, it doesn’t show up when the page is viewed.
]]>How do I swap out the default social media icons for my own icons?
]]>Estoy utilizando el tema Blain, y en la cabecera aparecen los iconos sociales que se pueden a?adir en las opciones del tema, y los que he utilizado de facebook, google+, y twitter funcionan correctamente, pero tengo el problema con el enlace de youtube que a pesar de grabar la url del canal, sin embargo no lo modifica en el código php y siempre coge este direccionamiento=>
el dominio es
He modificado el archivo header.php pero la línea de código que he cambiado no la ejecuta actualizada y sigue direccionando mal.
Alguien me puede orientar de como cambiarlo.
Esta es la línea:
` <?php if ( of_get_option(‘youtube’, true) != “”) { ?>
<a target=’_blank’ href=”<?php echo esc_url(of_get_option(‘Youtube’, true)); ?>” title=”YouTube” ><i class=”social-icon icon-youtube-sign”></i></a>
<?php } ?>`
Gracias a los que me podáis sugerir como solucionarlo
]]>Top navbar order changes without any problems, while lower one simply refuses to be changed from admin. How do I fix that?
upper navbar
<nav id="site-navigation" class="navbar navbar-default main-navigation" role="navigation">
<div class="navbar-header nh">
<button type="button" class="navbar-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".navbar-ex1-collapse">
<span class="sr-only">Toggle navigation</span>
<span class="icon-bar"></span>
<span class="icon-bar"></span>
<span class="icon-bar"></span>
wp_nav_menu( array(
'theme_location' => 'primary',
'depth' => 2,
'container' => 'div',
'container_class' => 'collapse navbar-collapse navbar-ex1-collapse',
'menu_class' => 'nav navbar-nav',
'fallback_cb' => 'wp_bootstrap_navwalker::fallback',
'walker' => new wp_bootstrap_navwalker())
and lower navbar
<nav class="special-nav">
<ul class="menu">
<li><?php wp_nav_menu( array( 'theme_location' => 'footer-menu' ) ); ?></li>
Live link here
Im trying to make the images on the slider links instead of just the text at the bottom, is there a way of doing this?