Ich habe das Theme Biker installiert. In dem Themen sind Bilder installiert, zum Beispiel ein Motorrad mit einen Motorradfahrer darauf. Meine Frage ist das Bild geschützt , muss ich für die Benutzung des Fotos auf meiner Homepage mir die Zustimmung vom Fotografen einholen? Oder sind die Grafiken / Bilder kostenlos?
]]>можно ли изменить самую нижнюю надпись, ссылкой на wordpress? в теме байкер
]]>I am just trying to find out how to change color of the tagline. I shows up blue and I would like to change it to red or yellow. I cant find anywhere in the customizer to make the change. Ive also tried changing it via the Additional CSS option in the customizer and tried adding it to the Style CSS in the editor. I have had no luck. Are there any options for changing the tagline color?
]]>? want to hide tags.
I am using this beautiful theme on https://www.die-vertriebenen.com/wordpress and everything works fine so far.
There is one problem I cant solve: the image used in the “Logotype Image” section does not change its size in smaller browsers as on mobile devices.
Can you please help me?
How i can change the content Backgroundcolor?
It is white – i want it black!
Any Ideas?
Thank you
]]>Hi Peops,
The mobile menu is not working when testing in small browser screen.
]]>I installed your theme and all is great, only issue is the theme shows widgets in the footer section and I cannot seem to find where they are so that I can translate the words and edit them. Its the Calendar, Recent Posts and Search widget. For the left sidebar I found them and edited them but nothing for the footer area.
]]>I can’t get my fonts to change no matter what I do, and my widget background color and heading title color are both blue when they are supposed to be green. I’ve exhausted my own ideas and have no idea what to do next. I’d like to launch my site this weekend, but can’t do so because it looks like a mishmash right now. Help!
]]>I have a problem with NextGEN Gallery, this plug in clashes with the Biker theme I am using which results in me not being able to use the customisation feature. I have resolved the issue by deactivating the plug in, however I am having trouble finding a suitable replacement.
Any suggestions on either a suitable replacement or resolving the clash.
I first used the unicorn-theme, but I missed the option for multiple menu’s.
Now I switched to the biker-theme, but I can’t get the left sidebar in woocommerce visible anymore.
This was possible in the unicorn-theme.
I have put widgets in the “left sidebar”, “Pages, left sidebar”.
I have created a widget area “shoppingpages left”, and there I’ve put widgets in.
But still no widgets to see.
Dis I missed something, or did I do something wrong?