I finally got my nice car Club site all finished and then noticed my Menu buttons are all right side of my Navigation area…I had them centered by default..I must have messed up css somewhere. Please help.
My website was hacked December of last year. I think the attack gained entry from this theme.
Does anybody else had a similar experience.
]]>At mobile size, the secondary sidebar stacks below the body content, but maintains its size percentage. It becomes too narrow to be usable. How can I control the secondary sidebar size throughout the responsive sizes?
]]>In order to add anything to the Sidebar, I have to add to the Secondary Sidebar.
Anything I add to the Primary Sidebar doesn’t show up anywhere.
Any advice?
]]>I love this theme. One of the best that I have ever used. But I am having a problem figuring out how to change the link colors. any advice would be helpful. thanks
]]>My widgets appear all the way down on the right hand side of my home page and I cannot get them back where they’re suppose to be. Any ideas??
]]>Please note that the theme is now Responsive and I’m still missing Social Icons which will be added at the bottom footer area in the next update.
If you need help or concerns comment on this support ticket.
]]>If you guys wish this theme to be resonsive so that it becomes mobile ready.. please comment here ??
]]>Dear Benjamin,
I’m using Azul Silver theme. Thank you very much for you create it!
I have a problem with “Search” option. When I search something, I get this error :
Fatal error: Call to undefined function azu_lsilver_metadata_posted_on_setup() in ..... /wp-content/themes/azul-silver/content-search.php on line 4
What’s the problem? Could you please help me?
I know how to change the background color and Header text color but I would like to change the color of the navigation bar from the standard dark grey to something else. Im very new to wordpress and don’t know coding at all.
here is the link; https://www.softtouchdental.co
Also, is there is way to change the text color for the sidebar?
]]>I’ve tried to get the text / paragraphs to resize when making browser windows smaller. I can’t figure how to do it in this theme – Azul Silver. I’ve tried before customizing anything and after with a child css style file.
Please help.
]]>Take a look at: https://cfaannual.org/for-attendees/hotel-information/
The photo (aligned right) sticks out beyond the boundries of the content area, yet there’s plenty of room for it. I’ve never run across this on any other theme/site. And looking at the code in developer view shows plenty of space.
]]>I very much like this theme and installed it this morning:
One question, however — if you look through the first few pages, you’ll see that the first line of paragraphs is occasionally indented, often the first line of a post, while this isn’t true for other posts. I prefer that the first lines of all paragraphs NOT be indented — is there a fix for this?
Thanks, and all best,
George Hunka
I just noticed that the search results are limited to 10 entries?
How come I can not see the links to the other hits? Usually, there are numbers to show how many pages are in total.
I expected to see something like the below:
Prev. .. 1,2.3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13…. Next
How do I fix the HTML tags found at the bottom of the page (shown in the link below)?
How do i add some padding to the search icon (shown in the link below)?
You will see that it is too much on the right side.
]]>I use the center Selection and they go left. I can use the right and they stay right justified just not center. How do I fix that?
]]>How do I create a home button on the Nav bar? I’ve tried creating a blank page with a link but it goes to the subscription page and not the home page. I’ve tried adding a custom link in the menu but it does the same thing. I’m sure I’m missing something simple. Help!
]]>So far, I still see the theme’s version in WordPress to be 1.5.
How come I do not see the latest version available for download yet?
]]>Can someone help me change the width of the SECONDARY SIDEBAR (for pages) in the Azul Silver theme. The overall page is set for 900px and it looks like the main page is 650 and the secondary sidebar (for pages, not posts) is 250. I did find entries in the style.css The only thing that I found close was code in the HEADER NAVIGATION section of the .css but that didn’t seem to be correct. Thank You.
]]>Will a Footer be introduced on future versions?
I have a custom sidebar using the Search Widget.
How can I :
– change the shape of the search box from oval to rectangle?
– add a rectangular Search button next to the search box?
I have another question.
Is it possible to put social icons (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) on the main menu (primary-navigation)?
Thanks again.
Congratulations on the theme.
Is it possible to move the search bar? Right now, it shows up on the top right of the page.
I do not have any sidebar.
I was hoping to move it on the main menu (primary-navigation) and right justified. Is this possible?
]]>I’m using Azul Silver theme, which I like a lot.
Is it possible to delete the primary menu (above the content) and have a menu at the left side of the content instead of at the right side?
Thank you in advance.
Kind regards,
I love the theme, but need to be able to make the site full width without the right sidebar. The theme description states that this is possible, but I cannot find the way to achieve it.
Could you please explain it to me in an easy way? (WP beginner but able to edit css etc.)
Kindest regards,
I am using this theme for a multilanguage site. Installed polylang as well.
Everything works, however, the menu only shows 1 language, and doesn’t switch to the other language.
Any help? Thanks
]]>I’ve done a lot of editing to this theme (azul-silver) but am stuck on the last thing. When you have a featured image it’s displayed at the top of the post using the class “medium-post-thumbnail”. Can I use some form of CSS to auto resize the image to fit in the container? The width is fine but the height of the container is to small for the image.
The only CSS I can find for it at the moment is:
img {
margin: 0;
max-width: 100%;
padding: 0;
I’ve tried adding max-height: 100%; but that has no effect.