Happy with the Avid Magazine theme, except for one thing. In previous themes I’ve used, the single post page included links to the previous and next post in the blog. Instead, Avid Magazine includes links to three “related” posts, which are apparently identified by a algorithm that does not yield related posts at all. I’d love to have the simple previous-next post links instead. Is this a feature that’s available in Avid Magazine?
]]>Above the top menu, I am getting WordPress admin panel with Login and Register option. How to remove that.
]]>Using Avid Magazine theme, I’ve added the standard Search widget to its Footer Widget widget area. It works, but its formatting is wrong. It’s background is set to the header font color, its title gets too much vertical space (so the bar underneath the title does not align with its neighbors), its title is invisible against the background. I’ve looked into the theme css, but can make heads nor tails of it (I’m an admitted css noob though). How can I fix this?
]]>The site for Avid Themes lists a support email address. However, email to that address goes unanswered. Hopefully, an Avid Magazine support page in the forums will yield more. Has anyone had any success reaching their support?