The customize section will not load after upgrading to the newest wordpress. Error in the console is the following:
wp-color-picker-alpha.js?ver=5.5:91 Uncaught ReferenceError: wpColorPickerL10n is not defined
at h.<computed>.<computed>._create (wp-color-picker-alpha.js?ver=5.5:91)
at h.<computed>.<computed>.h.isFunction.a.<computed> [as _create] (widget.min.js:11)
at h.<computed>.<computed>._createWidget (widget.min.js:11)
at new h.<computed>.<computed> (widget.min.js:11)
at HTMLInputElement.<anonymous> (widget.min.js:11)
at Function.each (jquery.js:2)
at n.fn.init.each (jquery.js:2)
at n.fn.init.h.fn.<computed> [as wpColorPicker] (widget.min.js:11)
at initKirkiControl (script.min.js?ver=5.5:1)
at i.ready (script.min.js?ver=5.5:1)
Hello, source text typing error:
‘label’ => esc_attr__( ‘Auto Paly’, ‘avata’ ),
This function is “Auto play” not “Paly”.
Hi there,
When looking at my site on a mobile phone, there is a large white space (that appears to be an image) that appears between my header and content area. On the desktop version it is fine until the window is made smaller (by dragging). I had my developer friend look at it and she thinks it is a theme issue. Any ideas?
the script you added is not noConflict
you missed a $ in line 171
seems to cause conflict with other core and plugin scripts
Although the logo is clickable on desktop, it is not on tablet/mobile devices and also it becomes unclickable when you shrink the window on desktop. I saw that this happens also in demo. How can it be fixed?
I am using avata for a business webpage and everything works fine except buttons’ link on the front page. I have used the theme customization for my front page and polylang plugin in order to translate the different strings to both english and greek language. My problem is that since I have a blank front page, I can not configure the front page buttons in order for them to use a different url depending on the page language instead of using the custom link which I have posed by using the theme customization. Is there any way when I am on the english front page and click the button to go to the english corresponding page and when i am on the greek front page and click the button to go to the greek page respectively?
]]>Hi, I would like to add a third button over the landing page image. Can I do this with this theme and how? Any help is appreciated.
I’m using the current Avata version 1.9.4. I’ve changed the menu font color to #eec820
It seems, that the menu font color is changing its value depending on the picture of the slider, but I’ve never seen the color, that I’ve configured.
I didn’t change the CSS styles, so I need your help. What wrong in my configuration?
I am trying to align the menu to the center vs the right as it is. Is there a way to do this? I have spent hours trying to figure it out for my client. Please help!
I inserted JS into section content of ‘Custom Section’ but it doesn’t work.
What can be wrong?
Is there a current option to adjust the back ground colour or transparency of the drop down menu? I find that it is useless to have as the writing blends in with background and therefore can’t read the menu items. If you could help with this it would great!
I need help with these theme. I’m a novice at this whole website building and have exhausted my avenue with my Host company Panthur…they have referred me to the theme developer as believe it could be PHP setting issue???
Below is the error i receive when i try to save any changes on the customizer. So far it saves my logo and colour changes but nothing else.
DevTools failed to parse SourceMap:
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
NB. I’ve also updated the Theme to the latest version.
]]>How do you change the button’s class (defined in the html tag)?
I have found one of my buttons had its class changed to the wrong type on a recent update. You can see that the button with text ‘Resume’ is now incorrect and the button with text ‘Github’ is the correct class.
When I shift-click the element to customize, I only have the options to change its text, link, and target. Not its type.
When I inspect the element in chrome, I can see that its class is “btn btn-lg btn-primary” while the class that produces the correct result is “btn btn-lg btn-primary btn-outline”. How do I get it switched to the correct class?
]]>Testimonial Auto scroll can it be done
I recently installed Avata and I like everything it does for the frontpage, but I seem to have no control over the other pages on the site. I want to have a visible header/banner on my blog page but have no idea how to do that with Avata. Presently, the page is basically blank aside from the logo and menu, can I change the header background color or add an image? Any suggestions?
]]>I updated my theme today and am now getting the following warning:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/gamingby/public_html/ on line 817
The relevant line of code is:
foreach( $sortsections_saved as $k=>$sortsection ){
I’m not sure how to fix this. Is it a problem with the theme? I’ve checked all other potential updates and everything else is up-to-date. I searched online for the warning message, and someone suggested it was a plug-in conflict, which seems unlikely due to the warning being about sections, not plug-ins. I’m willing to experiment with those if anyone else thinks that holds promise.
Let me know if i can provide any more information. Thanks in advance.
]]>It takes almost 10 seconds for the 2nd page (service) to render. This occurs in Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.
]]>Dear HooThemes,
First of all, I would like to thank you for sharing this wonderful theme for free.
I would like to create a multi-language site using your theme, but I have no idea on how to translate customizer contents.
I used Polylang & WPML addins, and I managed only to create translations for posts, pages etc.
Can you please help me on how to translate Customizer contens?
Thank you,
After I updated the Avata theme on the same day I updated WordPress to the newest version 4.9 I realized the themes customizer was missing. I restored the backup I had taken before the updates however, the WordPress did not restore the previous 4.8.3 version. The Avata theme did restore to it’s previous version, but still no theme customizer. I then updated the Avata theme again to the newest version, cleaned the database and still no customizer. I need to make edits to the sections and currently have no access to them. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
]]>Hi HooThemes.
I’m building a site using Avata (childed), and would like to create/use additional Custom Sections to the two available.
Please could you shed insight on how to go about this? I’ve looked in the code, but have not made any headway past creating a duplicate of the section-section-1.php, changing 1 to 2.
Thank you!
Used the free version.
Comments are not showing, but enabled, tested in all possible configurations.
The comment counter is working, but there are no comments on frontend.
(Only if we comment it from the backend, the comment number shows up on frontend too).
Hi, how do you remove this? I dont want to disable animation completely, but i wish to use my own css for the animation.
I installed the free version of Avata and I see that in the demo you have a beautiful contact form.
I installed the required plugin but I am not able to use shortcodes.
Can you helo?
Just wondering. I am using the free version of the AVATA theme and have not been able to add the footer widgets. I thought that I just need to slide them over or click on them to activate. But they are not clickable or movable, just looks like an image.
Would the footer widgets be an available feature for the premium or pro version of the AVATA theme only?
If not can you tell me how to get them to look like the footer in the free version demo.
Thank you.
I keep trying different sizes of images to put in the banner slider. It seems to size for 100% height and then the image gets cut off on the right. How do I change it so it is 100% width? I do not mind if it does not go all the way from top to bottom.
]]>Hello Theme Developer,
I tried to use this theme, Avata, on one of my sites. when I try to create child theme then the theme was not working properly.
Can you please help me creating a child theme for Avata theme.