Rating: 5 stars
I am using a copy of the Asthir Pro theme, for one website, and I am so very pleased with it I plan to likely purchase another $29.00 copy for another website, that I would like the logical layout, thoughtful options, and organized live editor tabs, which are of the best wording and layout and togetherness of related factors of any theme I have used before. It is great to have the welcome line, logo and description, and main menu sections tied together as an organized triad. The fonts made available that come with the theme, and not needing to use a Font Plugin, are quite smartly selected, with good options that impress. The widget title surrounding rounded rectangle is a very innovative and pleasing look. Improvement of that could better accommodate longer TEXT/HTML/IMAGE Title Texts for those 3 types of Widgets, such that the rounded rectangle nicely bounds the two lines of words, with good padding in balance. Color options are excellent. Improvement could allow for color customization of page and post background color, and could properly color the bottommost footer notice strip with the chosen color, rather than showing (maybe erroneously) as pure &H000000 darkest black. Asthir, for a fairly uncommon and newer theme, shows great potential for innovation and improvement. Finishing up: it is so very nice to find a theme which allows blog title to be aligned in various ways, plus allowing for complementary and flexible alignment of the main menu. Another improvement that would be nice is customization of text links for unvisited and visited colors, maybe adjustable to different colors, depending on post, page, or widget. Blog post breadcrumb options could be added to this best of all themes otherwise. Post time could be displayable as an option instead of just date only. Blog post categories that are lengthy could have surrounding rounded rectangles that bound words nicely with padding. Read More Buttons could add the option of same color as category title, same color as heading color of post title, or outline of that color as line stroke, rather than fill. Thank you for pioneering a whole new set of possibilities in theme options and functional congruency. Adding what other older themes have long had of a little more customization could be an easy path, while sticking to Asthir’s uncluttered and uncomplicated leanness away from custom glut and overload, like other themes fall victim to. Bravo. Go Team WP ThemeSpace!