As for aki blog,
1) How can I change the footer background color and footer text color?
2) How can I change the color of facebook icon in the footer?
3) Why does arrow like icon (meaning there is a drop-down menu) next to the menu character in the top bar show broken, only in a few pages, not all pages?
4) How can I change top bar color? I added the following css code but it was not working. There is no “topbar” in at all.
#top-bar {
background-color: #ffa100 !important;/* Add your desire color */
5) How can I reduce the height of copyright area. It is way to big right now.
6) Other than “customize” edit section, if I click the menu character in the top bar, nothing happens. (In “customize” edit section, if I click the menu character in the top bar, the proper page appears). Only when I click the drop down menu, the proper page appears.
7) header image does not fit the full width. I did not change anything, and why the page does not look like the demo? How can I make header image appear full width?