I’m writing to ask how the Afford theme handles images in each post.
What I’m trying to do is use the plugin WP All import to import a csv file of vehicles for a car listing site I’m building with wordpress. I have imported about 90 vehicles, each with about 30 images per vehicle.
When I import the file, I can see all of the vehicle images for each vehicle in the Media section of the admin, so they are uploading correctly. However, when I look at each post that is created from the import, only the non-image data is there, the images are not.
So the images are there, they are just not attached to the post.
I’ve created a custom field for the images, and then given it the value of \[gallery] but this has not worked. I’ve tried this in both the regular post in your theme, and also by creating a custom post type on my own and using the Pods plugin to create a custom post type. None of these have worked, there are no images in the post itself.
I’m just learning wordpress and wp development. I’ve read the WordPress plugin api/action reference on the Codex but that hasn’t shed light for me, probably because I don’t fully understand it yet.
I’ve also read “Function Reference/get post gallery” and “Function Reference/get post gallery images” on the Codex, but again since I’m learning, that hasn’t solved it yet for me.
Thank you very much for any help you can offer! I appreciate and love the look of your theme!
Could you help me with the detail on how to change the colour of “Leave a Reply” text on a single post.
URL : https://www.chaitanyasblog.com/drawings/the-way-to-know-life-is-to-love-many-things/
The current colour is a deep blue, which isn’t legible on the background colour I have chosen.
Thank You.