Please, use qTranslate-X from now on.
Thank you!
replacing the original function names was really unnecessary. Will you consider reverting? We ( qtranslate-slug) can support this fork, if you do.
You can keep the class names and plugin name as it is. Why bother changing the function names?
]]>There is another fork of qTranslate here, which I personally like the most:
Author of zTranslate: If you wish to merge qTranslate-X and zTranslate to support one qTranslate-ish plugin together, please, contact me to discuss the details of merging.
]]>We use ztranslate version 2.6.2 with german and english as languages.
When we create a new post and enter some text, internet explorer (newest!) freezes. We aren’t able to do anything. It’s blocked and we can only end it if we use the task manager.
The Debug Console doesn’t throw an error.
What can we do to resolve the problem?
]]>I use ztranslate version 2.6.2 and if I check the checkbox “Hide Content which is not available for the selected language” my websites menu appears as a long list of all pages. Untranslated pages are still listed in this list.
I use wp_page_menu() for my page menu.
What can I do?
]]>hey there! i`m new to this plugin and also not an expert in wordpress – so i hope you could help me. i installed ztranslate. the managing of the two languages works fine and when i put the ?lang=en oder ?lang=de in my browser, i get the selected language. but how do i make it that i can select the language in my menu bar or on each site in the frontend??? thanks for your help!!!
]]>There is a version soon to use it on WP 4.0 ?
I’m using WordPress 4.0, Nextgen and zTranslate 2.6.2 with Italian and English languages.
Everything fine except the image description, for wich there is not the possibility to enter the text in more than one language. I tried also inserting in the description field the two texts, preceeded by the language tag ([:it] and [:en]), but the browser displays all the two texts with the language tags.
I was looking at the code in Nextgen Gallery and in zTranslate but, until now, I was not able to find a solution.
Has somebody faced the same problem?
Or, better, has somebody found a solution?
I’m having trouble with the Site-Titles when I’m using the WordPress SEO Plugin by Yoast. It’s showing both titles, english and german…
Like -> ImressumImpress (Without Space)
And it’s not working with Shortcodes like <:en> because WP SEO deletes them.
For qTranslate there was a Solution:
// Enable qTranslate for WordPress SEO
function qtranslate_filter($text){
return __($text);
add_filter('wpseo_title', 'qtranslate_filter', 10, 1);
add_filter('wpseo_metadesc', 'qtranslate_filter', 10, 1);
add_filter('wpseo_metakey', 'qtranslate_filter', 10, 1);
But this isn’t workling anymore. Anyone a solution?
I recently updated to ztranslate and I’m very happy with it. However, it seems to not be fully compatible with Advanced Custom Fields.
The changing language tabs don’t work unless you have performed some action in the editor (switching from visual to text, writing something…). If I disable Advanced Custom Fields it works properly.
The console shows the following script errors:
too much recursion
too much recursion
too much recursion
too much recursion
function ge(id) {return document.getElementById(id); }
Is there any way to fix that?
Thank you!
]]>Hi, nice to see that we have zTranslate, and I like it, but I need qTranslate slug as well for my custom template slugs. Any ideas how to make zTranslate work with qTranslate slug?
]]>Hello, How i delete Zranslate and the translated post and pages? when i deactivate it or remove the second language all post and pages are writen with two languages. How can i remove/delete the second language in all my post and pages?
]]>Hello i deactivated all plugins because of in bbpress error (Are you sure to do that?) when i want to write a topic and figured out that this error is when ztranlate is activated. How i resolve this problem?
]]>zTranslate also killed the Contact Form 7 plugin, it doesn’t send messages any more. I will have to disable the zTranslate.
]]>zTranslate and Advanced Custom Fields plugins are not compatible.
Cannot add pages, post content, edit it,.. .etc.
Actually I found out, you can, somehow if toggle between visual and text mode in editor. But very hard to use. It looks like affects mostly visual mode, in combination with Advanced Custom Fields plugin.
]]>When editing post there’s probably wrong path to images, to show flags.
]]>Hi there thanks for the Plugin! Do you have plans to support WooCommerce ie. for the cached Frontend Cart or Checkout URLs?
]]>Above Fixes are necessary to avoid date errors.
Errors (Example): Dashboard-> Activity:
Notice: A non well formed numeric value encountered in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/site/wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php on line 709
Notice: A non well formed numeric value encountered in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/site/wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php on line 711
I’m using Spacious theme and have the Ztranslater installed.
I want to translate the text in a button in the slider. I tried with this code:
<?php _e(“<!–:en–>english text<!–:–><!–:da–>danish text<!–:–>”); ?>
with no luck.
The full botton code is:
<a>" title="<?php echo esc_attr( $spacious_slider_title ); ?>"><?php _e( '<?php _e(“<!–:en–>english text<!–:–><!–:da–>danish text<!–:–>”); ?>', 'spacious' ); ?></a></div>
It display both of the languages and not the selected one.
Anybody knows how to solve this out?
The page is located here:
I recently installed zTranslate and at first glance this is exactly what I need, good job to all involved.
I have encounter one serious issue which occurs in both IE and Chrome. When I edit or create Pages or Posts in Visual Mode while zTranslate is active, the content area become frozen, actually with IE the entire browser freezes and I need to terminate the process.
After experimenting, I noticed that when the content is no longer shown in the edit window in Visual Mode, I can switch to Text Mode and I am able to resume editing.
In passing between Text Mode and Visual Mode, WordPress raised a notification that the version of the content backed up in the browser was different that what was shown. Maybe this is part of the issue.
My current three site a simply for testing, but I am hoping to use WordPress on my current project to create an non profit assistance website for separated couples. I am really hoping this multilingual plugin will be stable very soon since it is the best open source version I have found so far. ??
WP Version: 3.9.2
zTranslate version: 2.6.2
IE Version : 11.0.9600.17239
Chrome: 37.0.2062.102
Hi guys i have a site on local now.
When i add ztranslate almost al my content i cant translate to english and backwards to dutch. But 1 page doesnt change the language.
This i get when i translate home page : https://localhost/?lang=en
This is get on posts:https://localhost/desk-f1-en-f2-dansen-op-kunstgras/?lang=en
And the problem is this link : https://localhost/aanbod/?lang=en
its works on the main page, but i have like 5 things i do with my bussiniess so 5 diffrent pages : and then i get this : https://localhost/audio/birthday-party/
The lang=en is gone.
Could you guys help me?
]]>A small bug inherited from qTranslate in ztranslate.php file.
Error in lines:
279: $q_config['flag']['pt'] = 'br.png';
280: $q_config['flag']['pt'] = 'br.png';
I think must be:
$q_config['flag']['pt'] = 'pt.png';
$q_config['flag']['pl'] = 'pl.png';
— 196: $q_config[‘locale’][‘pt’] = “pt_BR”;
++ 196: $q_config[‘locale’][‘pt’] = “pt_PT”;
(If after install zTranslate fixed it , must Reset zTranslate in config options, to see changes.)
zTranslate 2.6.2
Buttons to select the language when you add or edit content to post or pages do not show the image of the flag.
No show image: <img src=”/wp-content/plugins/ztranslate/flags/gb.png”>
It works if: <img src=””>
nice plugin and it works well but I could not find a Thai language file.
Is Thai langiage supported by ztranslate?
Thank you in advance for the answer.
Best regards
Heiko Schmidt
I’ve deinstalled qTranslate and installed zTranslate. After adding new Page there are 2 different language tabs, which shows that zTranslate looks like OK installed. The content on each tab is different, but despite that, after clicking two different sublinks and shows the same text.
zTranslate makes different links, shows language tabs – everything looks fine, but instead of 2 different text, it shows on different sublinks same content.
Is it a bug, has something to do with the instalation or is it related with qTranslate.
Thank you for your answer.
I’m using WP 3.8.3 with qTranslate, however today I installed zTranslate. It seemed to work well. At a first glance there are no issues. However, i tested the language switching, and the problems emerges when I switch from English into French and back to English, the content is show in French.
Basically, what I’m saying is that when I see the English version I have the English language content, when I switch to French I see the content in French, but when I switch back to English the content remains in French…
I’m asking myself, maybe it is because of the WP version I’m using?
Could you, please, help me out with this?!
]]>Hi, how I can change the logo (image) depending on the language? thank you
]]>Hi, how I can put put the switcher in the menu or in the header ?, but to place it where I want, thanks
]]>All languages are working fine but when I found out that there is no DANISH default language installed on this plugin, I decided to manually install it. I used the .mo file called that is already existing on your plugin’s lang folder directly, but after that, the danish language unable to translate my pages!
Please help! I’m willing to pay or anything please!
I’ve tried to install zTranslate on a WordPress version 3.9.2 but after activation all webpages went blank. Also installed on a testserver with a small WordPress website with all plugins deactivated. After activation zTranslate all webpages take a long time to load.
Any idea?