Instruction asks that you simply enter URL of zenphoto gallery. Where is this?
Is this something I make? It also wants data path.
I updated zenphoto on to 1.4.4. After the update the site runs well. But the wordpress plugin “zenphotopress” on our blog has a problem to load the thumbs from zenphoto.
If I try to reach the thumb manually from a browser I get a 404 Error
What could be the problem ?
The developer said that”Zenphotopress probably requires an update for 1.4.4.”
[zenphotopress album=0 sort=random number=10]
The thumbnails are shown correctly in Firefox (lines and columns),
but are all in one column in IE.
What can I do to solve the issue?
Thank you
impossible to make the thumbnails appear with zenphoto press, the widgets appear no album
]]>Zenphoto version
I just installed ZenphotoPress. I have already tried clearing my cache, I logged out of my dashboard and back in, I have refreshed the page several times, but the ZP icon doesn’t show up in my editor for either posts or pages.
I have rechecked the URL for my ZenPhoto as well as the server path and both appear to be correct.
I have installed the latest Zenphotopress and latest word press.
I have setup as I understand. In the New Post editor I have a ZP icon. When I click on it the pop up appears with all my albums in a drop down menu, however the jpg previews are broken jpgs, ie a box where the image should be with a broken jpg icon inside. I can drop links to images which works but I cant preview the images which is really the idea…
Can you help?
Del Jones
I did a fresh install of Zenphoto and just installed ZenPhotoPress plugin in my wordpress 3.4.1, on my ubuntu 12.04 server.
here you are the path :
In zenphotopress options I set the path to /home/user/
If i try to add photos in an article, by clicking zenphotopress icon, a pop up appears, and stay loading for some minutes after telling me that I have to configure the plugin options.
It seems that zenphotopress is looking for /home/user/ But there isn’t such a file in Zenphoto (been replaced by zenphoto.cfg).
Is that a Bug ? or is it my path that is incorrect ?
Anyway, this plugin seems very promising…I tried piwigomedia before, but never succed to get it work either, bad day :o)
After I upgrade the ZenPhoto from to, any new photo uploaded to zenphoto after upgrade cannot display for selection.
I already change the image status to “Published”
I already try delete the cache, reinstall plugin. Any hints?
WP : 3.3.2
ZP :
Chris Lee
Hi. Just installed the latest version of zenphotopress. Seems to work okay, except for the fact that nearly ALL of my albums in zenphoto are dynamic and your plugin can’t find the images in these virtual albums. Is there a way to get dynamic zenphoto albums to work with your plugin? That would be wonderful. thank you.
]]>I have several WordPress Blogs on the same server (Ubuntu 10,04 LTS, Apache 2.2.14, PHP 5.3.x). One of these blogs is configured to run on a SSL / HTTPS virtual host. Only on this blog /WP-installation ZenphotoPress does not work. When I call the dialogue to insert a picture / gallery into a post, the listing of available albums is simply empty. On all other blogs running in the same server ZenphotoPress runs absolutely fine.
Is there a problem with ZenphotoPress and SSL?
I have enabled adavanced debug options and get the following message:
ZenphotoPress Messages
ZPP Version:
PHP Version: 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.15
Current working directory: /var/www/diary/wp-content/plugins/zenphotopress/tinymce
GET: Array ( [tinyMCE] => 1 [ver] => 345-20111127 )
ZenphotoProxy method: cURL
ZenphotoProxy call: https://MYSERVER.TLD/wp-content/plugins/zenphotopress/zenphoto_bridge.php?function=get_nested_albums&data_path=/var/www/zenphoto/zp-data
ZenphotoProxy call: https://MYSERVER.TLD/wp-content/plugins/zenphotopress/zenphoto_bridge.php?function=get_nested_albums&data_path=/var/www/zenphoto/zp-data
Thanks for your help!
]]>Might have something to do with site (under construction) on a temporary webserver. Not sure.
Notice: Undefined index: zenphotopress_admin_path in /home5/mywebb2/public_html/mywebsite/wp-content/plugins/zenphotopress/zp_config.php on line 137
Notice: get_settings is deprecated since version 2.1! Use get_option() instead. in /home5/mywebb2/public_html/mywebsite/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3467
]]>Hi for all,
I installed the ZenphotoPress on WordPress 3.3.2 and the process was normal, without erros. After setting the ZenphotoPress, the albuns and photo links appears to me but the imagens don’t.
I read all the posts in this forum and did my setup again (about 10 times!) but I realy don’t know what it’s happening.
My Zenphoto is: and is working well…
This is the image of my ZenphotoPress dialog and widget.
Please, can anyone help me?
Is there a way that the ZenphotoPress plugin could insert a random (instead of specified image from a specified album) thumbnail into one’s WordPress blog? If not, are there plans to add this as a feature in a future version of the plugin?
]]> / whole website disappeared after installing this. FATAL ERROR message on website page
]]>I’m using WordPress 3.3.1 and ZenphotoPress
Having a problem with the Insert image dialog box – things work fine when i select a gallery to insert into a post, but when i try to insert a single image there’s no way to select an image:
I’ve tried clicking & double clicking on an image but nothing works – there’s no Insert or Cancel button, the only way to close the dialog is with the close button. Am i missing something or is there something out of config here?
]]>Recently I change my site to a new server, I already reinstalled all my plugins and all my site is working fine but only this plugin is not showing any thumbnails. I already check all my config but it look good, can somebody help me? I dont know a clue whats happening ??
For any help, thanks!
Download of the plugin is not working
]]>ZenphotoPress Version 1.7.4
WordPress 3.3
Zenphoto version [8326] (Official Build)
PHP version: 5.2.17
WordPress Installation:
ZenPhoto Installation:
(a) ZP icon appears in the wysiwyg editor, but clicking it results in “page not found” message in the pop-up.
(b) Widget is available for use, but using it results in no images displayed.
(c) Manually inserting shortcode [zenphotopress] into WordPress page called Gallery results in no images being displayed.
I’ve tried with different themese on both WP and ZP.
I’ve tried with the ZenphotoPressErrorHandler set to ZP_E_ALL.
No debug comments, no errors, no images.
]]>Hi Simbul,
I was wondering if there is a way to display a text link to a lightboxed gallery. I have lightbox working with Zenphotopress on posts, but I’d like to show no thumbnails and have the text link trigger a lightboxed gallery.
The functionality would be similar to what is described here:
Thanks as always for your time.
]]>Hi, thanks for the cool plugin!
I’m getting the following debug data when attempting access my albums via the tiny_mce pop-up:
ZenphotoPress Messages
ZPP Version: 1.7.4
PHP Version: 5.2.17
Current working directory: /home/k1ws/
GET: Array ( [tinyMCE] => 0 )
ZenphotoProxy method: cURL
ZenphotoProxy call:
ZenphotoProxy call:
My site isn’t password protected, but I can’t seem to get the album list to show up. Do you have any advice?
Thanks for your time.
]]>Hi there,
I’ve been developing a site with utilizing your wonderful plugin here:
It works fine on the dev server, but when I transferred to public it stopped working:
I enabled debugging but it doesn’t spit back any errors. It seems it will no longer connect to Zenphoto. When you add the widget in the WordPress admin the drop down list for choosing which gallery to populate is empty.
When I change the the data path under Settings -> Zenphotopress it updated the database but the field disappeared after the update. I also updated the ZP gallery URL and it remains in the admin.
The dev server is running: PHP ver 5.2.17 & MySQL 5.0.51a.
The production server is running: PHP ver 5.2.13 & MySQL 5.1.47.
Any ideas to point me in the right direction for a fix would be most helpful!
Best regards,
Hi, I have some proposed improvements to this great plugin. I needed a way to specify the size of the image to retrieve from ZenPhoto, so I added it. I also needed a way to style specific elements when I grabbed multiples from ZenPhoto. Currently, this plugin does not add id attributes to individual nodes in the dom, so I added that too.
Site: (note the use of zenphotopress at top of the sidebar and center of the footer).
Here are the changes:
I have thumb sizes set in Zenphoto – Configuration – Theme = 150, but in Zenphoto badge (widget) all thumbs have size 100×100.
I have tried to dig in the problem and see that thumbs img src looks like /zenphoto/zp-core/i.php?a=2008_vishera&i=vish200808_314.JPG&s=thumb
So s=thumb determines image size and should be default for Zenphoto , but as I said earlier I have set it to 150 in Zenpress …
By the way in classes.php there is query “SELECT name, value FROM db_options_table WHERE theme IS NULL AND (name = ‘mod_rewrite’ OR name = ‘thumb_size’)” … I don’t understand how it works because there is no table “db_options_table” in the database …
Zenphoto version is
Hope for your help.
]]>First of all I would like to thank Simbul for this great plugin. This is exactly what I was looking for to use pictures from separate photogallery in WordPress posts.
All works great, but I have kind of problem/issue regarding way of usage. Image files in my Zenphoto gallery as a rule have a quite big size (1600×1200), though displayed in a gallery with smaller resolution surfer has ability to view full-size picture. At the same time, when I insert photo in WordPress post I do not want to insert thumbnail , but instead I wish to insert decent size picture (like 600×450) for example. It means that ZenphotoPress inserts full-size (1600×1200) picture in the post and makes it smaller just with width=600 height=450 . It makes page to load slowly because browser loads full-size picture which I do not need in the post.
Is there some kind of solution/hack to resolve this? It would be nice if ZhenphotoPress could resize image on the fly and make a separate low-res copy to insert in the post though I understand that it is a difficult task and not the native task for this graet plugin
I have successfully (I think ) installed and configured the plugin. I can create posts and have the thumbnail photo show. However, when I click on the thumbnail, I get the following errors:
Warning: require(/home/users/web/b821/pow.witzgall/htdocs/wp-blog-header.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /hermes/web01/b821/pow.witzgall/htdocs/photos/themes/wordpress-integration-zp-theme/head.php on line 2
Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required ‘/home/users/web/b821/pow.witzgall/htdocs/wp-blog-header.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/local/lib/php-5.2.17/lib/php’) in /hermes/web01/b821/pow.witzgall/htdocs/photos/themes/wordpress-integration-zp-theme/head.php on line 2
Can anyone help with this? I don’t see anywhere in the intallation directions that I need to install a theme, but it looks like it is looking for one?
I’m having trouble getting images to appear with the plugin. Here’s the debug:
Insert Image
Album:Insert Gallery
Number of images to show:
ZenphotoPress Messages
ZPP Version: 1.7.4
PHP Version: 5.2.15
Current working directory: my_domain_path/public_html/me/blog/wp-content/plugins/zenphotopress/tinymce
GET: Array ( [tinyMCE] => 1 [ver] => 327-1235 )
ZenphotoProxy method: cURL
ZenphotoProxy call:
ZenphotoProxy call:
I couldn’t find resolution with the other posts. I hope it’s not something I missed.
In the zenphotopress popup window, I would like the to be able to sort the images by date in descending order. I currently have to select gallery, then select page 5 before I can add the correct image. Is there a way to change the sort oder by date?
]]>I get this error in a post when I try to insert a picture:
ZenphotoPress Messages
Could not find Zenphoto gallery. Remember to configure ZenphotoPress!
I have configured it in the plugin admin. But How do I make galleries the plugin insert button can actually find? this is unclear.
when I add shortcode in wp post, the img thumnails work perfectly, but when I click the thumbnail it goes to single image right away
which part in zenphoto or zenphotopress shoud I modify to make it goes to
Please help me, O try to resolve it more than 3 days still not working.
thank you in advanced
]]>This already looks to be a tremendously great plugin. The one big blocker for me is the lack of user-uploaded images. If, upon being logged into WordPress, my users could be able to seamlessly upload to the ZenPhoto gallery (possibly even select category), that would solve everything. I was thinking maybe this could be made possible by connecting the ZP integration with a user account, though it’s certainly a shot in the dark…